Whats is your best bit of Sledging?


Chairman of Selectors
Dec 10, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Ok guys, lets hear it, which bit of Sledging are you guys most proud of :p after a few stories ill post mine :p but until then ill keep it quite
I think this could still go in the Cricket Chat section but i'll post here anyway (swearwords toned down of course :p)

Batsman to his partner: "Look at this scouse lad here, watch me smack him out of this poo-hole of a ground"

Me (after clean bowling him first ball): "Can't smack yorkers like that pal, now flip off and find someone decent to bat."

Not the most creative, but he seemed like a really cocky lad and I was glad to first-ball him.
went down a hill and hit a ramp i made, took someones snowman's (that was about 5-6 foot tall, took them all day to make) head clean off

oh wait i get it now

interform cricket, prelim round (the finalists from last year played a preliminary so as to give the other forms a chance) somehow someone who cant paly at all was bowling for them, we needed 24 off the last over to win, he bowled 2 no-balls and 18 wides, got a run-out though, i came in at the non-strikers end, dont face a ball as the next one is dispatched for 4 and we win, the rest of our team come running on celebrating and, i think the term is "engulf" me

not really sledging but funny if you were there
ste_mc_efc said:
went down a hill and hit a ramp i made, took someones snowman's (that was about 5-6 foot tall, took them all day to make) head clean off

oh wait i get it now

interform cricket, prelim round (the finalists from last year played a preliminary so as to give the other forms a chance) somehow someone who cant paly at all was bowling for them, we needed 24 off the last over to win, he bowled 2 no-balls and 18 wides, got a run-out though, i came in at the non-strikers end, dont face a ball as the next one is dispatched for 4 and we win, the rest of our team come running on celebrating and, i think the term is "engulf" me

not really sledging but funny if you were there

Haha. 18 wides. How poor are the teams that you play? ;)
interform team, people were only allowed 1 over of bowling each, so everyone (except one person) had to bowl, he was a batsman, (poor batsmen aswell) but got let in as an insult to us as they thought they would easily beat us

serves them right
I have a friend who didn't play cricket much in Canada (Is a Pakistani). He used to live in UAE and play and had returned and came to a new school. So, he met me and my friends, and joined us in a match. First time I batted against him was just about the time I started coaching, and sucked batting wise, and had immense difficulty playing him as he was the fastest I ever faced (Tape ball).
So, a month later we meet again. Note: I had improved a lot more, Pace was my strength against the tape ball.
He starts giving me some stick before the match. He's on the opposing side, and they bat first. I bowl well, medium/slow with some spin. However, it's tape on tarmac, so don't take any wickets and get hammered, especially by him. (He has a terrific slogger, tall, well built with loads of muscles, amazing strength, but hates batting) So we have a fairly large but not impossible total to face. He was gonna open the bowling, and rest of the team didn't want to bat against him :p I come in third after one opener goes second ball. Here comes the good part :)
I hammer him all over and bat through the match :D:D Hit him for boundary after boundary, and smiled at him after each one. As he came charging in, I'd say "Aja, Aja" (Hindi for Come, Come), or "Bring it on!" and BAM! Through the legside for four :D:D
We still lose, despite me being not out. I couldn't score off a guy who bowled spin, and our best batter/mammoth slogger fell as it got tough, so the target ended up being too much.
At the end of the match, I got to him and say "What happened?"
He goes: "Bad day, I'll get you next time" :D
He did admit later that I did improve. This was just before the summer hols, so were are yet to play again, and he is still out for revenge :D
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Well once a keeper said to me "I dare you to smack this ball for six." So I smacked it for six and said to the keeper "there you go." He shut-up after that.
wolf said:
Well once a keeper said to me "I dare you to smack this ball for six." So I smacked it for six and said to the keeper "there you go." He shut-up after that.
Hahhaha, that's priceless!
:D Ive got a story like that,

I came into bat and i was playing against my cousins team. Anyways, he is a bit of a Flintoff wannabe just as i am Warne :p

He walks past me and gives me the nob he is taking the ball, so i get ready, as he is a fair quick bowler, from what it sounds, a bit like Matt is, fair tall and gets alot of bounce.

Anyways, first ball he comes tearing in and bowls a bouncer which i duck with ease, and as he walks away he tells me to watch out for more of them. Well being me, i thought about him throwing in a yorker, and he did, so id not scored from him after two balls and he says to me,

Whats up Si, you usually look to smack me about?
(Somthing along these lines)

So next ball i just guide down to third man and took two runs, and again he churps saying,

Hmmm....Whats up, My mom n ur mom r watching, i thought u were gunna show me how its done, you were saying all this in the car here.
(We played at a ground which had better drainage as there ground was water logged so i took a lift from my Auntie, so being males and both trying to act the better we talked up our games.)

So 4th ball he bowls another bouncer which i usually look to smack for 6, but knowing he knew id try it i left it alone, which i then got more abuse for.

Haha, dont tell me your gunna turn down that!

So i kept quite, 5th ball comes and he trys an inswinger which i saw all the way. It pitched a bit short so i came down the wicket and dispatched over Ben's head (My cousins name)

5th ball, i knew whatever ball came my way i was going to attack, and i knew he'd bowl a bouncer.

He runs up and out of nowere he finds an extra 5 MPH of pace, felt like 10, so i quickly go to make contact, and it floats weakly into the sky, and he comes running over saying

Your out, you must be out

Guy on the boundry runs in and for all the world i knew i was gone until the ball ran out of field and me willing the rope to come and it did, after all that it landed saftly for 6.

As he walks away, he mumbles to me that i was lucky.

All i said to him is

Look how your mom cheered after that one

He wasnt too pleased as my Auntie gets a bit excited at batting, she cant stand watching bowling :p

Now thats what you call family pride:P

Fair enuf he got me out, but i was on 47, so it didnt bother me much, as i caught him out, :rtfl
I've got quite a few sledges, my team is pretty vocal out on the field. Therefore not always the most popular team running around in the competition.

We started playing seniors at 15 and 16 and we struggled. We were bowling and one of the opposition batsmen hit a huge six and while it was in the air yelled "Sayanora". 2 balls later he gets bowled out, so our wicketkeeper returns the favour and says "Sayanora". The batsmen got so angry he threatened to bash up a 15 year old.

Another game I came in at number 5, we were struggling and 3/20 or so. The first three balls I blocked, all off the middle. But from the slips they kept saying how they were all edges. Next ball was full on the pads and I hit it over square leg for six and said "Gee, what about that edge?"

Another game I was bowling and the batsmen was a bit of a slogger and hit a few to the boundary. He started getting cocky and went down the pitch and pointed out where he wanted me to bowl. So I put the ball exactly where he pointed and cleaned bowled him. I thanked him for the advice.
"Gee, what about that edge?"

Dude, i almost spat out my drink, but didnt as i like my beer too much :p

Anyways ive had a few of these, but ive never been that witty to say anything like that.

Usually i just say,

God i found the middle there didnt i?
The last one is hilarious :laugh :rtfl

I'd say pretty much the same thing -"That's one hell of an edge"
Facing my brother in the back yard he was bowling me some good deliveries, on my legs, and as the house is in the perfect position for the flick off the pads, it's a no-no due to the windows etc - he's giving me a hard time saying ...

"*SWEAR* hit it, you know you want to... it's got hit me written all over it!"

... next ball, he puts it in the same spot... I hit it OVER the house, OVER the front yard, OVER THE ROAD and onto the people across the street's front doorstep...

"Did I *SWEAR* Hit that one?... I cant see where it landed!"

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