Which Career Mode would you prefer for a Cricket game?

Which Career Mode would you prefer?

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National Board President
Apr 16, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Had to start this thread after the mixed response with many people are happy with a Be a Pro mode while other are disappointed with this choice. I am adding a Poll to this thread where you can share your views and maybe help Ross to decide whether he should continue to build deeper Be a Pro Career Mode in next versions or you want him to implement Coach Mode as well. I think the Poll may well decide where Ross should put his focus in next versions/DLC. I am not adding 'Both' option in Poll because obviously everyone would love to have both modes but we're not in this situation of now.

As far my opinion, I am quite happy with their because I always wanted to play as a single cricketer with whole team. Another reason is we may get many aspects of Coach mode in this if you're a captain of a team like then you can select your team, toss, set field positions etc. Imagine the scenarios where you're batting at score of 50/6 while chasing a target of 250 on a last day of Test Cricket and is the last known batsman on crease. The pressure on you to retain the strike while not to lose the wicket and more importantly deciding whether you should take some risks and go on to win the match or prefer to save your wicket for good and draw the match. These kind of scenarios would have never been possible in any other mode.

Anyways, I would like to hear your opinions and different views about this.
Mixed response? it's 11-1 in favor of the 'Be a Pro' mode in the first two pages of the discussion thread... Furthermore, why bother having a thread talking about FUTURE games (or DLC) when we haven't even got this game yet...

I really enjoy the Ultimate team on FIFA. Buying players, selling, and being part of the game all the time. Same thing goes with BLIC99 which had simple yet very good career aspect.
Certainly an individual player - the Master League in PES (my only real experience with a good career mode) works only because of the structure of international football as a set of club level teams with promotion and relegation being a normal thing.

By being player focused, you can go through a journey in cricket that would be anyone's dream - work your way up to the national side - whereas a team focus you're just trying to win a yearly tournament over and over? Occasionally changing leagues or becoming a coach of a totally different side mid way though?

Obviously it'd be nice having the option, but I'm very happy this was the one chosen.
Mixed response? it's 11-1 in favor of the 'Be a Pro' mode in the first two pages of the discussion thread
I say it by reading this comment that you haven't even read whole thread and you are basing this judgement because of first 2 pages :facepalm

It's 50-50 already in Poll.
I'm starting a poll for features to be included in Big Ant Cricket 3
As long as the AI is realistic I'll prefer a pro mode . Coz like in the real game you as a player may give your best shot but that that doesn't guarantee your team a win. So that will be something new for a cricket game where you'll not win every match.
But the AI needs to be realistic for us to enjoy it completely.
I'm starting a poll for features to be included in Big Ant Cricket 3
I see you got a problem with this thread. Please tell me more how everyone is refused to have a discussion on this public forum and can't share their views about the complete change of Career mode which was revealed yesterday just because you have a different opinion :facepalm
Drama queen. I'm not stopping anyone discussing anything. There's already a thread for that... Ross created it. This thread is utterly pointless since it's talking about a feature in a game nobody has even played yet discussing what to put in a future sequel game to one that hasn't even hit the shelves.

But it's cool now we get neat threads like this with an added poll for some reason... oh and this...


Unsurprisingly, your "poll" is 10-3 in favor which is pretty much exactly what I estimated it at earlier. Genius I tell ya. "Mixed" response indeed
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i always wanted to play 'be a pro' mode in a cricket game.Especially after my own career couldn't take off(politics). It would be amazing to be part of a team where you start as a youngster and make your way up. I am sure i will not be able to hold back my tears when i get selected to play for my country. The fact that i start as an unknown rookie and play that memorable innings or a spell that make me a house hold name...aah it gives me goose-bumps. I will also be very careful not to give away my wicket or bowl a bad over. When i go through a bad phase i work harder with the hope of representing my country and playing along side my heroes. Ross, Sir i dont know how to thank you. _/\_
The thread is fine - the discussion on what the mode should be like is validly separate from what it is like.
I should eat cake, but there is no cake :p

76.47% of people wanted cake, but apparently that was a mixed response.
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Drama queen. I'm not stopping anyone discussing anything. There's already a thread for that... Ross created it. This thread is utterly pointless since it's talking about a feature in a game nobody has even played yet discussing what to put in a future sequel game to one that hasn't even hit the shelves.

But it's cool now we get neat threads like this with an added poll for some reason... oh and this...
So it's against rules to discuss about something and getting to know what most people likes just because they haven't played it. LMAO!

The purpose of this thread is clear about letting know the developers where they can have their focus on in future and I don't think it's wrong to have discussion early because that would be like saying we can't discuss Ashes in Cricket Discussion forum because it's not yet underway.

There is another reason for these kind of threads is to let people have their opinions about something which is going to be in game and who knows developers might change their approach in between to meet the needs of consumers before releasing. Rockstars did the same when they announced GTA V and said that their will be no house properties to buy but they changed that immediately after large amount of people went against them. However knowing you, I obviously expect your another reply about complaining that I shouldn't compare GTA V with this game and leaving the whole point of this post :rolleyes
Glad GTA and Rockstar got another name-drop... You know you're in the wrong when that card gets played :lol

"Mixed Response"

60%+ of people currently in favor... I'm so confused... :lol


On Topic: Since we're sticking with this, Big Ant don't need to change anything, my opinion on any career modes isn't tied to speculation or bullet-pointed thread notes but simply tied directly into the experience I have sitting down to play the thing and enjoying it. Or not. Any changes, patches, updates or adjusted approaches to any features contained with this unreleased, unseen and unplayed game will be decided upon a thorough playtest when Ross sends me my review copy...
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