Your Cricket Which is the best Cricket Helmet?


ICC Board Member
Dec 5, 2006
West Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
There are many different types of Cricket Helmets on the market and Iam just wondering what you Planet Cricket users think is the best/brand of helmet?

Theres that Kookaburra one, the rounded one, I don't fancy the look of it. But lots of Internationals use it, so it must be A-grade. They are hell light, so that's a big positive.

The Woodworm helmet looks like the Gray-Nicholls helmet but has them two yellow sides.

The Gray Nicholls helmet looks the oldest and is probably the most popular in Aus (due to availability and price)

The Masuri is probably my favourite because It looks great, is light and seems popular with internationals

So what helmet do you have and what is the best you guys reckon?
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Masuri titanium. By far. Incredibly light, it's a bit ridiculous how light it is and the protection is good also.
Yeh, the Masuri is the one that the majority of the pro's use. I like the Woodworm one also, but the Masuri one is the best one out there.
As long as it meets all the required safety standards then the only thing it comes down to is personal choice.

I'm an Albion man myself but have used the Masuri in the past.
my gm diamond has taken a beating on many occasions and it is still fine... for long-life-under-pressure: GM Diamond

(however, its hard work moving the grille up n down)
Albion like the pro's ;)

They are lightwieght, and i feel, after denting the Woodworm one, that Albions are slightly stronger and more safe :p especially when you haven't got a sound hook/pull shot, so the helmets importand :p
I used to have a Slazenger, but I felt it was uncomfortable and not particularly secure. Now I have a Masuri, and I have to recommend them to anyone. They may not look that exiting, but they are quality helmets and it is no surprise that they are the most popular amongst the top players.
Masuri is terrible, look how close the grill is to your chin. I saw Tendulkar get hit in the head by Anderson in the last test and although it was a different sort of helmet; the grill was pretty close to his face & I thought Tendulkar was lucky to get out unscaved really.

I'd suggest Albion.
ive used an albion for about 5 years, and has been fantastic. i tried a masuri for a few games but i found it harder to see the ball through the grille, but it just depends what you're used to.

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