Which is the best OS?

Best Operating System?

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What do you mean by a demo version?

Recently i download a demo version from other local websites but it can be used only for a month ,now i again and loading the same os,but it asks for registration with Microsoft,how can i get the original version which nearly 15,000.
We should have been able to select multiple options in the poll.I've voted for Windows 7 as the best but Ubuntu is not far off and the only reason i boot up windows is for games.Otherwise Ubuntu is the best!
We should have been able to select multiple options in the poll.I've voted for Windows 7 as the best but Ubuntu is not far off and the only reason i boot up windows is for games.Otherwise Ubuntu is the best!

Do you now have Linux ubuntu ,which version is it 7 or higher than that?
I am still a fan of XP(home comp) & I hate to work on Vista(office comp). There is a good old saying, " Too much of anything is good for nothing! " & it strikes me when I work on Vista as they have tried to implement a hell a lot of new features & scaring the users to touch itself. That is indeed a step down when comes to user friendliness.

Well, that is my taste & my opinion, i.e. it should be as simple as possible.
I am still a fan of XP(home comp) & I hate to work on Vista(office comp). There is a good old saying, " Too much of anything is good for nothing! " & it strikes me when I work on Vista as they have tried to implement a hell a lot of new features & scaring the users to touch itself. That is indeed a step down when comes to user friendliness.

Well, that is my taste & my opinion, i.e. it should be as simple as possible.

What are your opinions about Snow Leopard. :p
I am still a fan of XP(home comp) & I hate to work on Vista(office comp). There is a good old saying, " Too much of anything is good for nothing! " & it strikes me when I work on Vista as they have tried to implement a hell a lot of new features & scaring the users to touch itself. That is indeed a step down when comes to user friendliness.

Well, that is my taste & my opinion, i.e. it should be as simple as possible.

Try 7 and see how it works. It should definitely feel a lot more simpler than Vista.
I think its pretty much impossible to answer the question which operating system is the best. It depends on the situation.

It's like asking what's better a car or a boat. Depends on whether you plan on crossing a sea in it!

If you are running a server then you wouldn't want to run it on XP, you'd be better off with something UNIX based.
If you want to run just one application very fast but don't much care for the user inferface then probably go down the Linux route and dump the GUI.
If you want it to be easy to use, look nice and have a smug sense of satisfaction, go for MAC/OS ;)
If you want to use it for home and want to be compatible with everyone else and have the widest choice of applications but your computer is a bit long in the tooth go XP.
If you want the above and you have a new system go 7 (or vista, but there is not really much point now as 7 replaces it).

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