Who read the rules?

Did you read the rules after you joined?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • No

    Votes: 22 59.5%

  • Total voters


International Coach
Dec 19, 2005
guildford, surrey, england
Online Cricket Games Owned
I'm just wondering, who read the planetcricket rules soon after they joined?

I mean, didn't read them for a while or until being told off for violating them? I only ask because of the amount of new users we've had, who've just joined and created a thread that in some way or another breaks the rules, or is in the wrong place.

Also, just like to mention that some people could be a little more nice and helpful to new members, instead of having at go at them when they post the aforementioned threads, just report the thread so that a mod can take the required action, and let them know gently that they've broken a rule. Its not like they're doing it just to wind you up (except of course with trolls, but then ignore them).
I read the rules.

Other than my 'early' 'habit' 'of' 'writing' 'every' 'thing' 'like' 'this', i would say I've been a fine member. ;)
I have read the rules, but several months after I joined
Interesting, the number of views on the rules is only 8,709... That means there are 8,587 users who have never read the rules
embi said:
Interesting, the number of views on the rules is only 8,709... That means there are 8,587 users who have never read the rules
I believe that's not 8,709 unique views either!
yes but some people look at the rules more than once especially when there was that hidden message comp
afridi25 said:
yes but some people look at the rules more than once especially when there was that hidden message comp

Exactly, so theres even less members whos read them! I suppose most users don't post anyway, they just glance through the forum.

Actually, I suppose most people join just to get the downloads because you can't access them without being a member.
I read the rules as soon as I joined, and I think i'm a relativley good member. :)
yeah true

half of the members never come out of the Crt 05 forum/download forum and BLIC
actually embi i was talking to u

evo posted at the same time as me i did not see his post cos it was not there
In your registration process you ticked a box saying that you read and understood the forum rules. Therefore, if you haven't read the forum rules, you have given false information in your registration process, so we could remove your account........

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