Why Does Life Suck So Much ??

It's all part of life. You always going to have this feeling that everything that you are doing is worth nothing, but your wrong. Everything is worth something. Your parents want you to succeed and in the eastern part of the world that means you must be belted until your filled with discipline. It's the tradition and it's mainly because of the competition in that region. Like you said, every single person wants to be a Engineer or a Doctor. Theres a reason for that. That part of the world lacks engineer and doctors. If you succeed in one of those fields than your life will be set.

The eastern world seems weird to the western world because they are completely opposite in many ways, but that does not mean that one of them has to be wrong. It's a different approach, and to tell you the truth, the eastern tactic works a hell of a lot better than the western tactic. The drop out rate in the US is 12.1% (in 2001). Altough that might not look bad, MOST students here are just looking to complete High School. The focus is not on students competing with each other as it is in India or Pakistan, it's to compete with yourself.
Great Read Kartik.
I can understand that all.
Best way is leave that Social life,Go somewhere else alone and achieve what you want.
Once you start earning money nobody cares what you doing.;)
I'm a Brahmin but I'm not forced to be. I'm Hindu but I don't take it seriously. Going to temples is more of a formality for me. My parents aren't very strict. They used to be but as I've grown, they've become more lenient. I suppose that that is more because I have superiority complex though.

Life does have its ups and downs. I hate living in this god forsaken land. If given the chance to move back to India, I would do it within the blink of an eye without any second thoughts. However, you can only change so much. Sometimes things are not in your control and you just have to face the fact that until you are fully self-sufficient, you will not be able to live life as freely as you would like to. It is somewhat a burden being born into a traditional Indian family but we do have it a lot better in certain aspects which I often turn a blind eye to.
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that's very true shrav, somedays I hate my life, yet at other times, I wouldn't give it away for a billion dollars.
Most people can't understand depression, in fact I'd go as far as saying you can only understand it, once you've had it.

I have a question though.

How does this cast system work? It sounds archaic.

Edit: It took me more than the 6 minutes to post that (somehow!), it was in reply to Simon's post and those above it.

The Caste system is BANNED by the law of India. It's not that big anymore but some "unofficial" things go in place in education and such.

The caste system was basically a thing where you were born into a group of people who did specific things. A brahmin is like an educated person, who has to persue knowledge and all that jazz. There's like other things such as warrior, ect. This is from like 100000 BC so yeah, don't be judging on all of us now.

Even here in the US, unoffical quotas are commonplace in college acceptance. There was this guy who got rejected from Princeton, Quarterback of a football team that won nationals (Being a quarterback of a crap team is a big deal in itself), was a national powerlifting champion, scored a perfect on his ACT. He got rejected, and this girl with barely a 50%, no extra curricular got in. Guess what? She was African American.

People who are under represented in the educated community get into college far more easily then someone who is. Say you have an Indian (living in the US). EVERY SINGLE Indian goes to college and becomes AT LEAST moderately successful, most go on to things that are far greater. On the other side you have a Latino or African American, most come from poor families, their parents dropping out of school, and them earning less then $30,000 a year. These people get into college easier then the Indian because colleges want to "encourage" these guys to go to school.

Being an Indian does indeed suck in the studying aspect of things. I would like to think of myself as a stellar student - The lowest score i've ever gotten on an exam was a 94% (My parents freaked out for that!)

Last week I fell ill, was vomiting practically every 10 miniutes. I missed a good three days of school, which was all in class "Open Question" days before an exam.

Well I came in there, unprepared because of the stress's of not only illness but project work from other classes, and basically guessed my way through it. I scored a 65%, the lowest i've ever scored on anything EVER. Not even in Kindergarten did I score lower. I felt horrible. It wasn't even a big exam, but I always strive for the best, and If I don't get there... well lets say i'm a sore loser :p

When I came home, I was already bummed. But then my parents mauled me with a barrage of shouting and screaming - "We come from that far land India to live in the ice box, and you get a freaking 65%!!!" Something around those lines. I'm lucky my parents are nice people and don't beat me, or else I'd get murdered.

Thats just my take on things, and my mini rant. Live does have it's downs, and those downs can last a long time. The cure?

Watching Sachin vs Shoaib from the 2003 World Cup :p
Ok JK thanks for such a great topic, (people think that people who say life sucks have nothing to do in life, and people who say that are talking whole lot of BS)

.. The reason being that life now days sucks is because You cannot find a single person , A SINGLE PERSON, who is living for anything apart from MONEY. It's another way of describing life in 21st century.

No one lives for other people, even if you say. You live for yourself. You don't love anybody.
What the hell???

What do you mean to "you don't love anyone". My aims in life are to be happy and succesful in whatever i do, meet a nice gal, have a family in a nice house and live happily ever after.

I dont care to much about money, as long as im living comfortably then im sweet.
What the hell???

What do you mean to "you don't love anyone". My aims in life are to be happy and succesful in whatever i do, meet a nice gal, have a family in a nice house and live happily ever after.

I dont care to much about money, as long as im living comfortably then im sweet.
Same, sure some money'd be great, to pay off any bills, and be able to have some extra luxuries, but to say we live for money and don't love anyone is.. well.. idiotic imo.
It is not unofficial in the US, it is affirmative action. Even in India the caste system isn't banned. Just recently I believe the government arm-twisted the IIMs into enforcing the quota system or at least some variant of it. What is probably banned is the traditional caste system put forward by Hinduism. They still have a caste system loosely based on that and, in my opinion, are making the problem worse while trying to fix it.
I didnt bother reading what you had to say but it looked depressing; get over it, lifes not meant to not suck.

I think your taking earthly things like exams and stuff too seriously they don't mean sh!t
Life does get stressful.

Like at the moment im really not enjoying the course im doing and want to do something else next year, except i have to get 75% and above to move on to another course. And im finding it really tough to be motivated to complete the course :(
I know what you mean Stevo ;)

It's all bs tbh all of what goes on it doesnt mean anything, we all get fear put into us about ''oh what happens if I don't hand this assignment in?'' ''Omg bills''

It's all bs all of that stuff means nothing zero, someone will eventually come along here and say how I'm a nut or whatever but its the truth.
i've made up my mind to do what i feel like and just go ahead
with my plans even if it makes me sound a bit rude and arrogant !

need to shift to mumbai asap and start looking out for accommodation,
career prospects and stuff like that !! over 1 crore people in mumbai,
reaching from one place to another takes ages there, the humidity,
the high price rates etc.......so yeah....life wont exactly be a bed of
roses there....it'll on the contrary get worse........!!!

but i'll enjoy the whole process because i'll be doing the thing i like
with all the freedom available in the world !! and am actually
looking forward to it !! :)

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