Will we ever get a decent cricket game?

Robo-They get PAID to work their ass of as do 90% of the population! Do you appreciate all the factory workers when you're eating your dinner?
I didn't say once that any games were crap or voice any opinion on recent games apart from saying they weren't as playable as BLC which was released 8 years ago and it's an opinion I wish to express- which is what this forum is for!!
dhruvdeepak said:
great of you guys to try and portray EA coders as slave or child laborers who work feverishly while we lash them or something.

Here's what I think:
Cricket 97: $40
'' 97 ATE: $40
Cricket 99: $40
'' 2000: $40
'' 2002: $40
'' 2004: $40
'' 2005: $40

I've paid enough. I deserve a decent game. Bye bye, EA.

the funny thing is that youve paid around $280 and its taken you almost a decade to decide that youve had enough. i personally really like 2005
Robo-They get PAID to work their ass of as do 90% of the population! Do you appreciate all the factory workers when you're eating your dinner?
I didn't say once that any games were crap or voice any opinion on recent games apart from saying they weren't as playable as BLC which was released 8 years ago and it's an opinion I wish to express- which is what this forum is for!!
Its not that you diss the games, its the developers that make them
The point I'm trying to make is the developers will get their reward for their hard work if the game is good with high game sales and their wage.
With this being a BLIC forum as well, it's for discussing cricket games and the creator of this thread doesn't think there has been a decent cricket game in ages and he's entitled to his own opinion. If I was a developer it wouldn't be any skin off my nose.
maybe the starter of this thread should play the game before he jumps to conculsions, no matter how good these 2 games are I will respect EA and codies for there hard work
i find it amusing that people are writing off BLIC already and its still 3 days until release date. Personally i don't like EA's attempt but that may be down to my dislikng of EA anyway. With regards to BLIC i have found the demo entertaining but of course there are areas which can be improved, teaked, refined etc. At the end of the day no game is going to be perfect. Pro Evolution is by far the best football game but there is plenty of scope to improve that.

If the obvious flaws in the demo have been sorted then i think BLIC will be an entertaining game certainly when played with others. Not everyone will like it but at least give it a chance rather than commenting on it after a 6 over demo (or longer if you have the expander)
This is a waste of my valuable 2 minutes :mad:.

Oh and the FIFA being good comment is hilarious, TIF2005 is better than that

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