WM25:Where is all begins again... again (Heat is posted!)

The Spin

Panel of Selectors
Sep 24, 2005

JR: Welcome to the granddaddy of them all, Wrestlemania 25! Coming to you live on PPV from Houston, Texas!
King: Its Wrestlemania JR! Wrestlemania!!!

Mickie James d. Beth Pheonix to win the WWE Womens Title
"Mickie finally takes the title back of Beth after one hell of a rivalry! She overcomes the odds on the biggest stage of all!"

CM Punk d. Kane to win the ECW World Championship
"The reign of terror is at an end! Punk wins the ECW title for the second time!"

Matt Hardy wins the Money in the Bank Ladder Match
"Matt Hardy is going up, he is going to reach for the case... and gets it! Hardy wins!"

Mr. Kennedy d. Triple H
"1... 2... 3! Triple H has been beaten by the underdog, the arrogant Kennedy, what a shocker!"

Shawn Michaels d. Batista in a Last Man Standing match
"HBK comes back to Mania and finally puts Batista to rest in the climax of this epic feud"

Montel Vontavious Porter d. The Undertaker in a Casket match
"OH MY GAWD! The Undertaker is finally vanquished by MVP! That is the end of Taker in the WWE, and he leaves a Mania record of 16-1! MVP is being booed by this crowd"

Edge d. Chris Jericho to win the World Heavyweight Championship
"Oh, Edge will finally steal that title back off Y2J thanks to the dirty work of Vickie Guerrero and the Edgeheads."

John Cena d. Randy Orton to win the WWE Championship
"The Rumble Champion has this time taken the title at Mania with a win from Orton!"

JR: Cena is our WWE Champion as we thank you for watching Wrestlemania 25! Goodnight!

No chance, cos thats what you've got!

King: A bit early there JR it seems. What is Vince McMahon doing out here?
JR: Only one way to find out. I would hope he is here to congratulate Cena, but I can only guess he isnt.

Vince: Congratulations to you John and congratulations to all the wrestlers involved tonight.

King: You don't give people enough credit!

Vince: I hope you enjoy your reign with that championship, with all its history, because it might not last long!

JR: What did I say, King?

Vince: You see, this Wrestlemania wasnt just called "Where it all begins again, again" for no reason! Everything will begin again from tomorrow night on Raw! You see, we will be going back to the start with some big changes. Firstly, we will see that with every beginning there is an end. That is the same here. The end here is for my experiment which started a while back now: ECW. As of tonight, ECW no longer exists and all its superstars are without a brand. Also, the ECW Championship will be retired.

King: Woah! What an announcement!
JR: Someone isnt happy though, and his name is CM Punk. Here he comes now!

Punk: Hold on a second, hold on. Mr. McMahon, are you trying to tell me that this title I have fought for against Kane for months is going to be taken away the night I win it?
Vince: Yes, that is true, but hold on a second. I haven't finished my announcement yet. You see, the new beginning with just Raw and Smackdown will start tomorrow night with a whole new draft! Not just any old draft or one of these little drafts like we have seen recently, this is going back to the original draft. As of this moment, every superstar in this company is removed from their brand! Tomorrow night, everyone will be given a new brand.

JR: Now that is some announcement there, entirely new rosters for both brands!
King: He is a genius isnt he!

Vince: The way it will work is that the GMs of Raw and Smackdown will first nominate one of their old superstars to fight a match on behalf of their brand for the right to have the first pick. Once that is decided, the brands will get 3 picks each where the GM may choose the top superstars their brand wishes to have. Following that, the remaining Superstars will be randomly drawn into new brands. If a champion is drawn into the opposite brand then the title is vacated and they are automatically the number one contender to the equivalent title on the other brand. That means you Punk will get a garuenteed shot at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship!

King: See, Punk is happier now!

Vince: So everyone, enjoy your night tonight, because tomorrow everything begins again... again!
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Great start spin Get rid of cena as champ and push someone like kennedy and end the stroyline of la familia its the worst storyline for ages and carrying it on until WM 25 thats a bit long.

but KUTGW chez.
*Cue Bischoff's Music*
Awesome to see you back Chez, can't wait, hope it's up to the quality of your old ones!
In order for this to all make sense, I am going to have to provide you with the major things which happened between now in real life and WM25.

First, here is what didnt happen:

  • The WWE Draft 2008 never occurred
  • The Million dollar giveaway hasnt happened, McMahon is still an idiot.

Now here is what has happened:

  • Current Champions as of WM25
    WWE Champion: John Cena
    Intercontinental: Carlito
    World Tag Team Champions: London and Kendrick
    Womens Champion: Mickie James

    World Heavyweight Champion: Edge
    United States: Matt Hardy
    WWE Tag Team Champions: Deuce and Domino

    ECW Champion: Punk (about to be retired)
  • The Undertaker lost at WM25, ending the streak and his career. He will make no further appearances.
  • Following the end of Regal as Raw GM, the new GM was appointed as no-one other than Shane McMahon, Vince citing the reason as being because he feels he needs someone he can trust. To date, Shane has been quite a fair GM
  • Chris Jericho moved to Smackdown, eventually winning the World Heavyweight Title, before losing it to Edge at WM25
  • As has already been said, the La Famillia story going on this long would be a bit much, so it isnt. The Edgeheads are still together and Vickie is still an idiot, but Chavo and co. are no longer involved. It is just Edge's stable.

If anything else confuses you at any point then ask and it will be clarified
LONDRICK ARE CHAMPS! CHEZ YOU SON OF A GUN! this diary officially rocks! liking Carlito as I/C Champ, not so sure about Deuce & Domino, but it could work
Yes he was, should have put that in. Im going with what the WWE probably would have done :p
Just strolling through the site, thought I'd said Hi and good luck with this.

Out of interest, when does Christopher Daniels debut? :P

Monday Night Raw (Monday 6th April 2009) - 3-hour WWE Draft 2009 special

JR: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I am JR and I am joined as always by Jerry "The King" Lawler and King, tonight have we got one hell of a show.
King: Yeah! Normally we would be talking about the fallout from Wrestlemania's matches, but this time it is all about the announcement from Vince that tonight every single WWE superstar would be redrafted to a new brand and that ECW was over!
JR: Well it sure as hell will be epic and I think we are just about ready to get going.

"No chance, cos thats what you've got!"

JR: Up on the stage at the top of the ramp there are two podiums it seems, each with a brand logo on. It looks like the draft will be up straight away!
King: And Mr. McMahon here too!

Vince: Tonight will be a monumental night, that is for certain. Last night we saw Wrestlemania 25, with some huge matches. Tonight might even overshadow that, because tonight will change careers forever. We will get straight ahead with business, so without further ado I welcome Shane McMahon and Vickie Guerrero, the General Managers!

JR: Well Shane is definitely the more popular man
King: He is fram Raw, of course he is more popular!

Vince: First in the drafting, each brand will select 3 superstars from the roster to be on their brand. Their stars, so to speak, the headliners. Of course, first pick is crucial, so I thought a coin toss would be insufficient. Therefore we are going to do this the old-fashioned way. A wrestling match!

King: Between Vickie and Shane? No way!

Vince: Both of you must choose a wrestler who was on your roster before Wrestlemania to represent you and your brand in the match. The winner gets first pick. Vickie, your man?
Vickie: Well naturally from the Smackdown roster there could be only one man considered to be the best and that man is the World heavyweight Champion, Edge!
Vince: Very well, and you Shane?
Shane: After putting some thought into it, the Raw representative will be a man I have known well for many years and who I am confident can put in a good performance. He is Triple H!
Vince: Triple H vs. Edge for the right to pick first it is then. That match will be... now!

JR: What a huge match for us, two of the biggest superstars in the company go head to head.
King: You have to love this plan from Vince, you really do.

Edge vs Triple H
HHH takes a headbutt from Edge. Edge hits a right hand. Back elbow connects, HHH staggers backward. Edge with a spinning neckbreaker on HHH. HHH backdrops Edge out of a piledriver attempt. Bodyslam by HHH. Hard slam by HHH. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Edge backdrops Triple H out of a piledriver attempt. Edge hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tornado punch from Edge. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Triple H avoids an avalanche, Edge hits the turnbuckles hard. Edge receives some punishment. Edge kicks Triple H in the gut to reverse the momentum. Big clothesline on HHH. Zack Ryder comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Triple H turns around. Zack Ryder spins HHH around. Zack Ryder hits the Lifting Inverted DDT! Ryder leaves the ring, the damage done! Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Edge pins HHH. Edge climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

JR: Well I hear this is what happened every week in Smackdown last year.
King: Its strategy, JR, and it obviously works!

Vince: So, Smackdown have the first pick. Vickie, congratulations.
Vickie: Thank you Mr. McMahon. I would like to take the opportunity therefore to draft for Smackdown...
Vince: Hold up there Vickie, no need to rush, we have 3 hours! You see, that little interference reminded me that Smackdown recently has been dull and predictable. Every week the odds are stacked against Edge's opponent with the numbers game. Quite frankly, that doesn't make for good television, which means it is bad for the company.
Vickie: But Vince...
Vince: It is Mr.McMahon to you and I have had enough. Vickie, YOU'RE FIRED!

King: He fired Vickie Guerrero!
JR: The General Manager of Smackdown is no more with that huge firing announcement.

Vince: Fortunately the show will go on! I have a man ready to step in and do the job tonight in fact. He has experience both in the ring and out of it. He has even lead a show before. He didn't expect this though, so excuse me for a minute whilst I go and prepare him for the job.

::Commercial Break::

JR: We are back and Vince McMahon has come back to ringside to announce the new Smackdown GM after firing Vickie Guerrero.
King: I cant wait! This guy sounds like he will be great!

Vince: Thank you for your patience, but it will be rewarded. The new General Manager of Smackdown is a man you all know very well. He is the most decorated man in Sports Entertainment history. He is a multi-time World Champion, in fact he is a 16-time world champion. He is the dirtiest player in the game...

King: It can't be him!

Vince: ..., he is the Nature Boy. He is Ric Flair!

JR: Oh my gawd King! What an appointment!
King: He is here! Ric Flair is back in the WWE!

Flair: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I would just like to thank Vince here for letting me have this opportunity to bring the Nature Boy back to the WWE baby! Since I retired I knew I made the right decision. I cannot wrestle anymore, but I sure as hell know what I am talking about in this business and I will be more than happy to lead Smackdown into the future.
Vince: And as your first action, Ric, you must select a draft pick for Smackdown.
Flair: Yes, well my idea is that its better the devil you know, and there aint many guys I know better than this one, so the first draft pick of the 2008 draft for Smackdown is... TRIPLE H!

King: No! The Game is leaving Monday Night!
JR: Yes he is and folks, I think this time it is for real, unlike last time he got drafted away. Smackdown choose wisely for their first pick.

"Time to play The Game!"

King: Here he comes!

Triple H: If I had lost the match to give Smackdown the first pick and Vickie Guerrero picked me, I would have been out here running my mouth, but now it is Ric here picking me I couldn't be happier! Its going to be tough saying goodbye to Monday Night, but with good friends and good memories, Smackdown will soon be losing the game, just like Raw!
Vince: Well, if I may interject here, I have had an idea. This is the last night on Raw for Triple H, so lets give you one last send-off match. It will be Triple H, versus the next draft pick for Raw, and that match will be next!
Triple H: But, Vince, I just competed in a match. How the hell can I do two?
Vince: I am sure you will find a way to manage for one last time on Raw, I recommend you two go back to prepare. So, now it is Raw's turn. Shane, make your pick.
Shane: I will do. I am proud to announce the first draft pick for Raw is a man who certainly has a reputation and knows how to do business. I am sure he will continue his path to becoming a legend himself on Raw, that man is RANDY ORTON!

"Hey! Nothing you can say!"

JR: Not him on Raw! Anyone else!
King: He is the legend killer, JR, who is better?
JR: Well that means it will be Triple H vs. Randy Orton here on Raw for one last time! They have fought back and forth over the years after being teammates in evolution, the final encounter will be next.

::Commercial Break::

King: Its time for it!
JR: Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, Triple H and Randy Orton, the last time, is live and is now here on Raw.
King: I cant wait!

Triple H vs Randy Orton
Orton slams Triple H. Orton hits a stump piledriver on Triple H. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Triple H elbows Randy Orton in the face to break a hammerlock. Orton receives some punishment. Rude Awakening on Randy Orton by HHH. Massive backbreaker, Orton got planted. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Big clothesline from HHH. HHH drops an elbow...but misses. Full nelson slam! HHH walks into a spike slam. Randy Orton misses a clothesline. Triple H moves in for the kill. Pedigree!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Triple H offers a handshake to Orton...and he accepts it! No! Randy Orton levels HHH with a cheap shot right hand! Randy Orton spins HHH around. Randy Orton hits the RKO! Triple H has been floored after the match.

JR: Triple H just wanted a handshake to mark the end of the years of fighting and Orton just takes advantage.
King: You cant put yourself in a position of weakness, JR.
JR: Well you shouldnt take advantage either.

::Commercial Break::

JR: We are back live on Raw and we have been told that the 2nd and final selections for each brand will be made right now, with Vince and the GMs out here ready.
King: Who is it gonna be for Raw! I cant wait!

Vince: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the second and third selections for each brand. Now, I noticed the brilliance of the matchup idea I had before, so I have decided to replicate it. The main event tonight will be the two second round selections facing off and the match up next will be between the 2 third round picks. Good luck gentlemen on drafting, Ric it is your pick.
Flair: Well Ladies and Gentlemen, Smackdown's next pick is going to definitely liven things up a lot on Friday Nights because he is a multi-time world champion and a current champion. I just hope when he comes out here that you will be able to see him! The next pick for Smackdown is the WWE Champion, JOHN CENA!

"Your time is up, my time is now! You can't see me, my time is now!"

King: Oh man! Cena going to Smackdown?
JR: As much as we dont like it, that is the selection and Cena will shake the hand of Flair for this selection. May I also remind viewers that because he is Raw's world champion, he will have to vacate the WWE championship, but will be given number 1 contendership to Edge's World Heavyweight title.

Shane: So you want to play it this way do you? Drafting my champion. Well two can play this game. For Raw's next pick, I pick the World Heavyweight Champion, EDGE!

"You think you know me!"

King: Edge is coming over here! Yeah!
JR: Is it a good thing?
King: Im sure it is, he is a world champion JR!
JR: Not for long though, he will have to vacate his title just like Cena.

Vince: OK, so we have our two men for the next match and our next two draft picks also. But before we go any further, I am afraid both of you will be required to hand over your belts as per the rules of this draft.
Edge: Woah! Hold on, I won this title last night from Chris Jericho, why should I have to hand it over now? This is mine and I should be allowed to keep it. Besides, both titles swapped, so it makes no difference.
Cena: Just worried because your lovebird won't be around to go get it for you anymore? Well I know I will win that title you have quickly enough, so here take the title belt. I have no worries about taking that one.
Vince: Thank you John, now Edge hand it over.

JR: Just desserts! Edge will have to give in his unearned title!
King: How can you say that? He won it at Wrestlemania!
JR: Him, or his crew? Anyway, that all means it is former WWE Champion John Cena vs former World Heavyweight Champion Edge, and that is coming up after the next draft pick.

Vince: So, that is 4 men down, 2 more selections to go before everything goes random. It is Smackdown's turn to select.
Flair: I said it was better the devil you know earlier, and I am still applying that rule here. Another man I know well and who I mentored through his early years will be heading to Smackdown and that man, my final selection, is BATISTA!


JR: The Animal to stay on Smackdown, another huge pick for their show
King: They are getting all the good guys!
JR: A bit of friction though it seems between Batista and Flair still, he ignored his old partner totally!
King: Well they have fought a lot since then

Vince: The final pick then and it is for Raw and will also be Batista's opponent tonight. Shane, it is yours.
Shane: Thank you. I know who I am picking just because of his great history...

"Break the walls down!"

JR: He didn't pick yet...

Jericho: Now before you pick I have to say something. I deserve to be the next pick. I know that the last two big guys left are me and Shawn Michaels, one of us will be randomly placed. I know you have to decide between us, but you know you want Y2J! I was World Heavyweight Champion until just last night and I was the first Undisputed champion, please bring me home to Raw!

"I think Im cute, I know Im sexy!"

King: Shawn Michaels is out here too!

HBK: Hold it there a second, Jericho. Dont you go round trying to convince people who to pick. I know as well as you do that this is one of us, I also know who the succesful one is. But I think Shane should decide.
Shane: Oh I have done and it is one of you two, because my final pick is... Y2J CHRIS JERICHO!

King: HBK isnt coming to Raw?
JR: Shane has picked Jericho in an odd pick, I am sure many people would have gone for Shawn Michaels.
King: HBK is devastated!
JR: And quite rightly, his fate is now left to chance. We cannot rest though, our next match is Batista vs. Jericho and it will be after this break.

::Commercial break::

JR: We are back and the battle of the 3rd picks comes next, Batista vs. Jericho.

Batista vs Chris Jericho
Jericho hits a wicked chop. Jericho uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Batista avoids an avalanche, Chris Jericho hits the turnbuckles hard. Running knee lift from Batista. Batista hits a right hand. Fallaway slam by Batista. Batista drops an elbow...but misses. Chris Jericho with a running dropkick into the corner. Batista gets knocked to the ground by Jericho. Batista gets locked in the Walls of Jericho! Submission victory! Batista has a temper tantrum, kicking the ropes and punching the turnbuckles.

King: Well he proved his worth for sure!
JR: I still dont know, I would have gone for HBK. No time to dwell though, we go to a break following which is the Main Event! John Cena vs. Edge!

::Commercial Break::

King: Its main event time JR!
JR: Absolutely King, Cena and Edge were the 2 second round draft picks, Cena going to Smackdown and Edge to Raw, so Mr.McMahon has decided to pit them against each other next. They both won world title matches last night at Wrestlemania, but have both been forced to hand over the belts tonight as they both go to the brand which does not hold their belt.
King: Stop blabbering JR, lets get to the action!

John Cena vs Edge
Cena hits a right hand. Big backdrop on Edge, executed well. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Edge reverses a hip toss. Back elbow connects, Cena staggers backward. Stiff chop lights up Cena. Big backdrop on Cena, executed well. Cena backdrops Edge out of a piledriver attempt. Big clothesline from Cena. Edge falls through the ropes after a hard shot from Cena. He seemed to hit his head on the apron on the way down. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over. Edge turns and leaves through the crowd. Obviously he's had enough for one night.

JR: Aw, he couldnt fight a fair fight could he
King: He didnt want to get injured in a nothing match JR, its smart.
JR: Well if this is what we will see now he is on Raw then Smackdown can have him back.

"No Chance, cos thats what you've got!"

JR: Vince and the GMs are heading out to the ramp with... some dome thing. Whats happening?

Vince: This is the long stretch of drafts to be made, every other active WWE superstar will be drafted in the lottery segment up next. The way this will work is that every superstar has a number, nobody knows who has which number though. The GMs in turn will pick a ball out of this container and place it into the machine. The superstar selected will then appear on screen. Simple! All these picks are scheduled to happen after Raw has gone off air, but I decided that we have time so we are going to have the first 5 picks from each brand shown live! The remainder will be done after the show and written on WWE.com. We will reverse the order we used all night, so Raw selects first.
Shane: Number 10
Computer: Big Show

King: Wow! What a pick!

Flair: I got number 29!
Computer: Rey Mysterio

JR: A good pick for Smackdown to start them off in the draft, the little man who can do big things!

Shane: Number 12!
Computer: Kane

King: And Raw get a better pick, the former ECW champion, the big red monster, Kane!

Flair: Number 34!
Computer: Carlito

King: Hey! Thats our Intercontinental Champion! Give him back!

Shane: Number 8
Computer: CM Punk

JR: Raw get the straight-edge superstar, an impressive young man

Flair: Number 51
Computer: Umaga

King: Oh man, I love watching his matches!

Shane: Number 19
Computer: Mr.Kennedy

JR: He isnt a bad replacement though!

Flair: Number 49
Computer: Matt Hardy

King: Thank goodness we dont have him I say!
JR: I dont think many here agree!

Shane: Last Raw pick live, Number 22
Computer: The Great Khali

King: Woah! The big man!

Flair: Hopefully we will strike lucky here last! Number 13!
Computer: Shawn Michaels

JR: Oh my gawd!

"I think Im cute, I know Im sexy!"

HBK: Thank you Ric for picking me out to go to Smackdown and teaching you Shane your lesson, that you should have got me earlier! I have just one thing for you Shane...

JR: Sweet Chin Music to the Raw GM!
King: He cant do that to our boss!
JR: Well hes on Smackdown now! That brings an end to Raw for tonight, tune in next week for a new era to begin! Goodnight!
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WWE Draft 2008 Final Rosters



Main Eventers
Chris Jericho
Randy Orton

Upper Midcarders
Big Show
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy

The Great Khali

Brian Kendrick
Cody Rhodes
Jimmy Wang Yang
Maria Kanellis
Mickie James
Paul London
Shad Gaspard

Beth Pheonix
Charlie Haas
Chuck Palumbo
Elijah Burke
Lance Cade
Mark Henry
The Miz
Trevor Murdoch

Lower Midcarders
Festus Dalton
Jesse Dalton
Jim Duggan
Val Venis

DH Smith
Mike Knox
Paul Burchill
Vladimir Kozlov

Natalya Neidhart
Ted DiBiase Jr.


Main Event
John Cena
Shawn Michaels
Triple H


Upper Midcarders
Matt Hardy
Rey Mysterio


Candice Michelle
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble
Kofi Kingston
Stevie Richards
The Boogeyman

Big Daddy V
Chavo Guerrero
Gregory Helms
John Morrison
Santino Marella
Shelton Benjamin

Lower Midcarders
Colin Delaney
Kelly Kelly
Michelle McCool
Shannon Moore
Super Crazy

Curt Hawkins
James Curtis
Jillian Hall
Layla El
Robbie McAllister
Rory McAllister
Zack Ryder

Kassidy James
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Smackdown Preview

Things will never be the same again on Friday Nights after the monumental draft held on Raw at the start of the week. Gone are faces such as Edge and Chris Jericho, but Smackdown now wlecomes the likes of John Cena and Triple H! Plus a new GM in the shape of the Nature Boy himself, Ric Flair! The show in Louisville, Kentucky should be action packed.

Thanks to the draft, certain title hodlers have been drafted away from Smackdown and so their titles are now vacant. That means that the WWE Tag Team Championships and the big one, the World Heavyweight Title, are up for grabs.

The World Heavyweight title is always going to be fiercely contested, but with the range of talent now on Smackdown it looks like the battles will rage in the fight for the title. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Batista and JBL are all now on Friday Nights and all will be looking at the title as the pinnacle of their ambitions. Remember, John Cena is automatically garuenteed a title shot because he lost his WWE Championship by being drafted over to Smackdown and Matt Hardy has his Money in the Bank briefcase to come into play. Ric Flair will be announcing how everything will be decided this week on Smackdown!

The WWE Tag Team title is where many people have made their names in Sports Entertainment, and winning it is an achievement which normally leads to greater things. Now tag teams new and old will fight for this title in a Tag Team gauntlet. There will be 5 teams attempting to run the gauntlet to the titles which finishes at Backlash, with the order of teams entering being drawn at random. The teams involved are: Cantino (Carlito and Santino Marella), Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder, Shannon Moore and Super Crazy, Gregory Helms and John Morrison and Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble. As you can see, there are a couple of established teams and some teams starting from scratch. The first week of the gauntlet sees Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble taking on Cantino.

The United States Championship has stayed with Matt Hardy after he was drafted to stay on Smackdown, but with him now becoming Mr. Money-in-the-Bank, will he have ambitions beyond his current belt? It is certain that there will be people after the belt and he will have to watch out. He has a match this week against Chavo Guerrero who is sure to be a tough opponent.

Ric Flair has also said that he wants some up and coming talent to be displayed on Smackdown, which is why he has scheduled Kofi Kingston to face Kassidy James to start the evening. Which of these talents will be able to establish themselves?

Confirmed matches:

Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble vs. Cantino - WWE Tag Team Championship Gauntlet

US Champion Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero (Non-title)

Kofi Kingston vs. Kassidy James
Confirmed matches:

Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble vs. Cantino - WWE Tag Team Championship Gauntlet

US Champion Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero (Non-title)

Kofi Kingston vs. Kassidy James

Coffee Kingston musta winna, Chez, otherwise i'lla belta youa!

Nice Preview by the way :p
Another EWR story by Chez. :D

I've always loved stories by you.

Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble vs. Cantino - WWE Tag Team Championship Gauntlet

US Champion Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero (Non-title)

Kofi Kingston vs. Kassidy James

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