WM25:Where is all begins again... again (Heat is posted!)

Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble vs. Cantino - WWE Tag Team Championship Gauntlet

US Champion Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero (Non-title)

Kofi Kingston vs. Kassidy James
Rey Mysterio and Jamie Noble vs. Cantino - WWE Tag Team Championship Gauntlet

US Champion Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero (Non-title)

Kofi Kingston vs. Kassidy James

Smackdown! - Friday 10th April 2009

Cole: Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown brought to you from the packed out Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky
Foley: And welcome to something totally different!
Cole: Quite right Mick, the whole roster has been shaken up completely thanks to Monday night's huge draft where every superstar got redrafted and because of the rules of the draft, Smackdown is left with no World Heavyweight Champion and no WWE Tag Team champions, both are now vacant
Foley: The Tag Titles will be held in a gauntlet tournament going into Backlash as was announced on WWE.com this week, but huge issues to sort out tonight that is for sure with the world title
Cole: Absolutely, and don't forget that Smackdown has a new...


Cole: Well, as I was saying, a new General Manager in the shape of Hall of Famer, the Nature Boy Ric Flair!
Foley: 16-time world champion, nonetheless, and holding the World Heavyweight Title with him now! I am happy to be under the command of such a legend of wrestling
Cole: That isn't what you have said in your books Mick...

Flair: Wooooooooo! The new Smackdown GM is in the building! Wooooooooo! Ha, ha! Yes, I am the new general manager and I want to make sure that here things will run smoothly and perfectly for you the fans. First of all, there is one huge issue which has to be dealt with and that is the World Heavyweight Championship here around my shoulder!

"Yeah! I walk for miles inside this pit of danger!"

Foley: Batista has something to say
Cole: Well when it comes to that belt, Batista is a man who knows what it is like to hold it very well

Batista: That belt, Ric, deserves to be mine. No question about it. Remember the past Ric, I have taken it off so many people that I have earned my shot at it

Cole: Then he had the fans on his side, now they boo him for recalling it!

Flair: I do remember Dave, which is why I do have something in mind for you

"Your time is up, my time is now!"

Cole: John Cena, the WWE Champion up until draft night on Monday, wants in!
Foley: Remember, he has an automatic shot at that title because he lost his old one

Cena: Ric, I respect you greatly and it will be a pleasure to work with you I am sure, I want to say that first. I also want to remind everyone that I get first in line to that title as I just lost my old one, the WWE Championship, to the drafting. So if anyone should get the title, I am the one with the right.

"Time to play the game!"

Foley: Is it becoming crowded in here?
Cole: Well there are a lot of guys interested here, it is a world title!

HHH: Hey Ric, nice to see you again. I just heard someone say they deserve the title and then someone say they had the right. Well, other than you obviously Ric, who has won that the most times? That would be me. I am the man with the legacy, the history to back me up. The title is something which is mine.
Flair: Guys, guys! Let me tell you now that nobody will get this title belt tonight. Here is how it will work. I cannot deny that John here is the one who is promised a first shot at the belt, so you will be going to Backlash to fight for this belt right here. His opponent? That is what we will sort out here, because tonight we will have Triple H vs. Batista and one of you could be going to Backlash to fight John Cena for the title!
Voice: Hold on, hold on!

Cole: That is JBL's voice! Here he comes from the back!

JBL: You can't just let these 3 get the only chances when on the roster is the wrestling god himself: J, B...

"I think I'm cute, I know I'm sexy, I got the looks that drive the girls wild!"

Foley: Make that 5! Shawn Michaels, HBK, is here too!

HBK: You won't hear me saying this... ever really, but I agree with JBL. Those 3 are good, but they aren't the showstoppa!
Flair: People, stop! I haven't finished yet! Triple H or Batista could be going to fight John Cena, but not necessarily. The winner of tonight's match between them will face the winner of next week's match between HBK Shawn Michaels and JBL to see who will go to Backlash! And tonight, as well as Triple H vs. Batista, the rest of you need to stay warm, so it will be John Cena vs. JBL vs. HBK Shawn Michaels as our Smackdown Main Event!

Foley: Oh my goodness what an announcement!
Cole: You're telling me! 2 massive matches to decide the person who goes to Backlash for the title against John Cena and the explosive main event tonight. Flair has only been here 5 minutes and already we have this in front of us! We take a commercial break to calm down now, but stay tuned for Triple H vs. Batista and Cena vs. HBK vs. JBL tonight on Smackdown!

::Commerical Break::

Foley: Calmed down yet Cole?
Cole: Just about, but I am excited, this whole building is excited, for tonight's huge matches
Foley: Me too, and there are also two men in the back excited right now because they get a chance to lay down a marker on Smackdown
Cole: Yes, Kofi Kingston the young Jamaican talent and Kassidy James who is supposed to be extremely good too both make their Smackdown debuts here tonight.

Kofi Kingston vs Kassidy James
K. James walks into a high dropkick from Kofi Kingston. Second rope flying axe handle, K. James goes down. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. K. James reverses a Kofi Kingston hammerlock. Kassidy James hits a rolling kick on Kingston. K. James hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Second rope flying axe handle, Kingston goes down. Kingston powers out of a headlock. Second rope splash by Kingston. Kassidy James can barely stand. Here it comes - Air Jamaica. 1....2...3, it's finished. Kofi Kingston remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

Cole: Well both men showed why they are here in the WWE, but Kofi Kingston takes the win
Foley: I was impressed with him, he showed real promise and I think he is a star of the future.
Cole: I agree there partner. Now lets take it backstage

Triple H is in his locker room preparing for his match tonight. A loud banging is heard as the door is forced open. MVP walks in.

MVP: You, Hunter! I have to talk!
HHH: Hey, to a guy like you, its Triple H. What the hell do you want?
MVP: You think you're so big and clever don't you. Think you own the place, well I have news for you: you don't. This is Smackdown and on Smackdown there is only one VIP and that is MVP.
HHH: What the hell is your point?
MVP: My point is that, as always, you and your chumps have got all the title shots, well I have seen you stel the limelight for years now and I deserved to be in this title race, but I was told I couldn't be. It is because of people like you that MVP isn't already World Champion. I banished the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and I want to put you away.
HHH: You are only jealous of me because I am better, "MVP". You keep talking here, I actually have a match tonight. Bye.

Cole: MVP was not happy there to be blown off like that.
Foley: You have to admit ha has a point though Cole. Triple H has had so much opportunity for so long and yet he wasn't given any chance to get in the title picture and, as he said himself, he beat the Undertaker at Wrestemania. He ended the streak.
Cole: That much may be true, but Triple H has shown why he is on top and I am sure wont take these insults lightly.
Foley: Anyway, coming up next is Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero in non-title action which promises to be good
Cole: And then we see the start of the Tag Team Championships gauntlet with Cantino vs. Mysterio and Noble
Foley: Not forgetting that later we have Triple H vs. Batista on the road to the World Heavyweight Championship and a massive main event, Cena vs. HBK vs. JBL!
Cole: You don't want to miss it!

::Commercial break::

Cole: Welcome back to Smackdown and now we have an exciting match
Foley: Yes, its Mr.Money in the Bank, Matt Hardy, against Chavo Guerrero, a tough opponent
Cole: Will Matt be distracted now though by his briefcase? Will the money in his bank get to him?

US Champion Matt Hardy vs Chavo Guerrero - Non-Title
Matt Hardy hits a bulldog off the ropes. Chavo walks into a face crusher variation. Flying knee to the face from Matt Hardy. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. M. Hardy hits a dropkick on Chavo Guerrero. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Chavo counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Chavo Guerrero hits a rolling kick on M. Hardy. Spinning bulldog in the corner, M. Hardy is down. Matt Hardy blocks a right hand and fires back. Back heel kick from M. Hardy. Chavo Guerrero can barely stand. Here it comes - Side Effect. 1....2...3, it's finished. Matt Hardy remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

Foley: No distraction there!
Cole: A thoroughly professional performance there from Matt, he is a force still in the WWE
Foley: Could he win the world title? He has the case, after all the matches for it coming up he might smell the gold!
Cole: Who knows? All I know is that we are going backstage now where John Cena is!

Cena is stood with a microphone in one of the interview areas

Cena: Last Sunday, Wrestlemania 25. I had Randy Orton beat, down on the mat, 1, 2, 3 and there it was! The WWE Championship was mine once more. And then at the end of the show, Vince McMahon comes out and turns everything around. Monday night comes and I get picked as the number 3 draft pick by Ric Flair. I went out there and shook his hand, happy to work with a legend. But I also knew right then that my title reign was history right before it started. All that work to regain the title, gone. Rightly, I get an easy passage to Backlash to face Triple H, HBK Shawn Michaels, JBL or Batista, but it isn't easy. These are 4 of the best and one of them, hungry for the gold will be my opponent. Well I'll let you know right now that the last time I was on Smackdown, I could come on the show and say that the champ is here! After Backlash, I can promise that the champ will be here once more.

Cole: Well that is the most focussed I think I have ever seen Cena
Foley: He knows that 4 men are battling to get a piece of him. He has to be focussed.
Cole: Well next up are 2 teams also needing to be focussed, Mysterio and Noble face Cantino in the first match of the tag team gauntlet and they will need all the focus they have got if they are to run the entire gauntlet and become champions
Foley: And don't forget our main event! Cena, HBK and JBL battle it out!
Cole: You don't want to miss it!

::Commercial Break::

Cole: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen and now it is time for Tag Team gauntlet action, Mysterio and Noble vs. Cantino
Foley: Both of these teams have the tough job of having to run the whole gauntlet and beat every other team to win the gold.
Cole: Well, Mysterio and Noble are in the ring, but who is this coming out, it isn't Cantino?
Foley: It looks like Morrison and Helms, one of the other teams in the competition! What are they doing here?

Morrison: Sorry, sorry guys I know you have a match today and, well, we don't so we thought we would pop in to say hi
Helms: Yep, you see we joined together because we knew we would dominate this tournament. We are the Models of Perfection, together we will have the titles at Backlash
Mysterio: Maybe you should stop running your mouths and get to what you want to say so we can have our match
Morrison: Oh, hey there shortstuff, didn't see you! Anyway, yes, where were we? Oh yes, Models of Perfection winning the tag titles. Why are we so confident? Well we just found out that we are the last team in the gauntlet order, we have to win one match and that is it, we are champions. You have to win 4.
Mysterio: I gotta tell you man, Jamie here is my man and I know he can get the business done as well as I know I can. I know we can go all the way, so I gues we will be beating you at Backlash. Nice to know, but can we just get on with this match now.
Helms: Hey, don't you disrespect the Models of Perfection there you midget. You know we are superior, so you can just go down now

Models of Perfection run in and start attacking

Foley: Oh, we have a fight on before the match!
Cole: Mysterio and Helms driven into corners, caught unawares. They have to roll out of the ring to get out of the way.
Foley: Oh and now the Models of Perfection will come and taunt them for running
Cole: What are Mysterio and Noble doing though. Noble is walking away down the ramp and Mysterio is staying put

Noble charges from up the ramp, Mysterio bends down a bit to provide a launch pad and Noble leaps from Mysterio, onto the top rope and performs a flying crossbody on both Helms and Morrison.

Cole: Oh my god! What a move from Jamie Noble!
Foley: Who is escaping now then!
Cole: Noble and Mysterio worked out a plan and that huge agility pulled it off, amazing
Foley: Well with them out of the way we can get this match going!

Mysterio and Noble vs Cantino - WWE Tag Team Championship Gauntlet (Match 1)
Stun Gun from Santino Marella! Gutwrench into a powerbomb, Mysterio hits hard. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag to Carlito. Cantino hook up Mysterio, then hit a double suplex. Big clothesline on Mysterio. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Carlito hits some punches. Rey Mysterio blocks a right hand and fires back. Flying knee to the face from Rey Mysterio. Tag to Jamie Noble. Second rope flying axe handle, Carlito goes down. Flying cross body off the top rope! Carlito blocks a kick from Jamie Noble. Tag to Santino Marella. Santino Marella hits a delayed suplex on Noble. Belly to belly off the top rope, Noble may be dead! Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Armbar takedown from Santino Marella, nicely done. Jamie Noble elbows Santino Marella in the face to break a hammerlock. Marella takes a hurrancarana. Mysterio and Noble have Santino Marella to themselves. Marella is setup for the 619, which connects! Mysterio springboards up for the West Coast pop! Now Noble with the Dragon Sleeper hold! Santino taps, it's over.

Cole: More of the impressive speed shown by those two superstars, Mysterio and Noble could well go all the way
Foley: No doubt Cole, they are so impressive in the ring, it just astonishes you.
Cole: We will take a break now, after which we have the World Heavyweight Championship qualification match between Triple H and Batista, one of them will still have a chance to go to Backlash and face John Cena for the title, the other will be out!
Foley: And then the main event! JBL, Cena and HBK! It is gonna be wild!

::Commercial Break::

Cole: Welcome back! We have Triple H and Batista squaring off in a few minutes, but during the break we were alerted that this had happened backstage, lets take a look.

Matt Hardy is walking backstage, heading to his locker room

Benjamin: Hey, Matt. Hold it there.
Matt: What do you want Shelton?
Benjamin: You got a nice title belt there and a briefcase. I want you to know that, whilst I can't do anything about the briefcase, the title belt deserves to be mine. I am the gold standard of the WWE, the one by which all others should be judged...
Matt: Save it Shelton, I don''t care man
Benjamin: You will Matt, when that title comes around my waist and not yours. Then you will care, care totally.
Matt: I have to go...
Benjamin: Nobody ignores me Matt, you want to know why? This is why!

Benjamin picks up a chair sat next to him and smacks Matt who was walking away. Down on the floor, Matt is clearly out of it. Shelton then picks up a trash can and puts it on Matt's head before leg dropping him

Benjamin: Never ignore the gold standard.

Cole: Oh my...
Foley: What an assault! Matt was left unconcious
Cole: Well I can inform you all that Matt Hardy is being seen to by medical personnel and hopefully he will be fine
Foley: These things happen, but lets not get down, we have a great match next!
Cole: Yep, its Triple H and Batista in their fight to go to Backlash for the World Heavyweight Championship and it is now!

Triple H vs Batista - World Heavyweight Championship No.1 Contender Tournament
Batista slams Triple H. HHH takes a headbutt from Batista. Back elbow connects, HHH staggers backward. Rude Awakening on Triple H by Batista. Triple H hits a right hand out of nowhere. Fallaway slam by Triple H. Triple H hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Batista counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Hard slam by Batista. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Batista with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. HHH counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Batista takes a headbutt from Triple H. HHH only gets knees on a splash. Running knee lift from Batista. Montel Vontavious Porter comes running down the aisle with a chair! Batista goes to irish whip Triple H into the ropes. MVP hits HHH with a chair to the back! Batista moves in for the kill. Batista Bomb! 1....2....3. Montel Vontavious Porter has a chair. Triple H stands up...and gets floored by a shot to the head. Another two shots smack down across his back, leaving him unmoving on the canvas. MVP sets the chair up, then picks up Triple H. He gets whipped into the ropes...and then drop toe holded, sending him face first into the chair! Montel Vontavious Porter has left HHH down and bloodied in the ring after a brutal assault!

Cole: MVP takes out his frustration on Triple H, the man he blames for keeping him down
Foley: He didn't get the attention of Triple H earlier, but now he certainly has the attention of him!
Cole: Well however it happened, Batista is the man who will go through to face either Shawn Michaels or JBL in two weeks time for the right to fight John Cena at Backlash for the title.
Foley: And HBK and JBL will be in action next alongside John Cena in our Triple Threat main event, don't miss it!
Cole: I hear Shawn Michaels is now backstage with Josh Matthews

Josh: Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here with the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels and next you will face John Cena and JBL, looking to get the advantage going into next week, how do you think it will go?
HBK: I don't need an advantage to beat JBL this week and even if i don't win tonight, I know next week is a different story, but I have a chance to soften him up and I will do just that. Cena, for now, is a distraction for us all. He can sit around and watch and it doesn't matter because he is already going to Backlash, so we can't get caught up on him. The real issue now is JBL and he is easy enough to deal with, then it is Batista. Both of them are good, but nothing compared to the heartbreak kid. So I am going to be the man at backlash against Cena and there is nothing anyone will do to stop that. Tonight is just a preview of the showstoppa in action!

Cole: That match is next!

::Commercial Break::

John Cena vs John Bradshaw Layfield vs Shawn Michaels
John Cena fires off some right and left hands. John Cena hits some punches. John Bradshaw Layfield ducks a clothesline attempt. Back elbow connects, Cena staggers backward. Massive backbreaker, JBL got planted. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Big clothesline on HBK. Shawn Michaels powers out of a John Cena headlock. John Bradshaw Layfield scoops up Cena. HBK bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. John Bradshaw Layfield with a standing spinebuster. HBK slams John Bradshaw Layfield. JBL blocks a punch. Rude Awakening on John Cena by JBL. Batista comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Cena turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Batista! Batista has left Cena in big trouble. John Bradshaw Layfield moves in for the kill. Clothesline From Hell!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Cole: Batista stands over John Cena as he comes out and ruins the main event
Foley: He is helping himself by taking out the man he hopes to face at Backlash, it might be a sensible move.
Cole: Well it is JBL with the win thanks to Batista taking out John Cena, next week on Smackdown we have HBK Shawn Michaels vs. JBL, the winner faces Batista for a chance to go to Backlash and fight Cena for the title. Goodnight.
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JBL won, good god. Shock. Then Batista beat Triple H just before. What an amazing show, Chez. I got all the predictions right aswell which makes it even better. ;)

Can't wait till backlash which by the sounds of your post is in about 2 weeks?
Backlash is April 26th, so we have 16 days left!

Just to let you know, since I forgot to say, I will be running Heat as a show for the lower members of both brands, but there won't be the same sort of detail in it.
Sounds great Chez, I can't wait. :D

It's updates like those that make me wish I had an EWR story going. Very very well written.
Sounds great Chez, I can't wait. :D

It's updates like those that make me wish I had an EWR story going. Very very well written.
Makes me wish I could be bothered constantly updating an EWR Story :p

Nice update Chez, I like the idea of doing Heat aswell, Keep It Up!

Heat - Saturday 11th April

Todd: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another Saturday Night Heat! I am Todd Grisham
Josh: And I am Josh Matthews
Todd: And we are back for the first time since Wrestlemania with new rosters and new everything!

Video package starts

Vince: Everything will begin again from tomorrow night on Raw!...As of tonight, ECW no longer exists!...the new beginning with just Raw and Smackdown will start tomorrow night with a whole new draft...As of this moment, every superstar in this company is removed from their brand!...So everyone, enjoy your night tonight, because tomorrow everything begins again... again!
King: Woah! What an announcement!

JR: Welcome to Monday Night Raw!...Well it sure as hell will be epic and I think we are just about ready to get going.
Vickie: Thank you Mr. McMahon. I would like to take the opportunity therefore to draft for Smackdown...
Vince: Hold up there Vickie...Every week the odds are stacked against Edge's opponent with the numbers game. Quite frankly, that doesn't make for good television...I have had enough. Vickie, YOU'RE FIRED!
King: He fired Vickie Guerrero!
Vince: The new General Manager of Smackdown is a multi-time World Champion, in fact he is a 16-time world champion. He is the dirtiest player in the game...
King: It can't be him!
Vince: ..., he is the Nature Boy. He is Ric Flair!
Flair: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!...the first draft pick of the 2008 draft for Smackdown is... TRIPLE H!
Shane: the first draft pick for Raw is RANDY ORTON!
Flair: The next pick for Smackdown is the WWE Champion, JOHN CENA!
Shane: So you want to play it this way do you? Drafting my champion. Well two can play this game. For Raw's next pick, I pick the World Heavyweight Champion, EDGE!
Vince: ...But before we go any further, I am afraid both of you will be required to hand over your belts as per the rules of this draft
Cena: here take the title belt. I have no worries about taking that one.
JR: Just desserts! Edge will have to give in his unearned title!
Flair: ...my final selection, is BATISTA!
Shane: my final pick is... Y2J CHRIS JERICHO!
King: HBK isnt coming to Raw?
Vince: every other active WWE superstar will be drafted in the lottery segment up next
Flair: Hopefully we will strike lucky here last! Number 13!
Computer: Shawn Michaels
HBK: I have just one thing for you Shane...
JR: Sweet Chin Music to the Raw GM! tune in next week for a new era to begin!

Todd: Yep, Monday night was huge
Matthews: Absolutely, we have new homes for everyone and the end of ECW means more big names on Raw and Smackdown, meaning more competition
Todd: Well time to get with the here and now, its the first match of the night and it is Val Venis up against Mike Knox!

Val Venis vs Mike Knox
Powerslam from Mike Knox. Side suplex from Knox. Mike Knox turns Venis inside-out with a clothesline. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Knox looks shocked. Venis gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Venis slips out the back of a Mike Knox bodyslam. Big clothesline on Knox. Knox walks into a spike slam. Mike Knox blocks a right hand and fires back. Mike Knox DDTs Venis. Val Venis can barely stand. Here it comes - Knox Out. 1....2...3, it's finished. Mike Knox slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Venis turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.

Todd: Ooo.. that looked like it hurt
Matthews: Absolutely, a domination by Knox who really showed how brutal he can be
Todd: Well don't go away, we have the James Boys, Kassidy James and James Curtis, against Dreamer and Delaney. Next!

::Commercial Break::

Todd: Welcome back to Heat where now we have a Smackdown recap for you from the World Heavyweight Title scene!

Video package starts

Flair:...there is one huge issue which has to be dealt with and that is the World Heavyweight Championship here around my shoulder!
Foley: Batista has something to say
Batista: That belt, Ric, deserves to be mine. No question about it. Remember the past Ric, I have taken it off so many people that I have earned my shot at it
Cole: John Cena, the WWE Champion up until draft night on Monday, wants in!
Cena: Ric, I respect you greatly and it will be a pleasure to work with you I am sure, I want to say that first. I also want to remind everyone that I get first in line to that title as I just lost my old one, the WWE Championship, to the drafting. So if anyone should get the title, I am the one with the right.
"Time to play the game!"
Foley: Is it becoming crowded in here?
HHH: Hey Ric, nice to see you again. I just heard someone say they deserve the title and then someone say they had the right. Well, other than you obviously Ric, who has won that the most times? That would be me. I am the man with the legacy, the history to back me up. The title is something which is mine
Flair: Guys, guys! Let me tell you now that nobody will get this title belt tonight. Here is how it will work. I cannot deny that John here is the one who is promised a first shot at the belt, so you will be going to Backlash to fight for this belt right here. His opponent? That is what we will sort out here, because tonight we will have Triple H vs. Batista and one of you could be going to Backlash to fight John Cena for the title!
Voice: Hold on, hold on!
Cole: That is JBL's voice! Here he comes from the back!
JBL: You can't just let these 3 get the only chances when on the roster is the wrestling god himself: J, B...
"I think I'm cute, I know I'm sexy, I got the looks that drive the girls wild!"
Foley: Make that 5! Shawn Michaels, HBK, is here too!
HBK: You won't hear me saying this... ever really, but I agree with JBL. Those 3 are good, but they aren't the showstoppa!
Flair: Triple H or Batista could be going to fight John Cena, but not necessarily. The winner of tonight's match between them will face the winner of next week's match between HBK Shawn Michaels and JBL to see who will go to Backlash! And tonight, as well as Triple H vs. Batista, the rest of you need to stay warm, so it will be John Cena vs. JBL vs. HBK Shawn Michaels as our Smackdown Main Event!
Foley: Oh my goodness what an announcement!

Triple H is in his locker room preparing for his match tonight. A loud banging is heard as the door is forced open. MVP walks in.
MVP: You, Hunter! I have to talk! You think you're so big and clever don't you. Think you own the place, well I have news for you: you don't. This is Smackdown and on Smackdown there is only one VIP and that is MVP
HHH: What the hell is your point?
MVP: My point is that, as always, you and your chumps have got all the title shots, but I was told I couldn't
HHH: You are only jealous of me because I am better, "MVP". You keep talking here, I actually have a match tonight. Bye

Cole: Yep, its Triple H and Batista in their fight to go to Backlash for the World Heavyweight Championship and it is now!
Montel Vontavious Porter comes running down the aisle with a chair! Batista goes to irish whip Triple H into the ropes. MVP hits HHH with a chair to the back! Batista moves in for the kill. Batista Bomb! 1....2....3. Montel Vontavious Porter has a chair. Triple H stands up...and gets floored by a shot to the head. Another two shots smack down across his back, leaving him unmoving on the canvas. MVP sets the chair up, then picks up Triple H. He gets whipped into the ropes...and then drop toe holded, sending him face first into the chair! Montel Vontavious Porter has left HHH down and bloodied in the ring after a brutal assault!
Foley: He didn't get the attention of Triple H earlier, but now he certainly has the attention of him!
Cole: Well however it happened, Batista is the man who will go through to face either Shawn Michaels or JBL in two weeks time for the right to fight John Cena at Backlash for the title.

Cole: It is the main event, HBK vs. JBL vs. Cena!
Batista comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Cena turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Batista! Batista has left Cena in big trouble. John Bradshaw Layfield moves in for the kill. Clothesline From Hell!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!
Cole: Batista stands over John Cena as he comes out and ruins the main event

Matthews: And now for that promised match!

The James Boys vs Dreamer and Delaney
Powerslam from Tommy Dreamer. Curtis tags out to Kassidy James. Flying shoulder tackle by Dreamer sends K. James to the mat. Tag to Colin Delaney. Flying elbow off the top rope by Colin Delaney. Tag between Kassidy James and James Curtis. Curtis takes a hurrancarana. Flying knee to the face from Colin Delaney. Colin Delaney has James Curtis down on the canvas. Schoolboy!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Dreamer and Delaney go into the crowd, where they celebrate their win.

Todd: Dreamer and his student get themselves the win over the James Boys
Josh: With a mentor like Dreamer, this man can only go up in the business!
Todd: No doubt about that Josh. Don't go away as we have our main event! Jesse and Festus against Paul Burchill and DH Smith!

::Commercial Break::

Video package starts

Voiceover: It changed everything...
Vince: Everything will begin again from tomorrow night on Raw!
Voiceover: The landscape changed. Forever...
Vince: a whole new draft...As of this moment, every superstar in this company is removed from their brand!
Voiceover: And it left huge questions and emptiness...
Vince: ...But before we go any further, I am afraid both of you will be required to hand over your belts
Voice: And now a void is left with so many there wanting to fill it
Edge: That title...
Kane: the WWE...
Jericho: WWE Championship...
Orton: Should be...
Big Show: Mine!
Punk: It deserves...
Kennedy: To be mine!
Jeff Hardy: So give it to me!
Voiceover: The WWE Championship. Its fate will be decided. Monday Night. Raw.

Josh: That just shows the depth of the new Raw roster, all those big names all can legitimately claim to be the best
Todd: But only one can get the title!
Josh: I don't envy Shane McMahon, that is all I will say
Todd: Good because it is Main Event time! Dalton Brothers, Jesse and Festus. Burchill and Smith. Lets go!

Jesse and Festus vs Paul Burchill and DH Smith
Lame kick from Festus. Festus Dalton with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Burchill. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Burchill counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Stiff chop lights up Festus. Paul Burchill hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag to DH Smith. Stun Gun from DH Smith! Festus pushes out of a DH Smith hold. Tag to Jesse Dalton. Jesse and Festus whip DH Smith into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Second rope flying axe handle, DH Smith goes down. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Jesse Dalton with a running dropkick into the corner. Tag to Festus Dalton. Flapjack from Festus. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. DH Smith pushes out of a Festus Dalton hold. Tag to Paul Burchill. Burchill slams Festus Dalton down. Ted DiBiase Jr. comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Festus Dalton turns around. Ted DiBiase Jr. spins Festus around. Ted DiBiase Jr. hits the Dream Crusher! Dibiase Jr leaves the ring, the damage done! Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Paul Burchill pins Festus. Jesse and Festus are beaten down three-on-two by the combined forces of Burchill, DH Smith and Dibiase Jr.

Todd: DiBiase Jr. Does some dirty work!
Josh: And now the 3 of them stood together? Is this some alliance?
Todd: They got mics! We will find out!

Paul: Tonight on Heat you all witnessed the start of something incredible. It will begin now and gather momentum every week. Every week it will get faster and stronger until it is a force which is unstoppable. We are the Unstoppables, the new stars in the making of the WWE. One day, one day soon, we will be at the top looking down. One step at a time we will do what we have done tonight and nobody can stop that from carrying us to our destiny!

Josh: A huge statement of intent from these 3 "unstoppables"
Todd: Well we will have to see if what they say comes true because that is the end of Heat, thank you for watching! Goodnight!
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Raw Preview

Monday Night Raw heads for the STAPLES center, Los Angeles, California for its explosive first show with the new roster as drawn last week in the monumental WWE Draft. It will surely be a night of lights, camera and action from Hollywood itself.

The WWE Championship is up in the air as John Cena left Raw in the draft. All we know is that Edge and CM Punk are both garuenteed title shots at this title because they both lost equivalent titles. What will Shane McMahon do to decide this? We have no idea as he is not letting on any information, so all you can do is tune in and see what goes down in this action-packed situation!

We do know what is happening with the Intercontinental Championship though. This vacant championship is going to be at the center of a 10-man battle royal this week where there will be battle for the belt. The winner will hold the title by the end of the night. Faces like Jeff Hardy, Cody Rhodes, Lance Cade, Elijah Burke and Finlay will all be making an appearance, this is one blockbuster match you don't want to miss.

There are two championships on Raw which have survived the draft with their holders intact, though. The World Tag Team Championships are one and London and Kendrick hold them with no obvious opponents on the roster. Paul London this week faces Domino, who has lost his partnership with Deuce to the draft lottery.

The Womens Champion still has a home on Raw too, Mickie James was happy to get to keep her belt through the drafting following her long battle with Beth Phoenix. Melina is her opponent this week, a friend of Beth's. She will be looking for revenge.

A chart topping show of Raw? Isn't it always?!

Confirmed Matches

10-man Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship

World Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Domino

WWE Womens Champion Mickie James vs. Melina (Non-title)
Nice work with the 2 updates there Chezzy and pleased to get all my predictions right :cool:

Confirmed Matches

10-man Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship Elijah Burke

World Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Domino

WWE Womens Champion Mickie James vs. Melina (Non-title)
10-man Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship Cody Rhodes

World Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Domino

WWE Womens Champion Mickie James vs. Melina (Non-title)

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