Extreme Championship Wrestling

Can Simon make ECW a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2 28.6%

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Mick Foley has issued a statement on WWE.com from himself and his partner Stone Cold Steve Austin regarding next week on ECW. He said...
"Next week is going to be a big night for ECW. It is the last ECW before Survivor Series and the number one contenders will be determined. We noticed that last week, London & Kendrick were very impressive in their win, but we can't just hand them the number one contender spot like that. Matt and Jeff Hardy came and asked me, if they could have a shot at the Tag Team titles. So this week we will decide the number one contender. We will decide who will face Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von at Survivor Series"

"Secondly, I have spoken with Mr McMahon and Stone Cold about a title match at Survivor Series. So far, nobody has come close to CM Punk. So we have decided to have a 6 way title match, which will take place in a TLC match, with the title belt suspended above the ring. We have picked out 4 of the men who will compete in the match so far. These are CM Punk, John Morrison, Rob Van Dam and Sabu"

"This means that there are two spots left in the match, and we cannot decide on anyone who is worthy of a title shot from the remainder of our roster. We have therefore decided on an open challenge. We need 1 member of the RAW roster to compete for the title, and one member of the Smackdown! roster to compete. If you think your worthy of a title shot, turn up on ECW, this Tuesday and sign the contract. Be there, or miss out!"
is nobody interested in this story? if so, i'll close it down.

Wo, wo, wo, wo. Take a hold of reality a minute. Give it some time, it was your first show.

Back to business, I got both matches right! Oh yeah... Nice show, but Austin doesn't suit ECW.
Oh ok. Thanks.

I think he does to be honest. He originally came from ECW, and he was the headliner at the original One Night Stand PPV.
is nobody interested in this story? if so, i'll close it down.

Please don't even think to do that :noway This story is going great mate. Hmm...I wonder who the two spots will be given to.... Great works Simon. Nice to see Vince getting Stunned!
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HAHA. The two spots in the main event will be given to whichever superstars accept them :p
I have decided to give this story a comeback. I love the idea, and think it can go far. A "statement" will be issued shortly.

WWE.Com has contacted several important members of the WWE Board in regards to ECW and it's future.

Mr McMahon said "Over the past year the wrestling world and market has changed, in a big way. There have been several companies who have emerged as serious contenders to de-throne the WWE from the top spot in the wrestling business. I salute them for that, but WWE will do all it can to remain at the top and provide the best show for it's fans. I regret to say, that ECW has not done as well as I had hoped. This is the reason I employed Simon, in a bid to re-claim the greatness ECW had during the 80's and 90's. Extreme wrestling is, in a way, a niche market, and as the wrestling market is not particularly growing, it's something we can exploit. With the introduction of new matches, new superstars and an overall more "extreme" take on wrestling I have every confidence that Simon and his team can take ECW back to the glory days. I have also decided to invest vast sums of money into our development system here at WWE. Scouting has improved, and more superstars will be found and brought into the WWE. As you may have heard, WWE has recently severed it's ties with Ohio Valley Wrestling. I have since decided to invest in several more territories across America. We already have Florida Championship working under the WWE flag and soon there will be several more territories springing up across America. We now have Washington Wrestling Alliance working under our belts, as well as Pro Wrestling Alliance, based in Texas and Minnesota Entertainment, LLC. These new territories will give an even spread of territories across America and will give almost anyone who wants to break into the business, a chance to. The board have also been thinking about a territory in the centre of America, one in Canada, South America, the United Kingdom and Japan. I see these territories opening within 5 years. Overall, the future looks bright for the WWE and we have taken the measures needed in order to do so.

Unfortunatly Simon could not be contacted, so we spoke to his General Managers, Mick Foley and Steve Austin to see what they had to say.

Mick Foley said "I would like to thank Vince and Simon for giving me this oppurtunity. ECW was dieing, and now they are doing something about it. I think between us, we could make it the best brand in sports entertainment."

Steve Austin said "ECW can be and will be the best, especially under the leadership of Stone Cold. The bottom line is, if anyone, Vince, Simon or Mick interfere with me while I'm doing my job, then they will, and I mean will, get their ass stunned.
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I'll probably follow this now it's back :)

Good luck with it again.
Cheers guys. ECW will be good, once again.
Mick Foley has issued a statement on WWE.com from himself and his partner Stone Cold Steve Austin regarding next week on ECW. He said...
"Next week is going to be a big night for ECW. It is the last ECW before ECW presents Living Dangerously and the number one contenders will be determined. We noticed that last week, London & Kendrick were very impressive in their win, but we can't just hand them the number one contender spot like that. Matt and Jeff Hardy came and asked me, if they could have a shot at the Tag Team titles. So this week we will decide the number one contender. We will decide who will face Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von at Living Dangerously"

"Secondly, I have spoken with Mr McMahon and Stone Cold about a title match at Living Dangerously. So far, nobody has come close to CM Punk. So we have decided to have a 6 way title match, which will take place in a TLC match, with the title belt suspended above the ring. We have picked out 4 of the men who will compete in the match so far. These are CM Punk, John Morrison, Rob Van Dam and Sabu"

"This means that there are two spots left in the match, and we cannot decide on anyone who is worthy of a title shot from the remainder of our roster. We have therefore decided on an open challenge. We need 1 member of the RAW roster to compete for the title, and one member of the Smackdown! roster to compete. If you think your worthy of a title shot, turn up on ECW, this Tuesday and sign the contract. Be there, or miss out!"

ECW begins with the titantron exploding with fireworks. An unfamiliar tune plays, and outcomes Simon with Mick Foley and Steve Austin. The crowd roars with excitement. A table and 2 chairs have been erected in the centre of the ring. Simon gets a mic and talks about how ECW will be good again. He then talks about the up and coming Living Dangerously PPV. “It’s now time to find out who has accepted the challenge for the ECW Title Match and Living Dangerously. Firstly, I would like to invite our ECW Champion to the ring” CM Punk’s music plays and he walks to the ring. The crowd are really into this. “I would now like to invite the first challenger. The challenger from the Smackdown brand. MVP’s music hits, and the crowd boos. The music only lasts 5 seconds and stops. Simon stands their looking bemused and begins looking at Austin and Foley. The screen then cuts backstage and shows MVP lying on the floor, next to his US Title belt. Rey Mysterio’s music then plays and the crowd goes wild. He runs out and down the ramp and into the ring. He signs the contract and then shakes hands with his friend CM Punk, Mick Foley and Simon but Stone Cold ignores him.

The Hardy Boyz vs. London & Kendrick
In a back and forth match, each team takes it in turn to be dominant. Some high flying top rope moves, excite the fans and the Hardyz are just beginning to get the upper hand when Cor Von and Burke slip into the ring and beat everyone up, causing a no contest. Cor Von stands their, gloating with his title belt, when Hardy hits him with the twist of fate.
“Stop, stop right there, shouts Foley as he appears on the big screen. You’ve done it now, Elijah and Marcus. You will be facing both the Hardyz and London & Kendrick at Living Dangerously. I have yet to decide the stipulation, but one thing is for sure, you won’t find out, until the night.”

Big Daddy V vs. Tommy Dreamer & Sandman (Extreme Handicap Match)Big Daddy V walks all over Dreamer and Sandman without the use of weapons. He attacks Dreamer, crushing his body with the huge amounts of power and weight. He then goes after Sandman who retreats, leaving Dreamer to the mercy of Big Daddy V. Striker throws in some weapons, and Dreamer is pounded with a Big Daddy Chairshot to the skull. He doesn’t get up from that.

John Morrison vs. Rob Van Dam (No DQ)
John Morrison gets the initial upper hand, hitting Van Dam with several body shots. As the match progresses, Van Dam shows he is used to this sort of treatment and fights back. Morrison cannot take the chairshots and when he is suplexed through a table, it’s all over.

Simon, Foley and Austin come to the ring again. CM Punk then enters. “It’s now time to reveal the RAW contestant for the ECW Title at Living Dangerously. Please reveal yourself” A very familiar tune plays and the crowd boo heavily. Umaga appears at the top of the stage, and comes down to the ring. He is asked by Simon to please sign the contract. He looks at the contract and rips it up, and throws the table across the ring. He walks towards CM Punk who holds his hand out to shake hands. Umaga pulls Punk’s arm and throws him straight into the Samoan Spike as ECW goes off air.
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Cheers mate. Be sure to keep checking the story for new updates.
Don't be stupid. If your going to comment, comment something worthwhile and sensible.

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