WWE 2006 And Beyond


School Cricketer
Aug 10, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
This is my first ever BTB that i have at another forum. I will only be doing Raw and Smackdown. Not ECW. I will start with a Vengeance recap and then continue on from there.

RAW Roster
Armando Alejandro Estrada
Beth Phoenix
Candice Michelle
Charlie Haas
Chris Masters
Gene Snitsky
John Cena
Johnny Nitro
Lance Cade
Matt Striker
Mickie James
Randy Orton
Ric Flair
Robby McAllister
Rob Conway
Rory McAllister
Rob Van Dam
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Torrie Wilson
Trevor Murdoch
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Val Venis

RAW Announcers
Play by Play: Jim Ross
Color Commentator: Jerry Lawler
Interviewer: Jonathan Coachman

RAW Champions
WWE Champion: Edge
Intercontinental Champion: Johnny Nitro
World Tag Team Champions: Spirit Squad
Women?s Champion: Mickie James

SmackDown! Roster
Big Show
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Brian Kendrick
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Gregory Helms
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble
Jillian Hall
Ken Kennedy
Kurt Angle
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Michelle McCool
Paul Birchill
Paul London
Rey Mysterio
Scotty Too Hotty
Simon Dean
Super Crazy
The Great Khali
The Undertaker
William Regal

SD! Announcers
Play by Play: Michael Cole
Color Commentator: Tazz
Interviewer: Josh Matthews

SD! Champions
World Champion: Kurt Angle
United States Champion: Bobby Lashley
WWE Tag Team Champions: JBL & Ken Kennedy
Cruiserweight Champion: Gregory Helms
good start look forward to see how this goes. kutgw
Vengeance 6/25/06 Recap

In the opening contest, Johnny Nitro defeated Carlito and Shelton Benjamin to win the Intercontinental Championship. After the match, Nitro announced that he would become the greatest IC Champion of all time.

In the second match of the night, Kane defeated the Imposter Kane. After the match, Kane unmasked the imposter and it was revealed to be former SmackDown! superstar Heidenreich. Kane then proceeded to grab a chair from ringside but before he could proceed to do any damage, Heidenreich said it wasnt his idea to dress up like this. Heidenreich then gave Kane a low blow and ran up the ramp

In the third match of the night, Ric Flair defeated Mick Foley in a one fall contest. After the match, Foley proceeded to beat Flair into a bloody pulp even going so far as to hit Flair repeatedly over the head with a hammer.

In match #4. Kenny and Mikey of The Spirit Squad defeated Snitsky and Viscera to retain the World Tag Team Championship.

In match #5, Umaga defeated John Cena after Randy Orton, fresh off a suspension, interfered and gave Cena the RKO.

In the 5th match of the night, 1 of 2 main events, Triple H and Shawn Michaels of D-Generation X defeated The McMahons (Vince & Shane) in a No Holds Barred match. After the match, a bloody Shane McMahon was heard yelling at his father, "I'M DONE!"

In match #6, Mickie James retained the Women's Championship by defeating Trish Stratus and Beth Phoenix in a triple threat match.

In the 2nd Main Event, Edge defeated Rob Van Dam to win his second WWE Championship. It took three spears but eventually Edge put Mr. Monday Night away at the 30 minute mark.
Source pwtorch.com:

It is almost confirmed that the main event for The Great American Bash PPV will be Angle vs. Booker T vs. Mysterio for the World Championship.

An idea for a Mr. Kennedy-Undertaker feud is also being passed around.

A Vince McMahon-Shane McMahon match is in the works for SummerSlam.

Vince McMahon has also been heard saying that he was very impressed with the way that Matt Hardy has been taking his "punishment" since he returned to WWE. McMahon may decide to give Hardy a U.S. Title push.
RAW preview

After a hell of a Vengeance PPV, RAW comes to Houston. Monday Night RAW has a new WWE Champion in the Rated R superstar, Edge. Edge will put his newly one championship on the line against Rob Van Dam in a Vengeance rematch. Will RVD regain the title or will Edge once again defeat Mr. Monday Night?

We also know that the Big Red Machine, Kane will take on the man who has been torturing him for weeks, Heidenreich. Kane wants answers and he may plan to beat them out of Heidenreich.

What will be the McMahons reaction to once again being defeated by D-Generation X? And is there some dissention between Vince and Shane following the Vengeance PPV?

Will Randy Orton be at Monday Night Raw after he cost John Cena his match against Umaga on Sunday Night?

And what will Mick Foley and Ric Flair have to say about the brutal aftermath of their match at Vengeance? All this and more on RAW, Monday night at 9:00pm.
WWE RAW 6/26/06

?Across the nation? hits and the RAW opening video plays. The fireworks and pyro explodes and we are greeted by Jim Ross and Jerry ?The King? Lawler.

Jim Ross: Hi everybody. I?m Good Ol? J.R. here with Jerry ?The King? Lawler and coming off the heels of another great PPV we have a blockbuster of a RAW for you here tonight.

Jerry Lawler: That?s right tonight we have a rematch from the main event of Vengeance. The newly crowned WWE champion Edge will defend his title against the former champion Rob Van Dam. And that?s not all because tonight we will have ?The Big Red Machine? Kane goes one on one with Heidenreich. Oh my God, I can?t wait.

?My time is now? hits and John Cena makes his way to the ring amidst a mixed reaction.

Cena: Last night, I was screwed out of my match with (mocks Armando Alejandro Estrada) UUUUUUUUmmaaggaa!!! Now I?m not going to come out here and bitch about it. Randy Orton get your ass out here and lets settle this right now!!?

Fans pop big time.

?Burn in my light? hits as Randy Orton comes to the ramp way receiving a mixed reaction.

Orton: Cena believe it or not, I?ve got no beef with you man, BUT?I had to make an impact upon my return. I?ve ran through enough legends, John. You see its time for me to start demolishing and taking out my peers. And John, You?re the first on the list.?

Orton drops his mic and runs to the ring. Orton and Cena trade punches for a few seconds before Cena knocks Orton down with a clothesline. Cena then lifts Orton up for the FU and hits it. Cena puts Orton in the STFU. Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada come to the ring. Cena takes Umaga down with a clothesline and then sets him up for the FU. Estrada hit?s a low blow on Cena and Cena falls down to the canvas. Umaga and Estrada lift Cena up and ORTON HITS CENA WITH THE RKO. ORTON THEN SPITS ON CENA AND DOES HIS TRADEMARK POSE.

J.R.: For the second time in two nights, Randy Orton RKOs John Cena.

Lawler: Randy?s making an impact and that?s all you can hope for from a WWE superstar J.R.

Commercial Break

Backstage, The Coach stands by with Kane.

Coach: Kane last night you defeated ?The Imposter Kane? at Vengeance. But the shocker came after the match when you unmasked him and it turned out to be Heidenreich. Now, Kane I gotta ask you do you think there?s any truth to what Heidenreich said last night.

Kane: You mean when he said that this whole charade wasn?t his idea? Its obvious to me that Heidenreich is a liar but just in case, I?ll beat the truth out of him tonight.

We cut back to the arena as ?Heidenreich? hits and Heidenreich comes to the ring to a somewhat silent reaction.

?Slow Chemical? hits and Kane makes his way to the ring to a good pop.

1) Kane vs. Heidenreich

After about three minutes of even brawling, Kane irish whips Heidenreich into the corner and accidentally takes out the referee. Heidenreich nails Kane with a knee to the crotch and exits the ring. Heidenreich then grabs a chair from ringside and brings it into the ring. Heidenreich raises the chair above his head but Kane nails Heidenreich with a low blow. Kane then picks up the chair and nails Heidenreich in the head. The referee sees this and DQs Kane. (Winner-Heidenreich via disqualification at 5:00) Kane then lifts the chair up again. Heidenreich begs off saying ?It wasn?t my idea, please!!? Kane yells ?Bullshit!!!? The arena gets filled with a red light and a voice plays over the P.A. ?This isn?t over Kane.?

We cut to Vince McMahon?s office backstage. Vince and Shane McMahon are in the office arguing.

Shane: Dad, I?m done. I?m sick and tired of losing and I?m sick of getting my ass kicked. Pop, I was a bloody mess last night. I don?t want anymore to do with D-X.

Vince: Shane, listen. We?re so close to getting rid of those degenerates. I?ve got a plan. Tonight its going to be D-Generation X vs. The Spirit Squad in a handicap lumberjack match.

J.R.: DX is screwed tonight. Damn it this is not right!

Commercial Break

"Legs like that? hits and Maria makes her way to the ring receiving a decent pop. Candice Michelle music follows and she makes her way to the ring with no reaction.

2) Maria vs. Candice Michelle

After about two minutes of somewhat sloppy action, Maria pins Candice with a schoolboy. (Winner-Maria via pinfall at 2:06). As Maria celebrates, the WWE Women?s Champion Mickie James makes her way to the ring and clotheslines both Maria and Candice. Mickie then plants each woman with a Mickie DDT. Mickie then begins to laugh as we cut to the back.

We are backstage with the Coach as he is standing by with Trish Stratus.

Coach: Trish, last night at Vengeance, you and Beth Phoenix got your asses handed to you by the WWE Women?s Champion Mickie James. And judging by the destruction that Mickie just caused in the ring , Trish, think its time you faced the truth and that is you are no longer the top diva on RAW.

Trish: Well Coach, I?

(Melina interrupts)

Melina: You are exactly right Coach. Trish is no longer the top diva on RAW, but neither is Mickie James. I?m the #1 diva in the WWE. Get used to being #3 Trish..

Melina smiles and walks away as Trish looks annoyed.

We cut to ringside to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

Lawler: My God, J.R.! What a night we?ve had on RAW!

J.R. : You?re damn right King and we?re not even half way through it. We know that Heidenreich was telling the truth at Vengeance and is apparently working for someone to torment and menace Kane. Randy Orton and Umaga double teamed John Cena and left him a mess.

Lawler: Not to mention that Orton spit on Cena after that attack.

J.R.: Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting by The Legend Killer! We?ve got our Women?s Champion destroying the top contenders for her title. And we?ve still got D-X and a WWE Title match for right here tonight.

Lawler: Speaking of DX, Triple H and Shawn Michaels take on The Spirit Squad in a 5 on 2 handicap lumberjack match and that match is next!

Commercial Break

Video package of Mick Foley?s vicious attack on Ric Flair at Vengeance is shown.

When we come back from the vignette many RAW midcarders and lower tiered wrestlers surround the ring. ?Spirit? hits and The Spirit Squad make their way down to the ring receiving great heat.

?Break it Down? hits and Triple H and Shawn Michaels make their way down to the ring receiving an immense pop from the fans. HHH grabs a mic from ringside.

HHH: (Pointing to Spirit Squad) You five pillow biters stay right over there as we do our thing. (Talking to fans) Are you ready? (Fans cheer) I said, are you?.(Before HHH could finish he and Michaels are attacked by The Spirit Squad.)

3) D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) vs. Spirit Squad (Kenny, Mikey, Johnny, Nicky and Mitch) in a 5 on 2 handicap lumberjack match

After about ten minutes of being dominated, HHH and HBK recover and send all the members of The Spirit Squad flying out of the ring. All of the lumberjacks proceed to beat The Spirit Squad senseless. Lumberjacks roll Mitch into the ring. HHH hits Mitch with the Pedigree. Lumberjacks roll Nicky into the ring. HBK hits Nicky with Sweet Chin Music. Lumberjacks roll Mikey into the ring. HHH hits Mikey with Pedigree. Lumberjacks roll Kenny into the ring. HBK hit Kenny with Sweet Chin Music. Lumberjacks roll Johnny into the ring. HHH hits Johnny with the Pedigree. HHH pins Johnny for the win. (Winners-D-Generation X via pinfall at 12:23.) HHH and HBK celebrate in the ring by doing the DX crotch chops over The Spirit Squad.

We cut to the backstage area as Vince is breaking stuff in his office

Vince: Damn it Shane! Every damn time!!

Shane: Pops, just give it up and move on.

Vince: I don?t give up and I don?t move on. I?ll have something for them next week. Next week damn it! Next Week!!

Commercial Break

?Cool? hits and Carlito makes his way to the ring receiving a good pop. Carlito grabs a mic.

Carlito: In a fit of rage, Mr. McMahon has booked Carlito in a handicap match against Shelton Benjamin and Johnny Nitro. Handicap matches?.that?s not cool.

Paparazzi hits and Johnny Nitro (w/ Melina) comes down to the ring to a decent amount of heat. Melina does her patented entrance which receives a good pop.

?Ain?t no stopping? me? hits and Shelton Benjamin makes his way down to the ring receiving decent heat.

4) Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro & Shelton Benjamin

After about five minutes of mostly Nitro and Benjamin dominating, Carlito makes a comeback, clotheslining both men. Carlito hits a dropkick on Benjamin and then hit?s a springboard back elbow on Nitro. Carlito throws Benjamin out of the ring. Nitro attempts to clothesline Carlito. Carlito ducks the clothesline and hits Nitro with a backcracker. Carlito covers Nitro but Melina puts Nitro?s foot on the bottom rope. Trish Stratus runs from the back and tackles Melina. Carlito becomes distracted by the happenings at ringside. Benjamin re-enters the ring, turns Carlito around and hits the T-Bone suplex for the pin. (Winners-Benjamin & Nitro at 10:12) After the match Nitro and Benjamin stomp on Carlito. ?Paparazzi? hits as Nitro and Benjamin look on confused. JOEY MERCURY runs into the ring and cleans house as the fans erupt. Mercury hits Nitro with a DDT as Carlito hits Benjamin with a backcracker.

J.R.: Oh my God King!! We?ve just seen the return AND the Monday Night RAW debut of Joey Mercury. I don?t believe this!!

Lawler: I?m Shocked J.R.! Absolutely shocked! What a RAW! And J.R. guess what the best part hasn?t even happened yet! Because coming up next, Edge vs. Rob Van Dam for the WWE Championship.

Commercial Break

Backstage, Edge and Lita are preparing for the title match when a door opens off screen.

Edge: Holy crap! Its good to see you back. You look great. I may need you out there tonight, so be ready.

We cut back to ringside.

J.R. : Who the hell was Edge talking to King?

Lawler: I don?t know J.R.. But I can?t wait to see this match.

?One of a Kind? hits as Rob Van Dam comes to the ring receiving a good pop.

?Metallingus? hit?s as Edge (w/ Lita) makes his way down to the ring receiving an ungodly amount of heat.

With both wrestlers in the ring, Lilian Garcia makes the introductions.

Lilian: Introducing the challenger, weighing 235 lbs, from Battle Creek, Michigan, he is the former WWE Champion, Rob..Van..Dam (Van Dam poses) (Good pop). And introducing the champion, weighing 240 lbs, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is the WWE Champion, Edge (Tremendous heat).

5) (c)Edge vs. Rob Van Dam for the WWE Championship

After 20 minutes and a very grueling contest, Edge nails a spear on Van Dam. Edge covers RVD but RVD kicks out at 2. Edge stomps on the ref. Lita tosses Edge a chair. Edge swings at Van Dam. Van Dam ducks the shot and nails the Van Daminator on Edge. Lita grabs another chair, enters the ring and swings at Van Dam. Van Dam ducks and hit?s a Van Daminator on Lita!! Van Dam then rolls Lita out of the ring, climbs up to the top rope and hit?s the Five Star Frog Splash on Edge. Van Dam covers Edge but the ref is still down. As Van Dam tries to revive the referee. CHRIS MASTERS climbs over the barricade, picks up one of the steel chairs and nails Van Dam. Masters then pulls Edge over Van Dam and revives the referee. Ref then counts to 3. (Winner and still WWE Champion-Edge via pinfall at 27:23.) Edge, Masters, and Lita then stand over Van Dam?s body, laughing.

J.R.: Son of a bitch! ?The Masterpiece? is back and he & Edge just screwed Rob Van Dam out of the WWE Championship!

Lawler: This is a festive occasion J.R. Chris Masters is back and Edge is still the WWE Champion. Its celebration time. Good night everybody!

why are all wrestling stories pllain text?

What do you mean freddi?

But nice show KOP, good period to work with, as DX are together and kickin ass! KUTGW
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley (possibly as Cactus Jack) is in the works for SummerSlam.

The Spirit Squad may be split into two seperate groups in the near future.

Kurt Angle vs. Batista and Joey Mercury vs. Johnny Nitro are two matches currently planned for SummerSlam.
SmackDown! Preview

This Friday, SmackDown airs from the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York as the road to the Great American Bash continues.

Last week on SmackDown!, The Big Show challenged World Champion Kurt Angle to a title match. Angle has accepted and the match is on for this Friday Night. Will The Big Show capture the World Title or will Kurt Angle hold onto the championship he has held since January?

Friday on SmackDown! we will also find out the next #1 contender for the World Title. 20 SmackDown superstars slug it out in an Over-the-top-rope battle royal for a shot at the title at The Great American Bash.

More #1 contenders will be set for The Great American Bash as The Pit Bulls take on Paul London & Brian Kendrick for a shot at the WWE Tag Team Championship. Which one of these two talented teams will face the arrogant JBL and the pompous Mr. Kennedy for the tag titles at the Bash?

Last week on SmackDown! it was announced that "The Animal" Batista returns to SmackDown! in 14 days. What will Mark Henry have to say about this recent development?

All of this and more on SmackDown! Friday at 8:00pm.
WWE SmackDown! 6/30/06

SmackDown! opens cold with no introduction and no pyro.

“Mr. Kennedy” hits and Ken Kennedy comes to the ring receiving a mixed reaction. The microphone lowers from the ceiling. Kennedy grabs the microphone and speaks.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, I would just like to remind you that one-half of the greatest tag team in WWE history…hails from Green Bay, Wisconsssiiinnn!!! Miiissstteerrrr Keeennneeddyyyyy…….Kennneeeddyyyy!!!

“Longhorn” hits. JBL heads toward the ring receiving tremendous heat.

Mr. Kennedy: Introducing the other half of the greatest tag team of all-time. He hails from New York City. He is the media maven. He is “The Wall Street Warrior.” John Bradshaw Layfield…Layfield.

JBL and Mr. Kennedy head to the announce table to do commentary for the next match.

“London Calling” hits as Paul London and Brian Kendrick run full-speed to the ring receiving a decent pop.

“Kid Kash” hits as Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, the Pit Bulls come to the ring receiving a rather silent reaction.

1) Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Pit Bulls (Jamie Noble & Kid Kash) for a WWE Tag Team Championship shot at The Great American Bash

After about 11 minutes of back and forth action, Paul London hits Kid Kash with his patented 450 splash. The referee counts to 2 but Mr. Kennedy pulls the referee out of the ring. Kennedy and the ref. argue until Brian Kendrick hits a flying crossbody onto Kennedy and the referee. Kendrick, Kennedy, and the referee are all down on the outside of the ring. JBL exits the announce position and grabs a steel chair from ringside. JBL enters the ring and swings the chair at London but London ducks and the chair hits Kash. Noble shoves JBL. JBL and Noble argue until London hit’s a double dropsault on Noble and JBL. JBL rolls out of the ring. London climbs to the top and hit’s a Shooting Star Press on Noble. A second referee comes from the backstage area and counts the three. (WINNERS- London & Kendrick at 15:57 via pinfall.) Kendrick re-enters the ring and celebrates with London. Kennedy and JBL retreat up the ramp in pain as the Pit-Bulls look at the two with pissed off looks on their faces.

Cole: We have new #1 contenders for the tag team titles. London & Kendrick did it & the Pit Bulls look none to happy.

Tazz: So at The Great American Bash it will be JBL and Mr. Kennedy defending their WWE Tag Team Championship against those two men right there!

Cole: What a great start to SmackDown! And its only going to get better because we’ve got two blockbuster matches for you her tonight. First, there will be a 20 man battle royal to crown a #1 contender to the World Championship at The Great American Bash.

Tazz: And Cole, even bigger than that, our second main event features perhaps the most dominant World Champion of all-time, Kurt Angle defending his title against the 7 foot, 500 pound Big Show.

Cole: All that and much more tonight!!

Commercial Break

When we return from commercial, The Great Khali and Daivari are already in the ring.

Daivari: If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times, The Undertaker is afraid of The Great Khali. He refuses to show his face on SmackDown!. Lets face it people, The Undertaker has abandoned you (Audience boos). He has abandoned SmackDown! And he has abandoned all of WWE due to his fear of The Great Khali (Audience boos). You people don’t believe me? Fine! Continue to believe in The Undertaker all you want! But he hasn’t shown any sign of even his presence since he was destroyed by The Great Khali.

Then all four turnbuckles explode simultaneously!!

Undertaker (Over the P.A.):
Khali, Daivari, you dare challenge me? Khali, you may have one the battle but this unholy war is not over. During my time away, I’ve realized that this company isn’t big enough for the both of us. But that problem will be solved at The Great American Bash. Khali…you. Me. Buried alive!!

Lightning strikes and Undertaker’s music plays as Khali looks focused and unafraid.

Tazz: Oh my God, Cole! Undertaker has challenged The Great Khali to a Buried Alive match at the Bash!

Cole: And judging by The Great Khali’s reaction, he won’t back down from this fight.

We cut to the backstage area as Josh Matthews stands by with the Pit Bulls.

Matthews: So Jamie Noble, Kid Kash, how do you two feel after you lost your match earlier?

Noble: Let me explain something to you boy. Me and “The Notorious K.I.D.” didn’t lose our match earlier tonight. We got screwed out of a title shot by Kennedy and Bradshaw because those two rotten “Sons-a-bitches” didn’t want to face us at the Bash. They’d rather go up against those two pretty boys, London and Kendrick.

Kash: It ain’t over between us and those two teams. You can out “kash” on it. Kid Kash and Jamie Noble will be at The Great American Bash and I guarantee we will make an impact upon arrival

Cole: Strong words from Kash and Noble but coming up next, a 20 man battle royal with the winner earning a shot at the World Championship.

Tazz: That match is next!

Commercial Break

As we return from break, Scotty 2 Hotty, Sylvan, Simon Dean, Super Crazy, Psichosis, Paul Birchill, Funaki, Jamie Noble, Kid Kash, Tatanka, and Gregory Helms are already in the ring.

“How do you like me now” hits as Hardcore Holly makes his way to the ring receiving a good pop.

Cole: Hardcore Holly returns to action in this after several months on the shelf and he has a chance to become the #1 contender here, tonight.

“Live for the moment” hits and Matt Hardy comes out to a good reaction from the fans.

Cole: Matt Hardy will not die but will he win this battle royal here tonight.

“I love to fight” hits and Finlay makes his way to the ring getting a lot of heat.

Tazz: Finlay loves to fight and his “ground & pound” style may give him an advantage in this every man for himself environment.

“Royalty” hits and King Booker & William Regal come to the ring.

Cole: Will the King of the Ring take one step closer to becoming the king of the world here tonight.

“Soldier” hits and Bobby Lashley receives a great pop as he comes to the ring.

Tazz: He’s the United States Champion and if he wins this battle royal he’ll have a shot at becoming the World Champion.

“Somebody’s gonna get it” hits and Mark Henry makes his way to the ring receiving tremendous heat.

Cole: The man who took out Batista, “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry, has a chance to become the top contender to the title that Batista never lost.

“Booyaka” hits and Rey Mysterio comes to the ring receiving a great pop.

Cole: Rey Mysterio came up short in his World Title match at WrestleMania 22, when Kurt Angle forced Randy Orton to submit in a triple threat match. But tonight, Mysterio has a chance to climb the mountain one more time. Mysterio is the last competitor in this match and we’re ready to get this battle royal on the road.

2)20 Man Battle Royal for a World Championship match at The Great American Bash

Elimination Summary:
-Henry eliminates Scotty 2 Hotty at 1:38.
-Henry eliminates Funaki at 2:50.
-Lashley eliminates Tatanka AND Vito at 5:50.
-Hardy eliminates Sylvan at 7:28.
-Booker eliminates Birchill at 9:46.
-Mysterio eliminates Psichosis at 11:03.
-Lashley eliminates Finlay at 14:32.
-Finlay comes back from being eliminated and helps Booker & Regal eliminate Lashley at 16:16.
-Crazy eliminates Helms at 18:16.
-Henry eliminates Dean AND Crazy at 19:00.
-Mysterio eliminates Kash at 19:30.
-Hardy eliminates Noble at 19:45.

Commercial Break

-Henry eliminates Holly at 20:38.
-Mysterio eliminates Regal at 21:16.

Finish: Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, and King Booker are the remaining four in the ring. Henry & Hardy brawl as Mysterio & Booker go at it. Henry nails Hardy with a splash in the corner. Henry then nails Mysterio and Booker with a double clothesline. Henry then proceeds to go back after Hardy in the corner. Hardy nails Henry with a knee to the groin before Henry could grab him. Hardy then hits Henry with the Twist of Fate. Henry shakes it off and makes it up to his knees. Booker then hits Henry with a Scissors Kick. Henry attempts to shake it off and crawls towards the ropes. Mysterio bounces off the ropes and hits Henry with the 619. Booker, Hardy, and Mysterio then manage to dump Henry’s body over the top rope.

-Booker, Hardy, & Mysterio eliminate Henry at 25:19.

After Henry is eliminated, Booker nails both Hardy and Mysterio with low blows. Booker then lifts up Hardy only to hit him with the Bookend. Booker then lifts Hardy up and throws him over the top rope.

-Booker eliminates Hardy at 27:07.

Booker then lifts up Mysterio and tries to throw him over the top but Mysterio grabs on to the rope and lands on the apron. Booker charges at Mysterio. Mysterio hit Booker with his shoulder, causing Booker to stumble backward. Mysterio then springboards off of the top rope and nails Booker with a seated senton but Booker doesn’t go down. Booker then stumbles backwards and falls over the top rope. Booker and Mysterio both hit the floor at the same time. (WINNER-??? At 29:39) Booker and Mysterio argue as Jim Corderis and Chris Kay, the 2 referees who were standing on the outside of the ring argue. Corderis raises Booker’s hand (Audience boos). Kay raises Mysterio’s hand (Audience cheers).

“Macmillitant” hits and Teddy Long comes to the ring.

Long: You know what? There are lot of things I could do in this situation but I’ll tell you the decision that I have come to. The winner of tonight’s World Title match will choose his opponent for the Great American Bash. Thank You.

Both Booker and Mysterio look shocked at the announcement. Booker and Queen Sharmell get in Long’s face about his decision.

Cole: I don’t believe this. The winner of the Kurt Angle-Big Show title match will choose who gets the World Title match at the Bash. Oh My!

Commercial Break

Vignette airs for the return of BATISTA next week on SmackDown!

“Gregory Helms” hits and the WWE Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms comes to the ring and receives some decent heat.

“Mexicools” hits and Super Crazy comes to the ring receiving a good pop.

3) Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy- Non-title match

After 10 minutes of a very competitive matchup, Helms goes for the Shining Wizard, Crazy ducks the move and nail Helms with a spinning wheel kick. Crazy then climbs to the top and hits a moonsault off of the top rope for the eventual pinfall. (WINNER: Crazy at 11:01 via pinfall)

Cole: And Super Crazy picks up the victory over the cruiserweight champion.

Tazz: That’s a big win for Crazy and that’s gotta make him automatically one of, if not the, top contender for the cruiserweight championship.

Cole: But coming up next, perhaps the most dominant champion in the history of the WWE, Kurt Angle, taking on the world’s largest athlete, The Big Show. World Championship. ON THE LINE, NEXT!

Commercial Break

“Crank it up” hits and The Big Show makes his way to the ring receiving a mixed reaction.

Cole: Can the largest athlete in the world become the “biggest” thing in sports-entertainment.

“Medal” hits and Kurt Angle comes to the ring receiving a great pop.

Cole: He has been the World Champion since January, and since that time no wrestler on the planet has been able to touch, Kurt Angle.

4) (C) Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show for the World Championship

After a relatively even 11 minute matchup, Angle hits a German suplex on Big Show. Angle pulls down the straps and applies the ankle lock on Show. Show with little effort, rolls through and sends Angle flying to the outside of the ring. Angle hops up on the apron and climbs to the top rope. Angle attempts a flying cross-body but The Big Show catches him in midair and nails Angle with a front powerslam. Show covers Angle but only receives a two count. Show lifts Angle up and locks in the cobra clutch. Show then lifts Angle up and hits his cobra clutch backbreaker. Show then flings Angle across the ring. Show goes over and covers Angle but only receives a two count. The fans chant “Angle, Angle!” Show pulls his strap down and raises his hand. Show “stalks” Angle until he makes his way to his feet. Angle gets up, turns around, and runs into Angle’s hand. Angle nails Show with several right hands. Angle breaks free of Show’s grip, bounces off of the ropes and runs over Show with a clothesline. Angle then stalks Show until he gets to his feet and hits Show with an Angle Slam. Angle then turns Show over and locks in the Ankle Lock. It takes Show 10 seconds but eventually he submits to the ankle lock (WINNER: Angle at 16:37).

Cole: Angle retains his title. That was a hell of a match-up!

Tazz: He’s unstoppable!! Plain and simple. Nobody can stop Kurt Angle, The Wrestling Machine. Wait…what’s this. Apparently Kurt has something to say.

Angle: At the Royal Rumble, I beat Mark Henry. At No Way Out, I beat The Undertaker. At WrestleMania, I beat Randy Orton. At Judgment Day, I beat Chris Benoit. And just now, right here on SmackDown!, I just beat a 500 pound giant in The Big Show. And at The Great American Bash, I will defeat…King Booker (fans boo)…and Rey Mysterio in a triple threat match (fans erupt).

Cole: Oh my God! Angle, Booker, Mysterio in a triple threat match at The Great American Bash for the World Championship.

Kurt Angle celebrates with World Title as SmackDown! Goes off the air.
source: Gerweck.net

The poster for The Great American Bash has been released


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