WWE - A New Era


Chairman of Selectors
Sep 13, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned

WWE events are conducted in safe environment and executed by highly trained professionals. It takes years of practice to perfect it. Please don't try this at home or in school.


Live From Maryland

Cole: Rules are extreme, and Championships and reputations are on the line as we welcome you to 1st Mariner Arena for KFC presents WWE Extreme Rules 2010 LIVE. Michael Cole alongside Jerry 'The King' Lawler at ringside. Jerry are you ready for this.


JL: Yeah Cole, cant wait for this. Two of the most important WWE championships are on the line and ofcourse cant wait for the Steel Cage match.

Cole: JL lets have a look at all the matches that are going take place over here at the 1st Mariner Arena.

JL: We start this event with a Wrestlemania 26 rematch between Rey Mysterio and CM Punk. As all of us know if CM Punk loses this match, he will have to shave his head off or else 'The Master of 619' will have to join Punk's Straight Edge Society. Will The Straight Edge 'savior' lose his locks?


Cole: The second match is another Wrestlemania 26 rematch which will see 'the King of Kings' Triple H up against 'the Celtic Warrior' Sheamus in a street fight match. Will 'The Game', perhaps with sledgehammer in tow, decimate 'The Celtic Warrior'? Or will it be the son of the Eire celebrating victory after dethroning 'The King of Kings'?


JL: Former Unified Tag Team Champions and now enemies Chris Jericho and Edge will go head to head inside a career-threatening Steel Cage match. Which of the highly-resourceful WWE elite will prevail inside the dreaded steel structure?


Cole: The WWE Championship is on the line as 'The Champ' John Cena takes on 'The Animal' Batista in a Last Man Standing match. Will 'The Champ' be able to repeat his WrestleMania success and be the Last Man Standing? Or will 'The Animal reestablish his dominance and put Cena down for the count?


JL: And finally, “The All-American American” Jack Swagger who cashed in his Money in the Bank to win the World Heavyweight Championship, puts the title on the line against 'The Viper' Randy Orton in an Extreme Rules Match. Who will go to the extreme for the World Heavyweight Championship?


Cole: Here it is, CM Punk makes his way towards the ring as we slip in to a short commercial break. Stay tuned because on the other side we have the first match 'Live' from the 1st Mariner Arena in Maryland.
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WWE events are conducted in safe environment and executed by highly trained professionals. It takes years of practice to perfect it. Please don't try this at home or in school.


Live From Maryland​

JR: Welcome back again to Extreme Rules live from the 1st Mariner Arena in Maryland, our first match will begin within few moments.


Tazz: Here gets underway our first match as CM Punk's music hits.


JR: Its a surprise to CM Punk alone without his Straight Edge followers Serena and Luke Gallows. This is a huge match him, if he loses here tonight he will have to shave off his hair and that also could mean the end of the Straight Edge society.

Tazz: JR, looks like Punk is going to talk something about his Straight Edge society.

Crowd: Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

CM Punk: Rey Mysterio, I give you a chance. We can solve this by the easiest way, no one will get hurt. I can make you free from all your weaknesses. You just need to come out here and raise your hand up to commit to the Straight Edge Society.


Crowd: Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

CM Punk: Everyone knows what the Straight Edge Society is all about. Its about a clean and pure lifestyle, not hiding behind anything. Rey dont listen to this hypocritical people, I can save you from all your worries. Come out Rey, I am waiting for you.

Tazz: Oh, that's Shane! Why is he here now?

Shane McMahon: Hang on Punk! Well I have decided to add something to this match. This match will be a HARDCORE MATCH. After all this is Extreme Rules and so you guys can make use of anything to make hell for other. Have fun Punk.


JR: Wow!! Its going to be Hardcore match. I cant wait for this match to begin.

Tazz: Looks like Punk has something to say again.

JR: Oh! Its Rey Mysterio, looks like he doesn't want to hear anymore of CM Punk's Straight Edge Society as he makes his way to the ring.


Tazz: Its been a good start to Extreme Rules. Ladies and Gentlemen we will slip into a short commercial but you stay tuned as on the other side we will have the full match between CM Punk and Rey Mysterio.

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Thats a good start to the story, but we need to be careful in details as well. It's Extreme rules & you have chosen Backlash arena. Incase of no arena's available in game, we can always pefer SD or Raw or ECW(in this case - Extreme rules, ECW would have been apt ) & try to skip the areas where the name gets displayed. ;)

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