WWE: The Challenge(EWR)

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Chairman of Selectors
Sep 8, 2006
Southend, England
Online Cricket Games Owned

Today, Chairman of the WWE Directors Mr.Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon has Retired from his position of chairman. This came a shock to all that knew him and it is a big shame. He was quoted saying " Tell me the last time we had a ***** match?" Everyone who Knew him, knew he loved his job and would only give it up for his family, speaking of such His daughter is having a baby ( Stephanie Mcmahon and HHH)

The big question would be who was his succesor but Big people with lots of expierience such as paul hayman :rolleyes: were quickly told no and we were told that a large majority of Youth Adults would get the job. They Narrowed it down very quickly to just 3 contenders. Both never heard of, Chez Spin and Donald Rufus but one was heard of and that was donald trump. The Bookies thought Donald Trump would get it but they were wrong. The man who got it was Chez Spin.

One of the first Changes that Chez has done is bring 1 GM to run both the shows for him. So Theodor Long has been sacked. He has also stated that all brands will have their orignal superstars and not much will be changed. Although there will be a draft of 1 new superstar for the next three shows of both brands. Also anyone that one brand buys automatically takes away one of their brand moves the following year, possibly.

Also the shows will be based on challenges given by the Board of directors, or should i say director of the board. They may be easy they may be hard, they may be even undecterd but one thing they defintelty will be and that is entertaining.
Well as Jaz says, for this story he will recieve challenges which he must complete. Those will be set by the "Chairman", me.

After each show I will reveal which challenges have been completed in that show.
Good luck for your EWR story, Jaz. People seem to be running out of names for wrestling stories. :p
The Spin said:
Well as Jaz says, for this story he will recieve challenges which he must complete. Those will be set by the "Chairman", me.

After each show I will reveal which challenges have been completed in that show.

or even uncompleted :rolleyes:

Hopefully doing raw tonight

Today WWE have released an article on the dismantle of cryme tyme, one of the fans most respected tag teams after being here only a short period. General Manager James Edmonds was believed to of said that he was in Rehab dealing with his drugs problem like a real man should, and that we should help him by releasing him from his contract immediatly to stop from any more anger building up here in this community


JR: Hello and welcome to our first show back after 2 weeks of air after Wrestlemainia.

JL: Yeh, it feels good to be back, also big announcemnts and apperances to be made here tonight.

JR: Yes i cannot wait, wait there is someone in the parking lot

* Camara Switches to Parking Lot"

JL: Oh a Wrestler has arrived and he won the WWE Title at wrestlemainia....

JR: More like he kept it, it's John Cena!!

JC: My money's all gone, i had to buy a thong.......

JL: Okay time to come back to the Ring...

Rating : 85%


JR: Know for our first match of the calendar year( of raw anyway) and it is a tag team match.

JL: Yes and it is our favourite highlanders vs......The new tag team Eugene and Duggan!

Highlanders vs Duggan and Eugene - Tag Team Match
Gut buster, Rory hits hard. Eugene hits a delayed suplex on Rory. 1 - 2 - kick out. Tag to Jim Duggan. Duggan and Eugene hook up Rory, then hit a double suplex. Weak bodyslam on Rory by Duggan. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Weak headbutt on Rory by Duggan. Rory McAllister takes the advantage with a punch to the face. Duggan walks into a slammy shoulder thing. Tag between Rory McAllister and Robbie McAllister. Robbie McAllister with a spinning neckbreaker on Duggan. Full nelson on Duggan...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. Jim Duggan elbows Robbie McAllister in the face to break a hammerlock. Duggan tags out to Eugene. Reverse DDT on Robbie. Eugene brings out a jumping powerbomb to nearly kill Robbie!! That was incredibly brutal, i LOVE that move. 1 - 2 - 2.999
Finish: Robbie McAllister walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Eugene. Robbie McAllister reverses a hip toss. Spear by Robbie McAllister. Eugene is in big trouble...The Scot's Drop!! 1....2....3!
Winners - The HighLanders
Highlanders climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory.

JR: Oh my god that was as bad as watching your corination king! And i' not usually the one criticising

JL: They were all rubbish the only good part was when they left the ring and @ you Jim, **** you!

Rating : 60%


JL: Well know for the return of everyones favourite interview show THE CUTTING EDGE!

JR: I would rather be at my oklahoma home having an Oklahoma barbecue.

JL: I've Said it before and i will say it again, shut the **** up!

EDGE: Hello and welcome to your favourite presenter*Boo* on your favourtie show*boo* on the best brand in sports*cheers* Entertainment. But that's not why i'm here, i'm here to interview the most self centred person on the earth, apart from me ofcourse, John Cena!!

* John Cena's Music hits*

JC: Hey prat. Hows ya Shitty show going?

EDGE: You better watch your mouth on my show as i don't take **** here, anyways how does it feel being champ, at the moment may i add?

JC: I feel a little rap coming on*Stands up, Cheers*

EDGE: My ******* show and you are testing my patience.

Have you ever of Mr.T,
I't don't matter as you can't see me​

JL: Oh My god he has slammed Edge through his own table with the F-U!

JR: As god as my witness, he is broken in half!

Rating : 89%


JL: Now we will witness two great athletes in the ring at the same time

JR: Simon Barrows and Matt Roberts???

JL: No you imboseel, Carlito and Jeff Hardy.

Carlito vs Jeff Hardy
The Match:

Carlito uses a basement dropkick to the knee. J.Hardy walks into a slam. 1 - 2 - kick out. J.Hardy gets out the back of a Carlito bodyslam attempt. Carlito walks into a high dropkick from Jeff Hardy. Legsweep. There's probably a Japanese name for that....like Golden Dragon Nuclear Spike....that'll do, i'll call it that from now on. 1 - 2 - kick out. DDT from the top rope by Jeff Hardy....holy crap, that was sweet. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. J.Hardy uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Carlito powers out of a headlock. Big piledriver on J.Hardy. 1 - 2 - kick out. Lariat, apparently Carlito thinks he is Stan Hansen. 1 - 2 - 2.999
Finish: Back elbow connects, J.Hardy staggers backward. J.Hardy gets slammed. Jeff Hardy takes the advantage with a punch to the face. J.Hardy uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Really cool stunner-type thing out of the corner from Jeff Hardy, Carlito might be dead. Jeff Hardy has Carlito down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Swanton Bomb!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.
Winner - Jeff Hardy (Current Intercontinental Champion)
Jeff Hardy is still in the ring celebrating. Carlito pushes the referee away. Carlito spins J.Hardy around. Carlito hits the Lung Blower!

JR: Well i never though i would see that match propel to that high standars, even if i bet it on my olklahoma....

JL: Don't you even start, Great match but bad people involved and no blood

Rating : 75%


JL: Another matchup here next on Raw and god it will be Charlie Haas' biggest match yet since coming back here.

JR: Well RKO is no pushover with Edge nearby...

Charlie Haas vs Randy Orton
Suplex by Haas. Randy Orton walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Haas. Hard back suplex on Orton. Gut buster, Orton hits hard. Orton counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Big backdrop on Haas, executed well. Full nelson on Haas...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. 1 - 2 - kick out. Haas ducks a wild right hand. Brainbuster suplex by Charlie Haas. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Powerbomb nearly crushes the spine of Orton. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Orton counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Randy Orton uses a forearm to the face. Randy Orton misses a clothesline. Big dropkick by Charlie Haas. Randy Orton slugs Charlie Haas, sending him down into the corner.
Finish: While Orton fires up the crowd, Haas is removing the turnbuckle pad! Randy Orton comes over...but Haas grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Randy Orton face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Charlie Haas rolls up the stunned Randy Orton, and even puts his feet on the second rope to add insult to injury! 1....2...3! What a display of cheating from Charlie Haas
Winner - Charlie Haas
Charlie Haas slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Orton to get some payback.

JR: That's cheating plain and simple.

JL: You think cheating is easy, it takes alot of thinking to do it.

Rating : 64%


JL: Well we got Backstage now to see Armando Alejandro Estrado and Umaga.

JR: Actually it is Armando Alejandro Estrada and the Samoan Bulldoser

AE: Well hello city, John Cena you better watch out

Umaga: * Snort Snort snig snig*

AE: Umaga says next PPV, your his!

JL: Short interview we know but here is what the interviewer said " I went downstairs to get a beer. When i came back, i caught the end of this interview."

JR: Anybody want a job, haha.

Rating : 67% because of the ******* Interviewer.


JL: Well we have juts seen a bloody rubbish incident here on Raw!

JR: I know it is rubbish even for them..... here is what the camaramen had to say( and the scotsmen) we will give you our views after:

CM Punk is in the ring, when Candice Michelle walks out onto the stage. They argue, and the distraction Candice causes proves to be enough, as Punk doesn't notice Umaga \ Estrada coming out of the crowd until they are already within striking distance. He gets beaten down as Candice Michelle looks on from the stage.

JL: That is bad but great stratergy.

JR: Yes i can say it now. If that's stratergy, this ain't my oklahoma ass!

Rating : 75%


JL: Know it is our main even and it should be good.

JR: Oh yes it will be a stormer.

DX/CM Punk vs Rated-RKO/Umaga
CM Punk strikes Umaga. CM Punk hits a rolling kick on Umaga. Tag to Shawn Michaels. Flying shoulder tackle by HBK sends Umaga to the mat. Umaga walks into a jaw breaker. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Tag between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. DX whip Umaga into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Back elbow connects, Umaga staggers backward. Triple H misses a big legdrop and lands ASS-FIRST on the mat. Flying shoulder tackle by Umaga sends HHH to the mat. Tag to Edge. Thrown slam by Edge. Death valley driver by Edge, Triple H got planted hard...that was cool. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Bodyslam by Edge.
Finish: Tag between Edge and Randy Orton. Orton slams Triple H. Randy Orton with a spinning neckbreaker on HHH. HHH blocks a kick from Randy Orton. HHH tags out to CM Punk. Hard back suplex on Orton. Tag to Umaga. Umaga slams CM Punk. Punk kicks Umaga in the gut to reverse the momentum. Umaga gets knocked to the ground by Punk. Umaga gets locked in the Anaconda Vice! Submission victory!
Winners - DX/CM Punk
Aftermath: CM Punk Celebrating

JL: Oh my god what a match!

JR: Oh, Punk just subbed Edge off(Punt)

Rating : 80%


JL: Well i hope you enjoyed this edition of Raw, with the new arrival of CM PUNK!

JR: Just think who we may have next week, but for now it is tata

JL: See ya next time


Overall Rating: 75%

TV Rating: 6.85 (CW Network)

Attendance: 9038

ticket sales: $361520
I like the presentation , all the best with ur story Jaz:thumbs
plympilgrim said:
nice show, but it was a bit different

Trying to suite it with stroy lines and it was only 8 things today it will usually be about 9/11 bits.Hope i did the challenges :D
Challenges complete:

Carlito must be in a title feud
CM Punk must join Raw

Today another thing as happened as everyones favourite carribean Carlito has signed an open contract with WSX, who have the likes of Abyss and other **** people. Therefore for some matches carlito may not be fully fit which could hurt his fued with Jeff Hardy. Carlito is thought to be having test runs(not diearea) at WSX currently.
Jaztheman said:

Today another thing as happened as everyones favourite carribean Carlito has signed an open contract with WSX, who have the likes of Abyss and other **** people. Therefore for some matches carlito may not be fully fit which could hurt his fued with Jeff Hardy. Carlito is thought to be having test runs(not diearea) at WSX currently.

Carlito will now work for two shows WWE and WSX :eek: , he hve taken a big risk or i should say had :rolleyes:
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