Agreed, except it was not enough to save the GameCube. The Wii is a GameCube with a new form factor, higher clock setting and a new controller - imo they got lucky with that.
Not so sure about them getting lucky...they really seemed to know their audience with the wii and the commercials and promotion reflected that. People in the states atleast really liked the "japanese" and "family" vibe of the commercials. Plus I hear you are more likely to get laid by having a wii (girls dig it totally) ...rather than an xbox or ps3. At least That is what i heard...havent had the opportunity to test it out.
Agreed, except it was not enough to save the GameCube. The Wii is a GameCube with a new form factor, higher clock setting and a new controller - imo they got lucky with that.
Wii U could be DOA