Yet more computer help! Regarding Myspace/Facebook


Chairman of Selectors
Dec 10, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Well basically, I can log onto, and load up every website I visit.

But, I logged on this afternoon to find that myspace was being really slow, and has now stopped working. And Facebook has just not worked all day.

Has anyone got a cure for this, i've cleared my cookies and everything!

Thanks in advance,


Just to add, is being funny with me also. It loads the main page but takes forever to go into any other link, like pictures.

Funnily enough, those three are one of my most used sites, barring PlanetCricket. Its strange I can use PC, and not the rest.
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Did you try an alternate Browser?
I suppose it could be a problem in your internet connection - just a temporary issue.
What's your ISP Simon? I'm having issues with the pair of them as well...

I will take a guess at AOL. :p

Yep AOL :p

Its fine today, just a little slow on the uptake. I need to get rid of AOL.
AOL is a disgrace. Forever "n" always am I having trouble getting the damn thing to work. Generally on the weekend, which is annoying, more annoying throughout the summer. Now i'm lesser online, i don't notice as much.

Still, they're crap.
In the 4 or so years of Forum surfing, I think the most common problem with people's internet is having AOL as an ISP.
Yeah AOL is terrible, although most customers say the same about their own ISP, I guess its just a hit or a miss with the service you get.

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