Story Yorkshire CCC, The Diary of Martyn Moxon (ICC III) Yorkshire XI named


Club Cricketer
Apr 16, 2006
Keighley, West Yorks
Online Cricket Games Owned
Martyn Moxon

1st April 2007

I came in to work today, it was a cold day for April the seats were covered in dew and the covers were spread out no one was around, except the groundsmen trundling around in his waterproof coat, setting up the nets for the days training, I went inside the pavillion and only Anthony McGrath was their eating some toast and watching the TV, he was ready for the season upcoming I could tell. Anthony didn't have the best off season wanting to leave Yorkshire for Lancashire but ended up changing his mind, he turned around and said to me "HI" and he just turned back around, I made a cup of tea for us both and we sat down and talked, he told me about why he chose to stay. lets just say it was something to do with David Byas, an hour or so later Bresnan and Sayers came in both of them looking forward to this season as both had a lot of coaching during the winter months, Bresnan worked on his allround game whilst Sayers was receiving advice from a Yorkshire legend Geoffrey Boycott, both of them are very similar players.

Eventually all of the players were present except Micheal Vaughan and Younus Khan they were at the World Cup, so we all headed down to the pitch for the training session, everything went well it was quite slippy under foot and I slipped to the delight of Hoggard and Pyrah, Gough was encouraging all the players and proving that he is going to be invaluble this season.

In the nets, Rudolph was looking in prime form hitting all the balls very very hard, Brophy was in the net I used to bat in and I couldn't help but reminise about he time I used to play for this great cricket team.


We are heading down to the Oval soon to prepare for our game against Surrey in the Championship and I cant wait to get started as I feel this season will be one of the best in the county's recent times.
Special Training Selections

9th April 2007

After a good 8 days of training I called for a meeting to select the players for the special training program I will be running for the duration of the season to help youngsters or players out of form a quick boost of confidence or skill to help their game.

Adam Lyth (technique)
Richard Pyrah (technique)
Joseph Sayers (technique)
Jacobus Rudolph (practice)

Timothy Bresnan (technique and physio)
Darren Gough (practice and physio)
Matthew Hoggard (practice and physio)
Mark Lawson (technique)
Adil Rashid (technique)
Jason Gillespie (practice and physio)

I made these selections because I thought the team had enough batting depth when Younus returns so i thought about making the bowling strong enough to bowl the top class Surrey batsmen out, all the players cant wait for the game next week, Im getting nervous with each day that passes as I want my team to do well just like any other coach would. Darren and me have our talks with tactics and cricket and later this week we will have a meeting to name the starting XI.
Are you a coach or player? sorry i might be being really stupid here?
Ahh ok, i was thinking that after i posted the comment
Starting XI names

16th April 2007

After some discussion with Darren, we finally decided on a starting team to face Surrey on the 18th the first problem was the openers, Joe Sayers was definitely the first one but Pyrah and Lyth were both doing extremely well in training, we decided to go with Pyrah who has been pushing for a starting place in the team for ages. Batting in third was going to McGrath has he was looking excellent in training, followed by Rudolph who is our best batsmen in the team, Whitey was in at fifth then we put, Adam Lyth in at six for his debut game, Brophy took the gloves and 7th in the line-up, Gillespie in 8th, Gough at 9, Lawson at 10 due to Rashid's injury, and number 11 is Matthew Hoggard who will share the new ball with Gilliespie, after all the players saw the team sheet we all set off for the Oval to face Surrey in two days time, I couldn't wait for the game to start, it was a long drive down to London taking us 8 hours, I sat at the front of the bus with Craig White who was nearing 12 thousand runs for Yorkshire, when we arrived at the hotel it was 11:00pm so i sent them all straight to bed so we could have a days training at the Oval. So the starting X1 would be.

Joe Sayers
Richard Pyrah
Anthony McGrath
Jaco Rudolph
Craig White
Adam Lyth
Gerad Brophy (wk)
Jason Gillespie
Darren Gough (c)
Mark Lawson
Matthew Hoggard​

McGrath was up for this season I could see it in his eyes.
Mark had to prove his worth in this game to compete with Rashid

17th April 2007

We were all up by about 10 in the morning and down at the Oval by 11 we allready had some nets set up for us, Pyrah and White took the first nets for 30 minutes whilst I took the fielding practice with to other batters waiting to get in the nets, Gough looked great with his bowling, causing lots of problems for the two openers, Gillespie looked a bit stiff, Lawson was getting a bit of turn of the surface and Hoggard was swinging the cherry all over the place which was a great sign for tommorow, Rudolph and Lyth went in next, Rudolph was pulling off some classy strokes, Lyth looked solid for a 19 year old facing 3 top class bowlers, Pyrah was doing excellent with his fielding practice not one chance went down form him whilst Sayers almost dropped every one, The next batters in were McGrath and Sayers both of them performed very well, after them I gave the team an hour break, after that Brophy was in the nets by himself facing a bowling machine, the rest of the team did some fitness with me, doing a few laps of the pitch then some direct hits at the stumps, slip catching and high catching took us to 3pm when I decided to end the training and have a talk with the players, They all seemed up for the game and were keen to know the Surrey side I told them the Surrey Team and a few faces in the side dropped.

S Newman
J Batty (wk)
M Ramprakash
R Clarke
A Brown
J Benning
M Butcher (c)
C Schofield
M Nicholson
J Ormond
M Akram

Butchers side looked strong and we had to be aswell​

After that the side went about there own buisness untill the 9pm curfew to be back in the Hotel, everyone was back on time so no problems there at 10pm we all decieded to go to bed to get rested up for the game tommorow, I couldn't sleep very well that night due to the fact that I was more excited than worried, I knew the boys would try their hardest tommorow I just knew it.
Ramprakash has gotta be your target he is the best first class player in history

good luck and good squad would liketo see Spurway playing

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