IPL Indian player(s) accuse Buka Naan staff of discrimination (racism?)

I don't see it as racist. If someone went to me "You bloody Scotsman" I would just shrug my shoulders. Certainly isn't racist, and if people think that saying "You bloody Indian" is racist, they need to get into the real world.

Maybe the team needs to be shouted at for a bit, especially if they are performing so badly. When we lost nearly every game in the first half of the season back when I used to do hockey, our coach was furious at us, used the "f" word repeatedly, through stuff around. The thing is, no one whinged like this guy is doing. We knew we had been losing and playing badly and bucked our ideas up and started putting in a lot more effort.

Just the reverse thing; Most Indians are aware of bad words. You haven't been to india, aren't you? I'm not just saying this to you tom, to all the people who've been saying the words Aren't racist because it's common. It ain't racist, but people from outside of india need to learn they need to be different In india.

It's common, in your country. If you go to some village in india and swear or say bad words, most probably you'd be dead by the next minute. People try to keep culture, dignity and respect to each other. Not just swear and slang shamelessly no matter who's what.

That's why, things like these get fire on themselves. Yeah, i agree some blokes howsie's calling brats try to look stylish which gets over the line and that can't be pointed out to the whole indian players' or just indians' behavior.

Coming to foreign player limit, Be pretty happy that players from different countries are allowed. Suppose, you have anything called as "Kiwi or New Zealand premier league" and you get to see 4 Indian or non-kiwi players in each team, which might make you think what's bringing talent out of New zealand if Indians play in New zealand's league, then someone proposes a formula to allow more Non-kiwi players, then how'd you react? Eh? The same thing goes with the IPL.

Howsie said:
He wants more foreign players because the Indian players suck, if there was more foreign players other countries might actually watch this crap

Suck? yeah, IPL is there to shine them. They've introduced The Indian premier league because they can get exposure to International level of cricket and get shined. What are you thinking? Get over it mate.

I could just say you've seen only one part of the world and think it's the way the world should be. Not trying to demean anything mate. :)
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Great, so more hype for the already over hyped KKR. Just what SRK needed. :rolleyes:

They should open their own news channel and talk about the problems within the team. There are so many, I think TV ratings would reach an all-time high.
^^ Jadeja is a great cricket analyst and critic imo.

Sorry, but I still don't trust what Jadeja has said fully. His past history is so "amazing". Surely you haven't forgotten that he's a banned player

King Cricket added 3 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Certainly isn't racist

It isn't racist. It's RUDE. My point is that coaches should not behave like this with the players. Then this can have a negative impact on the player.
there is a different between "You bloody Scotsman" then "You bloody Scotsman, you do what i tell you" as in your my slave, my btch
Is it IPL or APL,The retired Australians are earning India's cash and abusing Indians that too Racially...If such things Happen Kick them away....

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