No offense or anything, but you guys really need to work on this. This is hardly Graphics Maker of the Week. Too much time lag between getting the entries up and putting a poll up.
Actually we have to follow a system shravi. I'll try to explain the system to you.
Assume that the last day of sending the enries is Monday.
I send the entries to KBC on Tuesday after assuring that all the entries are original and have come with the watermark and stock.
KBC confirms that he has received the entries by Wednesday.
He then tries to put them by Thursday or atmost Friday.
After seeing the entries, I PM a moderator to set up the poll, the time of which depends upon the availibility of the moderator. Assume that its put by Saturday.
Then the poll is open for voting for 4-5 days. So by the time results are declared its already Thursday.
Then we give time of about 4-5 days to prepare entries for the next theme. So the new date of receiving the entery becomes Tuesday.
And the process continues..
This competition is run by humans so it may get delayed as we all have life. But the delay is not more than a day or two.
Sometimes, the whole process is finished faster, thus enabling us to put the poll faster.
So thats it