Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

I'm using ps3 great patch so far no issue. Now it's look like u palying real cricket thanks ROss
I just wonder whether people would be reticent to lay out $60 now knowing that the "finished" version is 2 years away...
most probably you have to cut the price to say 30-40$ at the start, as this will also get early adopters knowing that price will keep increase as you near the release.

Also what would be the ideal timing of this early access if it happens, as in how long should it have been in development inside BA and how much time for dbc 14 to phase out, before people would be eager to check the new version.
OK. That's fair enough.

I just wonder whether people would be reticent to lay out $60 now knowing that the "finished" version is 2 years away...

This is the exact issue with early access.

The simple point is that hype and waiting sells games, it's tried and tested and unless you are a small developer who without the influx of cash won't actually finish the game, then early access is simply damaging the hype build up and has the potential to see games development cycles damaged. In particular, with the money coming before development is finished it can be a case that the real sales numbers are made well before release.

Of course subscription faces the issue that many would simply leave very quickly after getting a taste and not come back thinking "that's it". Subscription is great for MMORPGs, but for games with large single player components it just seems bizarre and unlikely to be profitable. It would be useful if it were an option for some who would then basically be paying beta testers for their new versions, but there'd need to be a system in place to make sure they're locked in, but in such a case they're basically paying their cost for each years game over time rather than in a lump sum, which just seems a pointless venture, and would make Early Access seem the more logical way to go. As already discussed though, that has it's own issues.

To me the key needs to be a solid development and release model which allows them to make sure each iteration is as good as at can get, before moving on to implementing more ambitious features to use as unit movers for the next one.

In terms of release I think they need to seriously consider a worldwide, cross platform release on all platforms, but ultimately that is up to them. I just think the key is to make a quality product, build up hype and try and build a community that knows the game and will buy each iteration as it comes. That's seems to be what they're planning too.
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OK. Hypothetical.

"DBC 15" Kickstarter. Tomorrow. ?75 buys you access to early builds now, and a digital console code (plus final PC build) on launch sumer next year.

How many sales do you think?

(Mods: feel free to kick this to a thread you feel more appropriate; I couldn't find a suitable one!)
OK. Hypothetical.

"DBC 15" Kickstarter. Tomorrow. ?75 buys you access to early builds now, and a digital console code (plus final PC build) on launch sumer next year.

How many sales do you think?

(Mods: feel free to kick this to a thread you feel more appropriate; I couldn't find a suitable one!)

Next summer? Another bloody delay. #blameross
OK. Hypothetical.

"DBC 15" Kickstarter. Tomorrow. ?75 buys you access to early builds now, and a digital console code (plus final PC build) on launch sumer next year.

How many sales do you think?

(Mods: feel free to kick this to a thread you feel more appropriate; I couldn't find a suitable one!)

What would be the point? It's ruining the game's sales potential on release, breaking down the hype and potentially losing customers who give up after a buggy beta experience. Despite it being clear that beta access means beta access, many people still give up after playing those betas, let alone early access.

They already have a base to build from, it's probably better they do it properly, and invest in more advertising once the word of mouth about the game is positive (which it already is, but it's hard to build hype around a game that is already available.

You can sustain development for a small game through the kickstarter / early access style scheme, but I doubt that's their aim. A good game, well advertised is still the best way to go about it, and that seems to be the aim.
What would be the point? It's ruining the game's sales potential on release, breaking down the hype and potentially losing customers who give up after a buggy beta experience. Despite it being clear that beta access means beta access, many people still give up after playing those betas, let alone early access.

There would be no "buggy beta experience" because you're selling it to the hardcore, building on the base you already have. No-one outside the program gets to see it until the official release (in this hypothetical next summer).
The alternative is that you stop doing updates now and see you (and your money) next year.

I think we just agree to disagree on this one. :-)
Actually, one thing I'd love to see fixed is the vibration: I keep getting nicks where there is no vibration. In fact I haven't felt it once.

I LOVED the idea that you knew when you'd edged it because of that, and I'd really like to see it!
thanks ross.. thanks DBC.... thanks BAS.... amazing with the patch 2... finally enjoying career on rookie..... not that easy... took me 15 matches before my first century... but now I'm loving every part of the career mode... thanks a ton!!!
Actually, one thing I'd love to see fixed is the vibration: I keep getting nicks where there is no vibration. In fact I haven't felt it once.

I LOVED the idea that you knew when you'd edged it because of that, and I'd really like to see it!

agree. it was a great idea, but i have never noticed it once,
If the vibration isn't occurring then we still have issues with it, I thought we'd fixed it :(
Sadly, i can speak with some authority on edges... Not noticing vibration regardless of "size" of edge.

No. I've had edges that were 9 on the Richter scale, turning 90 degrees and silence. It's a shame because I can feel how good that would be, but it's a bit eerie.

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