Football Transfers Thread

I appreciate you having the balls to tag me on this 'hard when big Championship teams like Birmingham come along' :p

In all seriousness what can you tell me about Isaac Vassell , rate him?
I have the biggest balls around thanks!!!

Apparently, 17 goals and assists last season and has a bright future but decided not to sign a contract and out of one in the summer (next).
I have the biggest balls around thanks!!!

Apparently, 17 goals and assists last season and has a bright future but decided not to sign a contract and out of one in the summer (next).

He had a bright future until we signed him. We will knock all the skill and talent out of him and install a hard work ethic, high fitness levels and willingness to play the long ball....
He had a bright future until we signed him. We will knock all the skill and talent out of him and install a hard work ethic, high fitness levels and willingness to play the long ball....
Long ball... ?
Long ball... ?

Yes, you kick the football a long way..?

Oh you mean do birmingham play the long ball? Blues have played that style often in the past but tbf, 'arry not had long enough yet to see what style of football he is trying to introduce. Perhaps with players like Vassell will be more Barca style tiki taka..?
Can you all put in text who and what you are talking about because I can't see the facts through the male bullshit... Joking!!!
Oh yes of course sorry, just blinkered when it comes to my own team...

Though he did score a tap in against Crewe on the weekend haha.

Can you all put in text who and what you are talking about because I can't see the facts through the male bullshit... Joking!!!

Massive transfer news!!!
I had to hold onto my excitement over this big news for birmingham fans in fact huge at least something to lift the fact Harry will take them down.[DOUBLEPOST=1502782700][/DOUBLEPOST]
Though he did score a tap in against Crewe on the weekend haha.

You've meet young caropants.[DOUBLEPOST=1502782763][/DOUBLEPOST]
I thought it was Franck Nouble?
Or marco Boogers?
Well I would love to tear that statement apart piece by piece but all I would be left with is humble pie. This is obviously a cricket website but I thought there was enough interest in English football/football in general to generate enough interest. Perhaps when premier league starts this weekend?

Re: cricket, only fans of sub continent teams really engage in talking about it. For English cricket it seems to be a case of people probably want to talk about it, but due to lack of activity no one does. If lots of people made the effort it would draw others others in - all cyclical

TL : DR - yes agreed
As caropnats said no one wants to talk cricket and no one wants to talk football this website is very niche for a certain type of man I', only saying how many people on here want the opnion of a female you've had one on here since jan and no asks her opinion on anything? Does seem to be very clicky these guys have their gangs and wont venture out. I don't bite if you don't think what me and caropants say is righ then debate it in a positve way. Oh and lacazette what can I say.

Show me the cricket debate.
As caropnats said no one wants to talk cricket and no one wants to talk football this website is very niche for a certain type of man I', only saying how many people on here want the opnion of a female you've had one on here since jan and no asks her opinion on anything? Does seem to be very clicky these guys have their gangs and wont venture out. I don't bite if you don't think what me and caropants say is righ then debate it in a positve way. Oh and lacazette what can I say.

Show me the cricket debate.

I have never said you do bite. And since the Ask me anything threads members are starting to ask Caropants opinion on subjects, but it is a slow burner.

Would love to show you the cricket debate but you need to be interested in Asian cricket to really appreciate it here at the moment. I cannot sugar coat it so wont. Post on members ask me anything threads and ask them directly about the state of cricket debates, female views etc instead of here where no one feels obliged to respond?

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