Introducing the Drag 'n' Drop Field Editor

Quick question. If i move the keeper really far back to a spinner will he keep letting it go for byes and having to collect it or will a nearby fielder try to collect it. Same if i stand the keeper up to steve harmison will the keeper keep missing the ball and dropping it?

Well, if the positioning is way off being sensible then most likley he'll have trouble catching it, so it would be wise to be realistic with the keeper. It will also depend on the accuracy of the bowler and the keeper's skills.
Just the response i wanted :). Keep up the good work and dont slack :p
The ability to move the wicket-keeper will enhance the gameplay so much. I can't wait to have the wicket-keeper up to the stumps for the medium pace bowlers.
One question; will this be out in Australia?
Of course, Legend_Master is Australian for one, and it will available worldwide via a download and physical discs sent in the mail, though it won't be in stores.
Are you guys accepting any donations yet, or still not figured out?
We won't ask for any money before you have had a chance to at least play a demo of the game, and still noting has been decided in regards to pricing or lack thereof.
waiting for this game to be released.. and Field Editor is a great feature .. :)

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