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i hope if get nominated for something , lol , i would be suprized if i do lol

Best new member?
Nah, I reckon you could be up there for the GFX nominations. Youve improved heaps.

If I don't win "asshole of the year" then I don't know what to think.

I guess there will be lots of new ones coming .... such as cricket coach Awards, ICC Awards, Fairly new ones.

Are you 14?, Why?....

What the hell...
Are you 14?, Why?....

Umm it was a joke. Yes, my sense of humor is juvenile, but there's nothing I can do about that now.

I'm an asshole, anyways. So it'd make perfect sense for me to win it yes?
Nah, I reckon you could be up there for the GFX nominations. Youve improved heaps.

I guess there will be lots of new ones coming .... such as cricket coach Awards, ICC Awards, Fairly new ones.

Are you 14?, Why?....
What the hell...

What the hell...

Well, so you mean being an asshole is heaven.


Q: Will there be more record holders this year Mauds or Addmins?
It was a joke. Not a good one, but a joke.
Oh at least you got the sniff it was something like a joke:p
Well, the word 'joke' kind of gave it away. Being Australian, I wouldn't expect you to read between the lines. ;)
Q: Will there be more record holders this year Mauds or Addmins?
Over the forward estimates period there may be a transitional phase that will result in an imbalance in the amount of record holders as the shift from the 4th Quarter into the 1st of the new records year happens. Other than that you will have to stay tuned as to what categories are in store.

My tip if you want an easy award, go create some BLIC 07 downloads, there are next to none so you are in with a real chance if you make anything decent.
My tip if you want an easy award, go create some BLIC 07 downloads, there are next to none so you are in with a real chance if you make anything decent.

If I attempted to remake BLIC 07 and accidentally made another game which was much, much better would I have a chance of winning an award?
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