I am leaving/back thread

Personal issues came up which meant my trip to India extended. Just back to US 2 days ago. Life has taken a turn with work being busier then ever. It has prevented me to spend no time on here and will continue be the case.
Just going through the posts on this thread. Seems most of us have been impacted in some way or the other- Hope every one comes out of it sooner!

Personal Update: I have gotten myself thoroughly checked- need a little exercise, diet and some medication to keep all functions under control. In a far better mental state now than before.
Just going through the posts on this thread. Seems most of us have been impacted in some way or the other- Hope every one comes out of it sooner!

Personal Update: I have gotten myself thoroughly checked- need a little exercise, diet and some medication to keep all functions under control. In a far better mental state now than before.
Good to know mate. Hope you follow through things with seriousness. Was diagnosed with Diabetes last year 250+ score which is crazy for my age of 30 at that time. Within a year I got my score down to 100 which is normal range. I too like you was nervous and had no idea when that seeped in. I am always open about my health so others can learn and prevent. Love brother!
Just going through the posts on this thread. Seems most of us have been impacted in some way or the other- Hope every one comes out of it sooner!

Personal Update: I have gotten myself thoroughly checked- need a little exercise, diet and some medication to keep all functions under control. In a far better mental state now than before.
I was right on the cusp of high blood pressure in Jan 23, took just three months to bring it to a normal level where it's been ever since. Eating better, exercising more which also led to weight loss were the main factors to help.
Exercise is so much more than having a 'nice' body: its the absolute sure way to get yourself back on track in life both physically and mentally. If you can say to yourself: every single domino can fall down but not my daily exercise then you are really really really looking after yourself and creating opportunities of success. good luck everyone. Just do it!
Hi Everyone.

My mother has been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer.

I won't be active for next few weeks.

Tough period this for me personally.

Will be back again, take care guys
Update on this :

Surgery was done on last month she was admitted in hospital for around 11 days.

As per biospy report after operation the cancer detected is uterus sarcoma - rare and aggressive type of cancer. (Near the surrounding are of uterus)

Good thing is it's in early stage.

Chemotherapy is going on right now, 1st cycle is done 3 more to go then radiation to get rid of it on cellular level.
Update on this :

Surgery was done on last month she was admitted in hospital for around 11 days.

As per biospy report after operation the cancer detected is uterus sarcoma - rare and aggressive type of cancer. (Near the surrounding are of uterus)

Good thing is it's in early stage.

Chemotherapy is going on right now, 1st cycle is done 3 more to go then radiation to get rid of it on cellular level.
Praying for her quick recovery.
Update on this :

Surgery was done on last month she was admitted in hospital for around 11 days.

As per biospy report after operation the cancer detected is uterus sarcoma - rare and aggressive type of cancer. (Near the surrounding are of uterus)

Good thing is it's in early stage.

Chemotherapy is going on right now, 1st cycle is done 3 more to go then radiation to get rid of it on cellular level.

Good sign that you were able to diagnose and start treatment in it’s early stage, hoping she recovers soon and well. :)
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

@Neo 7 hang in there bud.

The monotonous day to day life of adulthood is something we all are facing day to day. Getting up, going to work; coming back home, preparing dinner; eat, shower and sleep ... then start the next day again ...

Appreciating the little things in life, hold on to the good and let go of the bad helps.

Breaking your day by day cycle by doing something different also help in looking forward to new things.
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Naman, believe me that life is much more than what you feel right now.
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Naman hang in there, you are the first friend I met in PC way back in 2014 in your lost account, the struggle maybe due to work, life or anything, just hang in there and give your best, your day will come, I am also praying for your success and happiness, just stay in there mate and give your best and trust in god.

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