Fantasy Byte: Try it out now

A new version has been released. Refer to the OP for details.

For series that are currently OPEN, I would recommend signing up again which will allow you to select bonus players as well.

For existing IN PROGRESS series, bonus player option won't be available but you should be able to update you Captain/Vice captain for upcoming matches.

Check out the stats page as well which will also show how many series a player has participated in.
A fix version of FB has been sent to @MattW so let's wait until he gets a chance to install it.

Things that were fixed (hopefully) and/or added
(1) The teams page not loading
(2) Error while changing captain / vice captain as reported by @ABDULLAH
(3) On the rankings page, added a new column to show winning % of a user (ignore the dummy numbers - that is just test data)
New update is live (1.3.1). Fixes and updates include:

(1) Teams page not loading
(2) Setting captain/vice-captain issue in certain scenarios
(3) Added a new column on the "Rankings" page to show winning percentage of a user
New update is live (1.3.3). Updates includes but not limited to:

- Added validation for Country when adding or updating player
- Added sidebar on the index/landing page
- Added sidebar on series view page for signups
- Added sidebar on series view page to show points earned by players

This update is mostly UI related.

Is it possible to show us how many points each player accumulated at the end of a series? Like I want to see at least the top 10 fantasy cricketers at the end of the T20 world cup.

Something for next update? @asprin
This one is added too.

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