Say Jhah's Retro Project (Waste's 90s & 00s ODI World XI's shared - See first post)

Started working on one of my favourite projects that I never finish: 1990s World Cup sides.

Been working on some player faces. Think I'll try Australia and England first. That way, when I inevitably abandon the project, I might be able to pivot for a 1990s Ashes series.

Link to Waste's ODI World XI 990s update

Link to Waste's ODI World XI 2000s


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Shared my ODI 2000s team (Waste's ODI World XI 2000s)

Below the new faces, there's a few of the 90s side I shared moved into it.

Got three lineups (Ponting, Ganguly, Smith) with captains and then Asia XI, ROW and an ANZAC XI.

Attached stadiums that were used for the World Cups that took place in the 2000s.

martyn_d.pnghussey_m.pngsmith_graemem.pnghayden_m.pngpietersen_k.pngmo_yousuf.pngganguly_s.pnggayle_chris#.pngyuvraj singh.pngkallis.pngflintoff_a.pngjayasuriya_s.pngsymonds.pngabdul_razzaq.pngvettori_daniel.pngjohnson_mitchell.pnglee_brett.pngbond_s.pngntini_makhaya.pngshoaib_akhtar.pnghogg.pngbracken.pngsangakkara.pngboucher_m.pngshahid_afridi.pngzaheer.pngmurali.png
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Amazing stuff as always waste! I was just fleshing out my Pakistan and Sri Lanka 90s teams too this is perfect timing I'm also pleasantly surprised to get a Carl Hooper and Romesh Kaluwitharana.

They look even more incredible up close and personal in the game but the academy seems bugged I couldn't see the players they way you created them until I clicked on them I hope people don't pass on downloading these not realising how good they are. Do you have any plans for a Paul Adams creation? His unique bowling action is in the game so that would be a fun one.
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Amazing stuff as always waste! I was just fleshing out my Pakistan and Sri Lanka 90s teams too this is perfect timing I'm also pleasantly surprised to get a Carl Hooper and Romesh Kaluwitharana.

They look even more incredible up close and personal in the game but the academy seems bugged I couldn't see the players they way you created them until I clicked on them I hope people don't pass on downloading these not realising how good they are. Do you have any plans for a Paul Adams creation? His unique bowling action is in the game so that would be a fun one.

Does anybody that you know have any good 99-2002 kinda time test kits?

I always say it but imagine these teams with a retro score HUD
Does anybody that you know have any good 99-2002 kinda time test kits?

I always say it but imagine these teams with a retro score HUD
Yep just about every team is on there for that time period even Zimbabwe has quite a few 2000s ODI kits, Bangladesh might be the hardest one to get fully though. It took a while but I exhausted every variation of 2000s to find as many kits as I could and some users even share teams with names like "Australia XI" "Australia legends" "Australia retro" so I check all of those too to see if there's any hidden gems.

I've taken kits from multiple different users so I can't remember who I got them all off specifically but Stephen Bailey (thanks for your work bud) usually has a lot of kits for the teams he has shared, I think he shared a good West Indies and New Zealand team that has lots of good kits especially the NZ team that has variations of the teal, teal & black and all black ODI kits of the 98-02 period. I think it's Firoz who shared a Zimbabwe team with a 2000 ODI kit that they've created I haven't seen anywhere else.
I had the same approach as you. I've lost count of the amount of those legends and retro teams I've downloaded to grab kits. I "made" a few kits using logos and unfinished kit parts on the academy. Hell, maybe I should start a thread with the stuff I've collected for the 2000s teams, just to have it listed and easily available (assuming the academy plays ball...). :)
@Wealey @Bluebagger @Stephen Bailey

I've got loads of logos and kits saved across a couple of computers, in different folders from my various projects.. I'm currently expanding and skill balancing my full 90s teams to countries (e.g. all England players in 1990s World Cups), don't know if I'll playface them all, not sure I care that much about a playfaced Ian Austin.

So if there are logos or kits that you'd like to see. Post them in here and I can see what I got. No promises, but throwing together a test kit is fairly easy.

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