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  1. J

    How are you doing in your career?

    So i started a new career once the 2nd patch came out, i'm doing pretty well, got a about 5 hundreds. The thing im struggling with is how to play the spinners, im fine when mid on and mid off are up because i just use RB and come down the pitch and hit it over mid on/off, but when they change...
  2. J

    How are you doing in your career?

    Just scored my very first first class 50, was still going strong on 60 not out, when all of a sudden my Xbox froze, i had to turn it off, came back on and that 50 i got now doesn't exist, man that's annoying, lets hope i can get another!
  3. J

    How are you doing in your career?

    Is there a way to lower the difficulty on career? i think mine is on pro
  4. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    i dont understand how to catch, i press the RS in but i always drop it, how do i time it right? Also when is the next patch out and what will it do?
  5. J

    How are you doing in your career?

    I am a batting all rounder. I'm finding the bowling fine, i'm doing well with that. The thing i am really struggling is with batting, i feel as though i don't have enough time to read the length and line of the ball and then decide whether to go on front or back foot and where to play the shot...