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    PSN ID's

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    HMV has started to ship pre-orders

    I think most people in the UK have not recieved theirs or presumably whomever ordered from HMV.
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    Purchasing IC10 Online

    HMV are taking the piss.
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    HMV has started to ship pre-orders

    Im in the UK and I ordered the game before you but I still haven't received mine. I'll probably phone them up.
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    International Cricket 2010 Impressions Thread

    When are they posting the reviews?.
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    HMV has started to ship pre-orders

    Let us know if anyone receives their copy from HMV, thanx.
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    Purchasing IC10 Online

    Hi, I have already ordered from HMV can anyone here who have ordered from HMV before give me any ideas as to when I will actually receive my copy. Will the order arrive late on time or early, what is their service like?, thanx. :help
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    IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

    Right, I was not aware of that. thats a shame because I think thats as close as you can get to realism in a video game you know, in terms of the overall batting experience.
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    IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

    Hey I have an idea, what if you were to see everything around you but through the batsmans eyes the bat, pitch and the bowler hurtling towards you. This new 'Action Cam' is placed behind the stumps.