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  1. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 is Big Ant?s Big Honour

    Where can i purchase some of this so called unicorn rump steak?????? :p
  2. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 is Big Ant?s Big Honour

    Ross there is an election coming up later in the year, you interested in running for PM, i'd vote for you without question :lol
  3. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 is Big Ant?s Big Honour

    Gotta applaud you on that one, nobody and I mean nobody on PC would have guessed this was coming, we may be pushy but you've just put us all back in our place :p
  4. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 is Big Ant?s Big Honour

    Hey Ross quick question but did you have to think really hard how to use his name because i would imagine some people will wonder why it isnt Sir Donald Bradmans Cricket 14 instead of Don Bradman Cricket 14.
  5. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 is Big Ant?s Big Honour

    Holy flaming cricket balls batman :eek: thats friggin awesome!!!! The greatest cricket game ever deserves the greatest name ever, perfect match, go Ross your my hero :thumbs
  6. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Just a pity your blue boys couldn't come through for you Ross!!!!!
  7. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Happy birthday Ross :cheers
  8. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    I honestly dont think ive ever played that game but it looks pretty decent for the time. :thumbs If the bowler didnt bowl loopy pies every ball it would have been great by the looks of it but the run up and action is spot on.
  9. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    They go buy lunch for the boss man....right Ross :p
  10. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Oh god we are doomed!!!!!:facepalm
  11. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Ross just wanted to ask does the AI also use the DRS system?
  12. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Hey there is a great opportunity for Big Ant to release an anti-smash controller, if this happens to us when the AI is batting I can see many attempts at smashing it into a million pieces :lol
  13. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Very true they all seem to back each other, Tony Hill has no idea what he is doing, gave the not out ones out and the one plumb lbw not out but it was great to see Broad get a bit of his own back, karma is a real Bi%^ch!!!! ;)
  14. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    No doubt Ross :clap you must be pleased with the way the aussies went last night apart from that appalling DRS decision, has put us in with a good chance I think.
  15. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Even if we dont get much today Ross is still miles ahead of what AC13 have shown, we have numerous screenshots, a video and mountains of game information which we wouldnt have had otherwise if we weren't on this forum. I say release stuff when you can Ross, we all know your head of the table and...
  16. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    That was an absolute joke!!!! Just when we finally made a good start :mad
  17. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Common sense has prevailed good stuff Angad :clap
  18. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Your forgetting that Ross doesnt have the final say in this, he merely does what his publisher says hence why he needed to have permission to release stuff. As Ross has pointed out already he has given us more than what we should have been expecting, you should respect that.
  19. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Angad you need to take a chill pill, Ross has been nothing but great to all of us, its not up to us to tell him when he should or shouldnt release his game, im sure if it was your money you would think things through a lot better too, give Ross a break. And i dont ever believe that Ross has...
  20. Skatie

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Ross your just basing your decision to release information on how the Aussies go tonight arent you.....if thats the case we could be waiting for boxing day for more info :p I really do hope we show some fight in this test though!!!!!