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  1. Energizer

    New details on Cricket 2005...

    I hear you ajay2k5. Just wait and see people. Why make up your mind before the games even come out? Such debates are only truly valid when the games are released or when we get some good reviews by people who know the game of cricket and know the history of computer cricket games. Having...
  2. Energizer


    Where are you comming from mate?
  3. Energizer

    What is your internet connection like?

    Broadband. The way to go.
  4. Energizer

    Murali Chucking or NOT ?

    He's the only spin bowler to flex his arm that much. I dont understand why he is still bowling. Cheats shouldn't be allowed in the game for so long. I hope murali doesn't go to australia, if he does i hope the crowd, yell "no ball" after every delivery.
  5. Energizer

    Fastest Bowl

    If you dont have proof, dont bother, no proof no record.