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    Were The bolwers in the 70s and 80s really faster than mordern bolwers

    Good point. Didn't Rodney Hogg kill Ewan Chattfield for a minute or so? (He was revived on the ground.) He wasn't exactly express. I don't think there's much difference between old and new. You can only run in and roll your arm over so fast. I think there were express bowlers, Andy Roberts...
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    Kumble's 600: A proud moment for Indian Cricket

    Actually, I was having a little go at Dravid for having the most outs at 90. :) Was good to see him back in some form though, I can't wait to see him bat tomorrow. A century from Dravid will probably win them the test.
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    India in Australia

    I think both Johnson and Tait are a bit over-rated. Johnson moreso. I haven't seen him do one thing that has really impressed me this summer. I'd send him back to domestic cricket until he gets more skills. If he bowls that wide rubbish all day tomorrow I'll probably throw the remote through the...
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    Kumble's 600: A proud moment for Indian Cricket

    Kumble's 600? Why no Indian love for Dravid's record :) Congratulations to Kumble and indian cricket fans.
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    Your Cricket Trouble with my batting!

    Why are your shoulders stuffed when your knee was the problem to begin with? (ACL is knee, isn't it?) Does it hurt when you practice the motion with just a normal stance - i.e. not stepping forward to the pitch of the ball? You might try adopting more of a golf swing, where the wrists snap...
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    Should Ponting stay captain?

    What arrogance you ask? Maybe that "slight arrogance" you refer to in your own post. Its not the whole team, just a few petulant individuals who are desperate to hold onto their CA contracts. Again, consider my example of the Windies in the 70's and 80's. They were loved by Australians and the...
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    Is Human Error an important thing of the game

    Time isn't an issue, Test Cricket is a slow game (and teams don't really help with their slow over rates.) I agree about the Tennis comparisons. Most of the time the challenge system just weeds out the really poor decisions, where a ball is out by inch and it hasn't been over-ruled by the...
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    What would be atmosphere in Perth test match?

    There's still a chance for India to square the series even if they have lost the trophy. Beating a side at home would have to be the sweetest victory of all. Anyone know what the ticket sales are like? Just for the non-Australians here, a cricket story of some description has been leading the...
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    Should Ponting stay captain?

    His captaincy isn't a problem, but a lot of people find his attitude offensive. The West Indians of the late 70's/early 80's were cocky and they had a right to be. They were in a similar position to what the Australian's are now. But amongst the swagger of Richards and the bravado of Marshall...