Your Cricket Trouble with my batting!


School Cricketer
Dec 25, 2006
Palm Beach
Online Cricket Games Owned
I have been practicing my batting before I make my return to opens cricket from an injury to my ACL over a year ago, but I find I am having trouble with my technique.

When I play any sort of back or front foot drive (where you raise the bat, vertically in line with your body, to the height of your shoulders), I find that my shoulders offer alot of resistance, like my body is no longer comfortable with the motion. I can play push and pull shots and basic slogs, but my back and front foot drives (an important part of any batter's game) are suffering because it just doesn't feel comfortable.

Has anyone ever had an experience like this? Or can anyone offer any advice as to how I may get past this small obstacle and get back to enjoying my cricket?
im not certain but your top hand could be the issue with working it to legside?

loosen the bottom hand tighten the top
I am right handed, and I find that the resistance is in my right shoulder when I bring the bat handle up to or past the level of my shoulder. I have tried loosening and tightening the grip, to no avail!
You can't expect people to help you if you don't have a video sorry, a video helps big time.

Maybe record yourself trying to play the shot and upload it? Or seek a coach that around your area.
I have been practicing my batting before I make my return to opens cricket from an injury to my ACL over a year ago, but I find I am having trouble with my technique.

When I play any sort of back or front foot drive (where you raise the bat, vertically in line with your body, to the height of your shoulders), I find that my shoulders offer alot of resistance, like my body is no longer comfortable with the motion. I can play push and pull shots and basic slogs, but my back and front foot drives (an important part of any batter's game) are suffering because it just doesn't feel comfortable.

Has anyone ever had an experience like this? Or can anyone offer any advice as to how I may get past this small obstacle and get back to enjoying my cricket?

Maybe try a different stance and grip on the bat, you could cock your wrists more, but that does mean you have a straighter backlift. I am not sure unfortunately but it is pivotal to be comfortable maybe have a look around at the different grips and stances to make yourself comfortable. Take a look at this video right at the start, it shows how to grip the bat with the most comfortable grip and stance.
I have been practicing my batting before I make my return to opens cricket from an injury to my ACL over a year ago, but I find I am having trouble with my technique.

When I play any sort of back or front foot drive (where you raise the bat, vertically in line with your body, to the height of your shoulders), I find that my shoulders offer alot of resistance, like my body is no longer comfortable with the motion. I can play push and pull shots and basic slogs, but my back and front foot drives (an important part of any batter's game) are suffering because it just doesn't feel comfortable.

Has anyone ever had an experience like this? Or can anyone offer any advice as to how I may get past this small obstacle and get back to enjoying my cricket?

How high is your backlift and where do you put your hands on the grip? High or low?
How high is your backlift and where do you put your hands on the grip? High or low?

My hands are just above where the handle meets the body of the bat. I hold my hands together on the bat, not spaced apart. My backlift is so that the bat is slightly lower than horizontally in line with my hip.
Before you make any major changes, keep working at it for a while, because it may just be that your body has changed a bit in a year (I assume you're young rather than old) and will need to readjust.
i agree you can make big changes

when you bat

- relax
- clear your mind
- do whats natural
- and dont try too hard to do anything special
Do you get your foot to the ball? You sound good with backfoot shots, like the pull.. maybe its because your stretching to far the reach the ball when you drive?

I'm just throwing things up here.
I give perfect's post maybe 1 day before it is deleted!

it actually makes sense though

Do you get your foot to the ball? You sound good with backfoot shots, like the pull.. maybe its because your stretching to far the reach the ball when you drive?

I'm just throwing things up here.

try reading it again :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
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When I play any sort of back or front foot drive (where you raise the bat, vertically in line with your body, to the height of your shoulders), I find that my shoulders offer alot of resistance, like my body is no longer comfortable with the motion.

Why are your shoulders stuffed when your knee was the problem to begin with? (ACL is knee, isn't it?) Does it hurt when you practice the motion with just a normal stance - i.e. not stepping forward to the pitch of the ball?

You might try adopting more of a golf swing, where the wrists snap through the ball and you don't follow through with the high elbow as you do with a normal drive (like Ricky Ponting does on his straight drives.) I'm thinking Greg Chappell, you know the drives through the covers with the wristy flourish at the end, but maybe my old mind is playing tricks on me and he never actually played like that.

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