Should Ponting stay captain?

Should ponting stay as captain?

  • yes

    Votes: 43 68.3%
  • no

    Votes: 20 31.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think anyone who wants the captain of a team who's won 16 on the bounce needs their marbles checking. I'm not Ponting's biggest fan captaincy-wise, but he must be doing something right.

or maybe he's just got the best team in the world at his disposal, wat captain couldn't win 16 on trot with, Warne, McGrath, Langer, Clarke, Hussey, Hayden, Lee, Clark, Gilly, especially against South Africa x6, Bangladesh, an underprepared England and Sri Lanka, who couldn't beat those teams with a squad, we've got. i would much prefer pup.
There isn't anybody in the side who is ready or provides a long term solution if he were to give it up or get sacked. So no.
as much as i dont like him and his personality he is a darn good player and a good captain so no need for him to step down.
What arrogance? Our team is confident, slightly arrogant but with every damn right to be.

What arrogance you ask? Maybe that "slight arrogance" you refer to in your own post. Its not the whole team, just a few petulant individuals who are desperate to hold onto their CA contracts. Again, consider my example of the Windies in the 70's and 80's. They were loved by Australians and the rest of the world despite a clear and imposing dominance. This Australian team is almost reviled, and as an Australian that embarrasses me.
yup, he is great on field as captain and a player,

Dare :p, National team West Indies Sri Lanka? kool!
Another trolled topic. India will say no, Australia will say yes.

And Australia rightly so have a reason to say yes, his success rate is the best in the world and no one comes close.

Look at this.
A non-Indian talks about sacking Ponting in an Australian Paper.

Arrogant Ponting must be fired

January 8, 2008

RICKY PONTING must be sacked as captain of the Australian cricket team. If Cricket Australia cares a fig for the tattered reputation of our national team in our national sport, it will not for a moment longer tolerate the sort of arrogant and abrasive conduct seen from the captain and his senior players over the past few days. Beyond comparison it was the ugliest performance put up by an Australian side for 20 years. The only surprising part of it is that the Indians have not packed their bags and gone home. There is no justice for them in this country, nor any manners.

And then there are the polls-
61% of the people, Australian readers, agree with Roebuck.

My vote:
With a cricketing perspective hes a great captain. But, hes no nice dude, and is a bad representation of the Australian country. Thats my opinion.
Look at this.
A non-Indian talks about sacking Ponting in an Australian Paper.

And then there are the polls-
61% of the people, Australian readers, agree with Roebuck.

My vote:
With a cricketing perspective hes a great captain. But, hes no nice dude, and is a bad representation of the Australian country. Thats my opinion.

Isn't that how the rest of the world perceived Sourav Ganguly when he was skipper?
Don't be silly Ani, it's okay to be like that when you play for their team and not those darn pesky Australians. :)
Don't be silly Ani, it's okay to be like that when you play for their team and not those darn pesky Australians. :)

India would have got away with it too, if it weren't for those darn pesky Aussies:p
I think everyone should take a few lessons from Graeme Smith. A courteous, considerate, charming captain.

I like alliterations.
Sourav is a very arrogant, spoilt, ignorant person. He was always seen by other captains as uncourteous and a prickly character. He was a fantastic captain for you, but he had/has very few friends in international cricket outside his own country.
Sourav is a very arrogant, spoilt, ignorant person. He was always seen by other captains as uncourteous and a prickly character. He was a fantastic captain for you, but he had/has very few friends in international cricket outside his own country.

Then he was kicked out.
Why should Ponting stay?
Hes worse then Sourav.

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