Katich should captain: Hogg

Thompson never played under Ponting or....

Query Thomson about what and why he said what he did. Also, obviously he knows a lot more about cricket than me and you, so his opinion (and someone else's, whom I can't remember at this point) can be banked on.

Also, the virtual Aussie public anywhere on any website doesn't exactly reflect the opinion of an entire nation. This is exactly what I said and maybe you didn't take it the way it was supposed to be taken. Also, after the Sydney fiasco, some newspaper did a poll in which majority of the Australian public said that Ponting should be sacked and the likes. :)

Apparently I did even tho I don't see a question mark in my entire post...

Tumtum doesn't surprise me there :p
Query Thomson about what and why he said what he did. Also, obviously he knows a lot more about cricket than me and you, so his opinion (and someone else's, whom I can't remember at this point) can be banked on.

Obviously he knows more about cricket then me and you but like I said he never played under Ponting and doesn't know more about playing with him then the current lot that plays with Ponting.
Also I doubt that he went out and said "I don't respect Ponting", probably more like questioned his tactics which nobody should do because nobody is in Pontings shoes when he is making those decisions. Not even someone with as much experience as Thompson.

Also, the virtual Aussie public anywhere on any website doesn't exactly reflect the opinion of an entire nation.
Well they do reflect more opinions then what you say. Because I actually read their posts and read what they say about Ponting unlike your claim that the Aussie public doesn't respect Ponting, with no proof at all. Start a thread and put a poll and ask the Aussie members on this forum if they respect Ponting and you should get your answer. Unless of course you have the time to go to Australia and ask every citizen what they think of Ponting.

This is exactly what I said and maybe you didn't take it the way it was supposed to be taken.

No you said exactly this, which is what I took it for.
Not even the Ex-players or the Australian public respect him

Also, after the Sydney fiasco, some newspaper did a poll in which majority of the Australian public said that Ponting should be sacked and the likes. :)

Yes because the soon to be captain with the most wins in Aussie cricket history should be judged on the basis of one test.
I would actually love to see this poll!

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