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  1. BONED!

    Dhoni's gloves

    Too right!
  2. BONED!

    Which Aussie player do you look like?

    I look like Mitchell Johnson and Phil Jaques...bugger? :(
  3. BONED!

    Gilly's Catch Record?

    He already is mate...he doesn't realise it yet, but he's actually his cousin! So I guess Gilly will be out before 45!
  4. BONED!

    Did anyone else...

    not yet, saw the footage on channel 9 news, but it hasn't reached youtube yet, so I can't find any vids to post! I guess we must wait!
  5. BONED!

    Kumble's 600: A proud moment for Indian Cricket

    In the instance where Shane Warne scored 99, the ball he lost his wicket on was a no-ball missed by the umpire, which was later revealed to Warne in many television interviews. I know extra's do not count towards one's individual score, but I feel certain that Shane could have just blocked out...
  6. BONED!

    Did anyone else...

    see Andre Nel's reaction to taking the wicket of Marlon Samuels and think it was extremely over-the-top? I have seen Nel exhibit such aggressive reactions before, but I do think he 'carried on' with it a bit too long for it to be mere competitiveness. I mean Samuels did well to ignore the...
  7. BONED!

    The End Of Australian Dominance?

    I read somewhere that they don't believe Haddin is ready to replace Gilly yet. Sure he is good, but apparently he needs some more work, because they want him to be at Gilly's level when he is introduced into the side.
  8. BONED!

    The End Of Australian Dominance?

    It's not like Australia can't hit 400 odd runs. We've done it before. All we need is a century or two and a couple 50's from our decent bats! Which is entirely possible.
  9. BONED!

    India in Australia

    With the look of the weather at the grounds currently, it would not be surprising to see some rain across the next couple of days. Combine that with some defensive batting and it could easily become a draw!
  10. BONED!

    India in Australia

    Considering it's only the 3rd day out of 5, if Australia bowls India all out today, we have the next 2 days to bat our way to victory. So long as the top order doesn't collapse, we could tick the scoreboard over easy with a nice consistent run rate.
  11. BONED!

    Gilly's Catch Record?

    Does anyone know how close to the world record for catches Gilly is? Last I saw was during the 2nd test he was maybe 7 catches away from the record. And with 2 catches already in the 3rd test I am wondering just how close to the record he is, or whether he beat it whilst I was on a beer break?
  12. BONED!

    Ticket Question

    So long as it isn't p****n down at the WACCA like it is here!
  13. BONED!

    Sledging, is it part of cricket?

    Well said!
  14. BONED!

    Your Cricket What club in Sydney do you play for?

    right now you are catching the teams mid season, and it will be nigh on impossible to get into any A or B grade teams because once you reach the adult age group you have to be graded to be placed in a team. But the gradings etc for the next season usually start around july-august. If you can...
  15. BONED!

    Your Cricket What club in Sydney do you play for?

    And so there's an english thread for their clubs. So perhaps other members should make threads for their countries. This thread is to help aussies who play find other aussies who play. If I knew how to edit the title, I would make it say "which club in Australia do you play for".
  16. BONED!

    India in Australia

    either way, the first one is better ;)
  17. BONED!

    Your Cricket Trouble with my batting!

    I give perfect's post maybe 1 day before it is deleted!
  18. BONED!

    India in Australia

    I like your thinking my friend! ;)
  19. BONED!

    Indian cricketing public

    well following your example, you should be banned with passion then!
  20. BONED!

    Indian cricketing public

    dont worry mate, spoke to Manee, it will be sorted! Hi-five Scion!