Gilly's Catch Record?

I was mucking around with some stats the other day (yes, I was THAT bored) and I though that this little snippet was sort of relevant here (In a round about way).


Gilchrist's catches per match, by quite a margin better than most current international keepers (and some rubbishy English ones too ;))
Gilchrist's catches per match, by quite a margin better than most current international keepers (and some rubbishy English ones too ;))

All I can say is that bowl is most likely to be edged to keepers in Australia and SA than in sub continent.
I reckon that while his batting has been down, his keeping has got better. The catches he was taking last test were simply awesome. 3 diving catches.

But he still has an average of 30 since the ashes, which is better than most of the keepers.
Church: The most regulation catch a keeper can get, dropped! His time is nearly up Seany! At his age and his form behind the stumps has been shocking of late...Haddin is calling;)
But he still has an average of 30 since the ashes, which is better than most of the keepers.
I really don't like this stat being quoted as much as it is being quoted.

He did go through a very tough period from the start of the 05 Ashes to the end of the 06 South Africa tour, averaging 22. He managed only two 50+ scores in 24 innings.

When he found his first hundred in about a year, it was admittedly against Bangladesh, but in a horror match where Australia looked like losing until his innings. A poorly acclimatised Australia were 5/79 when he walked out, after Bangladesh had scored 427.

From then on, he has made 4 fifties and 2 hundreds in 15 innings, averaging 45. It's not incredible form, but considering the two year time frame, it definitely highlights the fickleness of Gilchrist's critics. It has been nine innings since his last hundred, but in that time he has scored 3 half centuries. By contrast it's been 14 innings for Ponting. Is it time for him to retire, or are we just going to shut up and let him get back in there?

There's no doubt Gilly is overdue for a century in this series, but what he's more due for is a year in which he plays more than 5 Tests.
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Just heard Harsha Bhogle saying in end game show that Gilly will retire from one form of game and cant confirm the news right now.

This will be intresting.

EDIT: As everone knows know. Hes retired from all forms of game.
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Personally I've always considered GoJo to be England's finest keeper of all time.................

Oh my, I think I just threw up in my mouth.

I did find it interesting though, that for a guy that everyone said couldn't catch his catches per match figure is way above other recent England keepers. Shame he couldn't keep and bat well at the same time really. (Obviously I mean in the same match, not like some weird cricket version of a one man band ;))

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