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  1. S

    TAOC Discussion

    Hey ladies and gents, I know LM says that we should wait and see how the system for payment/donations is going to work, but I think it's an interesting debate. I agree that the game creators definitely need some for of compensation for the amount of work put into this project, because I know...
  2. S

    TAOC - Commentary Names

    Brad Jackson Thanks!
  3. S

    Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

    Happy weekend, LM and all other cricket fans... Was just playing a bit of Cricket 07 trying to find things that I wished were present. Thought of one or two more things to add to my pile of suggestions (sorry LM). A few aesthetic things would be during long batting spells, the batsmen...
  4. S

    Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

    I think you guys both have valid points. Even if EA had to know about all these ideas, it's not - in their eyes - worthwhile putting it in, for the exact reason Manee said. I think they try their best to shove together a workable game and churn it out, because, even though I think EA Cricket is...
  5. S

    Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

    Thanks for all the positive feedback on my first post. It's nice to see a community developing like this for a game that has as much potential as this does. I'm sure it's been discussed, but what is everyone's feelings on an appeal button? Besides the blindingly obvious wickets, i.e. bowled...
  6. S

    Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

    Hey LM... I haven't managed to wade my way through the swathe of suggestions, but as I'm sure you've heard before, this is an amazingly ambitious plan that I really hope pays off for you. I'm sure (copyright infringements aside) the majority of people would have no issue putting some money into...