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  1. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    I have just been on ca, and bloody hell is it going to take a long time to get the actual team together, I think it could be organised a lit,e better but it is still good
  2. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Not sure if this has been asked, will there be a camera view when batting like IC2010 when you played from behind the batsman?
  3. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Just have a quick question, when simulating in IC2010 when you did simulate the ai always bowled with players that wernt you good choice bowlers, will this happen in this game?
  4. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Career Can you be the wicket keeper in career mode?
  5. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Awesome and has there been any talks about difficulty levels in the game?
  6. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Few questions Has there been any talk of the difficulty levels in the game? So when you download a player on cricket academy that someone else created, how do there stats become updated? Is it when we start playing there stats will start? When you download an already created team how will...
  7. J

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Ok so I have a few questions Has there been any talk of the difficulty levels in the game? So when you download a player on cricket academy that someone else created, how do there stats become updated? Is it when we start playing there stats will start? When you download an already created...