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    PS3/360 Versions Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    Anyone have an issue with the controls when playing offline multiplayer after saving the game and coming back? It breaks the batting controls. It happens when you play tour or competition too.
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    Cricket Player Manager - 8th November Release

    Was checking out the google play store page and this is really bizarre but you live like right next door to me. Really, really bizarre. Good luck with the game. Will have to pick it up soon. Am a sucker for sports management games especially if it is cricket.
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    :) He isn't telling people to go get refunds. He is simply advising that if this a serious issue and detrimental to your ability to play the game, then you are more than likely within reason to receive a refund.
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    I think you're misreading what he, I and some other people are saying. We are accepting of the DRM and the reasons for it. It just is kinda sucky. Alberts is only mentioning that this could be conceived as breach of Australian Consumer law. It just means that people have grounds for a refund...
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    Don't use a strawman. I never blamed Big Ant for my tethering issues nor did I ever say that I disagreed with the DRM. All I ever said was that it was disappointing and sucky to be inadvertently punished. I stand by it too. I think everyone here wants what's best for DBC and Big Ant. We wish...
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    You've just regurgitated a work around I literally all ready stated prior. All your grievances I have cleared up or explained. Either your comprehesion is lacking or you haven't read my post, perhaps not even the thread.
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    Not that you are privy to my life in anyway. But I am a uni student who's freetime is usually only on the weekends. Most weekends I go down to stay with family (my father) who is 60 technologically illiterate and lives by himself with no devices with the capacity to connect to the Internet...
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    I used to be able to tether my connection but ever since my s3 updated to the newer version of Ice Cream Sandwich or KitKat (can't remember which) it just stopped working. I just tried to get it working in the last half hour to no avail. Once I get a new phone I hope that the issue fixes itself...
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    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    Just found out about the game having DRM via the unfortunate method of attempting to play the game without an Internet connection. And whilst I'm sympathetic to BigAnt over the issue of piracy, I am still disappointed that this happened. For me (the minority) it essentially halves the playtime...
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    Pomers was on to something - scripted randomness in DBC14

    I've deemed this to be true from what I've been playing of the game. When batting against a leg spinner and I play a cut shot to a ball pitching on off (maybe without the necessary height). Then being caught by the wicket keeper who essentially 'premeditated' the edge about a foot and a half...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

    Is it normal for a game to have a rain delay and be shorted to somehow cause my good length bowling to become full tossers?
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

    The only odd occurrence I've had is that the first slip just constantly action man dives behind the keeper when bowling straightish.
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    Post your questions about the game here!

    Is it best to replace the attributes of players when downloading the best team? Is it more accurate than BigAnts default attributes to players already in the game?
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

    Is this refering to players with low bowling skills/attributes bowling instead of a strike bowler?
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    It is important to the on going success of the game and possible franchise that as many people know about the game as possible. EB Games isn't just a store front for games; it is a key way to create visibility and market your game. So if a someone who likes cricket or even knows someone who...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    Do linked players have the BigAnt created stats or the user created stats?
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    I'm starting to think that the expectation of DBC14 being a "slow burner" is just code word for no marketing...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    One in my hometown only had preorder and nothing else. On my way back up to Melbourne stopped at a an EB and they had no idea.
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    Not going argue about the employee's aptitude or willingness to work but the point still stands. Week before release no signage; no visual display that this game is coming. Unless you expect every EB employee to start spouting off about games that are in the system and not anywhere else no...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    I went to EB games today and they didn't even know the release date the just said first half of the year awaiting confirmation. The game is a week away and they still have no idea.