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  1. H

    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    good news. Another steam update today seems to have fixed it. No crash! :-)
  2. H

    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    At work a the moment, but can do a screen grab tonight when I get back home. Sure internet connection is fine. I reset router, and nothing else was downloading or being used at the time. Even if it was an internet issue, wouldn't it be better to have an alert pop up regarding connection...
  3. H

    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    on the loading splash screen. Lots of green hexagon things start to fill the screen and then it freezes. :-(
  4. H

    DBC14 PC Version 1.14

    I'm getting the crash on PC start up too. Tried updating steam, exiting steam, restarting PC and steam etc and it still crashes.
  5. H

    My Batting Advice

    Posted this in the career thread but though some might find it useful here too. Started my second season in career mode last night after averaging about 14 in my first season in first class games. I had managed three 20-20 half-centuries in my my first season but that was as good as it...
  6. H

    Batting in career mode is a serious issue

    Started my second season in career mode last night after averaging about 14 in my first season in first class games. I had managed three 20-20 half-centuries in my my first season but that was as good as it got. I decided to make a few changes to my batting style and it's worked a treat...
  7. H

    Why isn't a bigger deal being made of AI fields?

    Hmmm, I was pretty sure that a fielder could not be placed in line with the stumps but I stand corrected if that's the case. I have played in a game where the batsmen kept pulling away as it was "distracting" until the capatain eventually moved him just wide of the sightscreen. To be...
  8. H

    Why isn't a bigger deal being made of AI fields?

    I'm in my second season of a career now, and I have to agree that it is the most frustrating part of an otherwise splendid game. Likewise, I agree that it tends to be the longer format of the game it affects most. I've been batting at number 3 and I can often be in bat in the first couple...
  9. H

    Blurry Text on PS3

    Let me start by saiying that this isn't a problem with the game, but more likely some PS3 settings. I've hot an HD TV, connected to PS3 with correct HDMI cable, the graphics looks fine, the boot up text is razor sharp, but then once playing the game, the white text (batsmen scores etc) is...
  10. H

    Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

    Amazon now dispatching. Delivery tomorrow by midday. No email but log in and check order status.
  11. H

    Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

    Nanta R.:Thank you for contacting My name is Nanta Kumar. May I know your name, please? Me:Jimbo How are you Nanta? Nanta R.:Hi Jimbo. I'm fine. How are you, Jimbo? Me:Good. Nearly finished work! I've heard some rumors that dispatch of this item might be delayed. Can you...
  12. H

    PC or PS3?

    Well - took the plunge and have ordered on PS3. Hoping I might be able get a good price on the PC version later this year when the mods have been busy and tweaked it to make test matches last longer than 1.5 days like most other cricket games I've bough over the last 20 years.
  13. H

    PC or PS3?

    Apologies if this has been answered before. I've searched through a few threads but can't find anything. I was just wondering if there are any advantages (apart from the early release date) of buying one version over the other? I've recently bought a high spec PC so there should be no...