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  1. B

    Next world class spinner?

    when did i ever say that there is anything wrong or against the rules about this thread? i was questioning the wisdom of the people who jumped to the conclusion that he will definately be a world class spinner. it seems that you are taking some of my words literally. anyway i think i'll leave...
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    Next world class spinner?

    sorry im not a spammer and i have a life. how many posts do i need to make before i have the right to be angry? not that i am angry. i must have missed that in the forum rules. if you know its too early then why did you make the thread? if its too early then why are people jumping to...
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    Next world class spinner?

    you said can he be a world class spinner. i said its too early. you said he averages less than murali. i said that doesnt prove much its too early to compare him with murali. bottomline is its too early to say whether he can be a world class spinner. until he plays about 10-15 matches in...
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    Next world class spinner?

    and that is a fair comparison because murali has played 219 first class matches compared to his 19?
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    Next world class spinner?

    you are comparing the standard of domestic cricket to international cricket?
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    Next world class spinner?

    how can people say this after just one match. no offense he must succeed against teams better than west indies. he has a bright future but its early to call him the next world class spinner.
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    Wrestling Dangers and Deaths

    blood is not fake they cut their heads using blades. they are not pussies. blood capsules are only used when they are shown to bleed from the mouth.
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    Who are your favourite wrestlers?

    1. The Rock because I think.....IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT I THINK. 2. Austin because he said so. 3. and HHH because hes that damn good.
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    Congratulations to somiya

    congratulations mate! i hope the kid is healthy and smarter than world champions.
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    Your favourite umpire

    david shepherd. too bad he had to retire because his belly blocked the batsmans view.
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    South Africa in India

    mitchell johnson has an even higher average. only he deserves to break the record.:hpraise