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  1. S

    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    hey guys i'm back, requests are still on.. (i wish like using the dancing banana smiley again, it gives me immense 'pleasure' :D )
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    Girl killed in Wii remote mixup

    my goodness is that real ???
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    'Name in da 'Game It's been a long time after i've joined PC.. Something from Scratch.... :sarcasm <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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    Pranav's Graphics Thread

    entries are awesome..........!
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    thanks naresh bhaiya ! i will look forward to create something new !
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    Pranav's Graphics Thread

    please mail me or PM me the textures, anyways how was your trip to Manali
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    Thank you very much bhai ! and yes you are right I am a beginner and by the way, as you told to blend the render into the texture, I am unable to find any relevant tutorials, can you give me links to some of them? Regards, Simar
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    simarpreet007 added 6 Minutes and 57 Seconds later... simarpreet007 added 1 Minutes and 24 Seconds later...
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    simarpreet007 added 4 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...
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    Hello everyone, Iam simarpreet007 a.k.a Simarpreet. I am new to PlanetCricket, and by the way I have my own thread of GFX -- Simarpreet's GFX Thread
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    thanx check my new wallie.
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    Thanx Thank You , Check out my newest wallie, this is the best i've made till now ! :cheers
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    Requests Accepted ..::simarpreet's gfx thread::..

    This is my turf, and my Graphic thread.. You're always welcomed to request somethuing which would get me working...... Some of my creations are... .SIGNATURES. .WALLIES.
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    Requests Accepted Ricardo Kaka Signature

    This is my first signature hope you like it.. REQUESTS ARE ON... tHANKS a tON...
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    Pranav's Graphics Thread

    good i have joined it MANOOO !!!!! :onpc