Search results

  1. F

    Correct Length for International Series

    Every tour should be at least 3 tests long, would be better if it was 5, or even go back to the olden days where it was 6... 3 ODI's should do the job, in a bigger series with better teams I'd like to see 5, just because I can actually get to watch an ODI match without me missing a day because...
  2. F

    Random Thoughts

    Anybody else here heard Rise Againsts cover of anyway you want it? It's some tune. Had it stuck in my head the past two weeks.
  3. F


    The first lad got it right. Its stick sports. Not sure if anybody else is from there, but I appear to be the man over there;) or at least I'd like to think so :spy
  4. F


    Ah, but you support Manchester united, making yourself instantly inferior to anybody that doesn't support a top 4 club, so that's me back on top isn't it? Anyway, how long does this "Moderator must edit your posts" phase last? Because it's truely annoying.
  5. F


    Sorry bout this, but I laughed a little at the layout of this forum. You Really need to introduce subforums and change your CSS to stop everything looking so cluttered. I be here from SS to see what this is all about for some reason... Anyway, I'm F1 and am slightly better then you :D