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  1. Seoken

    Your Cricket Kicked from the club because i don't wear a helmet.

    The thing is, I LOVE playing really really fast short pitched deliveries. The faster the better, it just means i can hit em harder ;). The sad thing is it was just a few people in the club that decided this "policy" it was never discussed with the rest of the club... I never said I would...
  2. Seoken

    Your Cricket Kicked from the club because i don't wear a helmet.

    I was just recently kick out of my local club. Surfers Paradise Benowa Cricket Club to be exact.This all started because i play U17 and 5th grade and don't wear a helmet (this is because my game is predominately back-foot). This was never a problem for the first two and a half months of...
  3. Seoken

    Your Cricket What cricket bat do you use?

    I have myself a Laver and Wood weighting in at 3pounds 2oz nice and heavy. Great for playing off the back foot. Fast bowlers are the best, just have to get the bat in the way and i get runs. Cost me $400 AUD.
  4. Seoken

    Your Cricket Hardest bowl to play

    Pffft i play a predominately back foot game, my first move every delivery is onto my back foot and i have no trouble playing fuller deliveries in fact i like them, easy to hit along the ground for 4. Hardest delivery? A really quick 140km+ yorker that starts outside leg stump but ends up...
  5. Seoken

    Your Cricket What Pace can you Face

    Damn i'm not letting any body other then very trusted friends use mine, i don't want it broken... Yeah it's great training for facing pace, 140km/h beamers is not the funniest thing in the world, specially as if i get hit, i don't wear a helmet (incentive to get out of the way).
  6. Seoken

    Your Cricket What Pace can you Face

    Well, i just got myself a Sidearm Pro to train with. The videos i've seen have had this thing up around 140km/h and my dad is about half a foot taller then the guy using it in the the vid so i assume the deliveries are around 140km/h if not more. Things great for training, looks like a bowlers...
  7. Seoken

    Your Cricket Brands Are Just A Sticker

    Mine specifically? It was $400 aus. Their range though goes from $200 - $2000 or something like that. It was worth the $400 though, a bat from the nearest sporting goods store near me with any kind of bat near the quality of my laver and wood would be sold at around $600. So if you ask me it...
  8. Seoken

    Your Cricket What is the lightest cricket helmet?

    That's BS, nobody in a junior grade is fast enough to do any real damage. What's the stance on parental consult cause my dad doesn't care either way, it's my decision to wear a helmet or not, it's nobody else's decision. ---------- That's BS, nobody in a junior grade is fast enough to do any...
  9. Seoken

    Your Cricket Brands Are Just A Sticker

    In my experiences a top of the line Laver & Wood is of far greater quality then any G&M or Puma or most brand you could name. The difference is a Laver & Wood is custom made to suit you specifically. I had a great problem with his because it's the only one i could find that was decently heavy...
  10. Seoken

    Your Cricket What is the lightest cricket helmet?

    You have to wear a helmet? That's a bit harsh. What if you don't though? What would the consciences be? But granted i was kicked out of the nets last year because supposedly juniors have to wear a helmet, they did offer me one but i just left the net. But it is true that collisions with the...
  11. Seoken

    Your Cricket What is the lightest cricket helmet?

    Lightest and most comfortable? I recommend no helmet at all.
  12. Seoken

    Your Cricket Help Me Decide Which Bat!

    Hey man, i'm going to say what i say to everyone. Get a Laver and Wood (if you can afford it) completely custom made. Here's a link Laver & Wood Cricket Bats: Individually hand crafted from selected English willow. I got one myself can't believe how well it suits me.
  13. Seoken

    Your Cricket How Cricket Australia is legislating the passion out of the game.

    That's the point of the P.P.S. But this is personally what I've felt after being put though this situation.
  14. Seoken

    Your Cricket How Cricket Australia is legislating the passion out of the game.

    Sorry i had to quote the ICC, the cricket Australia one is different but i couldn't find it. I will change the Original post once i find the Australian one, it's worded slightly different.
  15. Seoken

    Your Cricket How Cricket Australia is legislating the passion out of the game.

    I was recently given LBW and it was an off spinner and the ball was travelling straight outside off stump I believe it wasn't out, it may have been out who cares I was out none the less. But anyway, i got angry and swore a bit as-well as saying it wasn't out (while walking off the field mind...
  16. Seoken

    Your Cricket Fundamentals before the basics

    Well... modern bowlers yes, most likely. But the likes of Lillie, Thomson, Paso, Joel Garner, Andy Roberts and others all had the capacity to bowl over 100MPH and did.
  17. Seoken

    Your Cricket Fundamentals before the basics

    Ahh but the fastest deliveries (over 100 MPH) can sure as hell scare the ████ out of you.
  18. Seoken

    Your Cricket Fundamentals before the basics

    I agree completely. I also hate junior cricket these days in Queensland at-least. Nobody in my u17 team really knows how to shine a ball. And when i say something about it i get "it doesn't really matter" BUT IT DOES. It lets bowlers have more of an opportunity to take wickets and only takes 20...
  19. Seoken

    Your Cricket Which Bat Should I Buy?

    A Laver and Wood. Completely custom made, heavy, light, long, short how ever you want it. Mine is 3'2"oz with a long handle it has a beautiful balance and a middle that is both better and bigger then any i've ever felt.
  20. Seoken

    Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

    That was a complete contradiction of yourself. You say leg spin is easier to bowl, but then claim offies are easier to get right. You just said the're both the easier then the other.