15 August Independence day - India* 61 years of Freedom..

Got the slides in my power point ready - most info yet to be added

Independence of India - Introduction
European Settlement
The Rebellion Begins
Heroes Arise
Mahatma Gandhi ? Power of Speech
A Fight for the Nation
Independence Day
Independence - Impact at the time.
Partition ? India | Pakistan
Independence - Impact on the 20th Century
Independence ? Long Term Effects.
Cricket ? Its not just a game

I'll see if I can turn it into a youtube video and post it here, then Colin can grade it :p
So did you. :mad:
You seriously couldn't expect us to not become independent when you stop trains on their way to Pakistan, kill all the mothers and babies in the train as well as the men, and then send the train to Lahore, where when the doors are opened, blood and bodies fall out.
wtf Please as the 10 Line of the 1 post says Please Don't argue here you all guys don't understand?Shub disappointment by you:(

Avoid please as you know someone here is really Supreme in false argument..

Please I don't wanna have this thread close Please:(
My first Post has a line Saying "please don't have any argument" But still ..

Anyway 2 days More to go for 61th Independence :)
Are you telling me that what I just said DID NOT HAPPEN?

No, he's simply telling you that your melodramatic sensitivities have led you to ignore the fact that hundreds of thousands of Hindus and Sikhs were also brutally slaughtered by Muslims during the partition and that there were no clean hands involved. None of the sides were innocent. It was an unfortunate time.
No, he's simply telling you that your melodramatic sensitivities have led you to ignore the fact that hundreds of thousands of Hindus and Sikhs were also brutally slaughtered by Muslims during the partition and that there were no clean hands involved. None of the sides were innocent. It was an unfortunate time.
Who told you these stories? Your grandma?

I'm sure we slaughtered Hindus and Sikhs in the 100s.

But definitely not in the 1000s.

Did you know the Hindus and Sikhs wiped out 22% of the Muslim Population before 1947?
Who told you these stories? Your grandma?

I'm sure we slaughtered Hindus and Sikhs in the 100s.

But definitely not in the 1000s.

Did you know the Hindus and Sikhs wiped out 22% of the Muslim Population before 1947?
Look, its been enough, if his grandma didn't tell him stories, neither were you alive when it happened. That's enough of arguments based on stories, really.

There's no point in arguing what happened before. Neither did you guys do it neither could you stop it. Better behave, and instead of trying to take out old revenges, move on in life. There's no point blaming each other, it has no end. It was an unfortunate time, as pal said. Lets forget it and make sure the coming time is not unfortunate.

EDIT - And this post's not only about you zMario. Its for everyone arguing about this.

Tom, dissappointed. What have you started?
Who told you these stories? Your grandma?

I'm sure we slaughtered Hindus and Sikhs in the 100s.

But definitely not in the 1000s.

Did you know the Hindus and Sikhs wiped out 22% of the Muslim Population before 1947?

Who told u the story ? You were watching live :rolleyes:
Look, its been enough, if his grandma didn't tell him stories, neither were you alive when it happened. That's enough of arguments based on stories, really.

There's no point in arguing what happened before. Neither did you guys do it neither could you stop it. Better behave, and instead of trying to take out old revenges, move on in life. There's no point blaming each other, it has no end. It was an unfortunate time, as pal said. Lets forget it and make sure the coming time is not unfortunate.

EDIT - And this post's not only about you zMario. Its for everyone arguing about this.

Tom, dissappointed. What have you started?
History doesn't change
What will you do with the history then? Lay eggs?

Unfortunately, you don't know the reason why we study history. It is to observe what has gone wrong in the past, and what can be done to avoid it again in the future, and not for bragging around with it.

My post ofcourse, doesn't mean that your facts were right, they definitely weren't, but this is not the proper place, and definitely not the proper way to discuss them.

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