2008 European Championships Qualifying

I''m gonna make reference to the managers as well. Slavan Billic was on the touchline throughout that match, practically playing the game himself. Whereas what about the ginner? Sat on his ginger pubed arse under an umbrella, doing sod all without about as much passion as a dead ant.

You may hold your heads high. The rest, you should be ashamed to call yourself English footballers.
They'll probably get Sven III in. Someone like Megson or an old man from the Isthmian league.

I'd personally go for Mike Bassett.
Picture this.

10:00, Wednesday 21 November.

Steve McClaren is running. Finally, he reaches Brian Barwick.

'Steve, can we...'

'No! Here are my papers. Ha. I quit first!'

Steve keeps his dignity (like he had any!)

And England get rid of that twat-bagged pissface.
I can only echo what other people have said. I can see McClaren resigning in the way that Keegan did after the match, if he has any sense, he'll know that he can't carry on after this. If he doesn't, then the FA better sack him!

We don't deserve to go through to the Euro's. The majority of our players lack the passion to play for England, and as for our manager, he needs to grow a pair and get some character. Crouch was brilliant tonight, as was Beckham who showed the passion when he came on. He's on 99 isn't he? Hopefully he'll still be able to get to 100.

Before the game, I wasn't overally bothered, but now it's started to sink in that we're not gonna be there next summer. Anyway, the good news is that we'll have to get a new manager in, maybe someone with a personality FA!
At least Keegan left when he knew he wasn't good enough as opposed to draggingit out for as long as possible and costing us qualification like the ginger ****er has.
Gerrard better not play like that Saturday because we've got Newcastle away. Naturally Crouch played well so Benitez might include him in the squad :p

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