30/12 PlanetCricket V Bengal Tigers (Mid Season Friendly)

Barrow Becomes Increasingly Annoyed!

In an exclusive interview for Cricketers Weekly, star Bitter's batsmen Simon Barrow has spoken of his disbelief that the PCCL organisers aren't more...well organised.

"Its a pretty bad do really, these guys bang on about tradition, the "real," cricket being played across here at PCCL, whilst we go out for a pretty buck over at PCPL. I honestly feel for the organisers but heck, I made sure the matches in my patch of the wood where played on time!"

To comment on Sohum's "legendary," status amoung the PlanetCricketer's and cricsim in general, he had this to say, "He says that over at the PCPL he has an average of infinity, though this isn't backed by the stats, he will surely look forward to PCPL 2.

Barrow seems to be picking up his name dropping of the PCPL as it draws closer. When asked about what's in store for the PCPL, Barrow had very little to say but, "Well we cannot comment as i've not yet sat down properly with the co-owners to discuss it. We've got the building blocks in place but as of the moment it isn't for definate. All we know is that PCPL is an explosive, short competition in which we will see the best from our stars. The new 2-tier league system will bring more fierce competition as relegation brings nothing but a feeling of failure. PCPL often is thought of about all the money, but its much more than that. I've spoken to some cricketers and they can't wait to get over to thier respective teams and start to talk themselves up!"

This is the most indepth interview with Barrow to date about PCPL 2, he does promise more information in the coming week. Maybe some suprises in there, and one big announcement will be prize money, how much will it be?

Keep tuned!​
Do I look like someone in charge at the PCCL, no. Then why do people keep calling me a PCCL organiser??? This is just a quick friendly match, not really a major thing when you look at the series that have been played in the past.

Get over it! :p

Rhys, you're ruining the fun, man! Stop ruining it!

Following his attempt to calm the situation surrounding the friendly matches v Bengal Tigers, the temporary PC XI selector has been mysteriously killed in a freak accident involving a hosepipe and some water. The police have not been available for comment at this moment in time, but are due to release a press statement later on. The next of kin have been informed.

This untimely and shocking incident means that the 2nd PC XI is going to have to be selected by another, new, selector...and given the way that the players treat selectors around here, they'd better watch their backs...or more specifically, their...(I'm not going to say it...but think...hosepipe!)

So who wants to select it?

Sorry Simon, hope this makes it better :p
ME! I'll select it! Get your ass on MSN Rhys.

Let's just go white water rafting instead.
The 2nd PCXI as selected by an unknown selector:

Viral 1991
Ballers 01
Dr Pepper
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Me not there again? Is this what I get for not calling the press everytime and giving the selectors time to rethink in peace? :p I'm in the international PC team! :p
Star Soakers batsman Misra amused at response from teammate Covvy
Misra, the self-proclaimed and indeed media-proclaimed star batsman of the Supersoakers had only amusement in response to his teammate, Covvy's, rebuttal about who the star batsman of the Soakers team was.

"I really have nothing to say... I mean facts are not arguable," Misra was quoted as saying. "If he really wants proof, he can just check out the FC statistics this season."

Misra then hopped aboard an elephant with the aid of two red ladders.

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