7/11 Mumbai shocked with serial train bomb-blasts

Add to that the Bali bombings.

The cleric that influenced them has already been released, aswell iirc.
and the failed terror attack in Toronto, where 17 ppl were arrested....like i said, its the single most threatening thing to the human society, more than the nuclear weapons.
Little known Lashkar-E-Qahhar has claimed responsibility for the Mumbai serial blasts that occured 7/11.

This outfit is associated with Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-E-Tayyaba. They say that as long as the Indian government did not stop the "exploitation of Kashmiri people", they will continue to carry out the attacks.

They were also responsible for the attacks held out in Varanasi in march this year!

Source: Sify
Some mad news channel said 'Lashkar-E-Qahhar' did'nt do it, i'm not sure but, who ever it was has killed so many people for ne reason, now that's sad.
usy, all these suicides bombings, planted bombings and all the other kinds of bombings which happen in the middle of the day in trains, Subways, Buses, do you think they die because of a reason? NO! Because in all those trains, Subways, Buses there are only innocent people, normal people going to there jobs, I mean come on Geroge W.Bush wont go in trains, Subways, Buses so they can have a reason that oh look Bush is going in a train! Bomb it!
Ritwik said:
Lets also include the Parliament attack in December 2001 in New Delhi, the Madrid bombings, hostage-crisis in Russia, blasts in chechnya and 7/7 blasts in London last year. Plus countless acts of terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

You can also add the state sponsored Israeli terrorism against Lebanon.
jdbais said:
You can also add the state sponsored Israeli terrorism against Lebanon.

this is one thing i agree with you.

Its unwanted aggression from Israel. They already have enough foes around them, they're just inviting the wrath of few more suicide attacks etc.
The DNA front page today claimed that there were 14 "couriers" who performed the crime, working in pairs. They were supposedly dressed formally so that they would blend into the first class crowd (go figure... I think terrorists are intelligent enough that they would do something like that... sometimes the newspaper reporting sucks).

It was supposedly set up in such a way that the two would get off at subsequent stations. So if someone noticed one person leaving behind their briefcase (which contained the bomb) the other would claim it was theirs. I don't know what their plan was if even the second person left with the briefcase still there and someone noticed.

There was also one woman. And apparently the mastermind fled the country through the international airport that night, despite security measures being in place. Seems like a security failure, as earlier reports in the paper suggested that a few arrested terrorists had warned the investigators that such a bomb blast was being planned and that there were many sleeper cells ready in Mumbai to attack on command.

Also, the chief of police said that there was a possibility of politicians being involved in the blasts.
sohummisra said:
Also, the chief of police said that there was a possibility of politicians being involved in the blasts.

Good to see that they have finally got the guts to make statements like that.
sohummisra said:
Also, the chief of police said that there was a possibility of politicians being involved in the blasts.
huh ? Politicians belonging to which part of the political spectrum and involvement to what extent? Politicians in India or those abroad ? That is a very open ended statement, which raises a lot more questions than it answers. And with most middle-class Indians' apathy towards politicians, it'll quickly be accepted as the gospel truth.
m_vaughan said:
Good to see that they have finally got the guts to make statements like that.
He was immediately reprimanded and scolded for revealing information such as that, without consulting the higher authorities.

ritwik said:
huh ? Politicians belonging to which part of the political spectrum and involvement to what extent? Politicians in India or those abroad ? That is a very open ended statement, which raises a lot more questions than it answers. And with most middle-class Indians' apathy towards politicians, it'll quickly be accepted as the gospel truth.
Local politicians. PN Pasricha did not provide too much more information. You can try googling it or check ndtv.com for more news on the same.
Okay lets get it clear, by "local politicians" do you mean the Shiv Sena mafia ?

I will be looking at NDTV.com but there was nothing to this effect in any of their channels as far as I can remember.
Ritwik said:
Okay lets get it clear, by "local politicians" do you mean the Shiv Sena mafia ?

I will be looking at NDTV.com but there was nothing to this effect in any of their channels as far as I can remember.
Unfortunately, I cannot read beyond the words presented by Pasricha, and hence I cannot answer your question. The best thing would be to dig around the news, or call him up personally. :)

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