7/11 Mumbai shocked with serial train bomb-blasts

Since this Pasricha chap has not mentioned anything concrete, either he's just making up stuff to sell more newspapers (since DNA has been launched only recently in what is considered a stronghold of the Times of India) or he's too scared to talk, which is sad for all of us.
I believe that article was published in ToI. I'll see if I still have the old newspaper lying around somwhere.
Ritwik said:
Since this Pasricha chap has not mentioned anything concrete, either he's just making up stuff to sell more newspapers (since DNA has been launched only recently in what is considered a stronghold of the Times of India) or he's too scared to talk, which is sad for all of us.
its hard to judge these newspapers, or agencies, they are not very reliable. Its better to listen to reports from people who are directly involved with the investigation.
cricket_lover said:
its hard to judge these newspapers, or agencies, they are not very reliable. Its better to listen to reports from people who are directly involved with the investigation.
On the same token, the people who are directly involved with the investigation will be tight-lipped, and may even dilute the facts just to protect the interests of the ruling party.
sohummisra said:
On the same token, the people who are directly involved with the investigation will be tight-lipped, and may even dilute the facts just to protect the interests of the ruling party.
ATS, Anti-Terrorism Squad don't work for politicians. Its a seperate institution. They collaborate with other intelligence agencies, like RAW and CBI. They've arrested many politicians before, so they will not try to dilute/mislead any matter to the media or the public.
cricket_lover said:
ATS, Anti-Terrorism Squad don't work for politicians. Its a seperate institution. They collaborate with other intelligence agencies, like RAW and CBI. They've arrested many politicians before, so they will not try to dilute/mislead any matter to the media or the public.
That is your opinion and I respect that. But I will not agree that political influences have no reach whatsoever over the ATS. They may technically be out of hand of politics (such as the head of the financial institutions--forgot what they're called) but politicians will find a way to nuzzle their way into and out of anything.
manee said:
First 9/11, then 7/7 and now 7/11. There is a sick pattern about this

dont forget 10/11 (Bali bombings) they were absoloutly terrible, a friend of mine was staying 50m away from the blasts :eek:
Ritwik said:
Although your argument has its merits, it seems that the latest terrorist strikes in Mumbai and Srinagar were carried out to deflect the world's attention from the farcical "elections" held in the Pakistani part of Kashmir on the same day. Parties and candidates for an independent Kashmir were not allowed to contest, no non-muslims were allowed to contest and voter turnout was 5%.

Democracy, military-junta style for you!
Sounds like you're blaming Pakistani government. And 5%? I read different. Source?
nightprowler10 said:
Sounds like you're blaming Pakistani government. And 5%? I read different. Source?
From a editorial page article by Vikram Sood in the Hindustan Times a couple of days after the Mumbai warnings. The HT website should have the article I think.

And apart from the voter turnout, I think you'll be better advised to find out how many of the candidates who contested stood for the notion of an "autonomous" Kashmir and how many women were allowed to contest.

If you read my post carefully, I've refrained from blaming whatever government exists in Pakistan (I do stand by the "military" comment however). I've only raised the possibility that elements who do not want the world to get an accurate representation of the situation in "azad" Kashmir might have been involved in this situation. You really can't blame me for talking without a lead, since the Pakistan Foreign Minister Kasuri also linked the blasts with the Kashmir issue, to general outrage.
Ritwik said:
From a editorial page article by Vikram Sood in the Hindustan Times a couple of days after the Mumbai warnings. The HT website should have the article I think.

And apart from the voter turnout, I think you'll be better advised to find out how many of the candidates who contested stood for the notion of an "autonomous" Kashmir and how many women were allowed to contest.

If you read my post carefully, I've refrained from blaming whatever government exists in Pakistan (I do stand by the "military" comment however). I've only raised the possibility that elements who do not want the world to get an accurate representation of the situation in "azad" Kashmir might have been involved in this situation. You really can't blame me for talking without a lead, since the Pakistan Foreign Minister Kasuri also linked the blasts with the Kashmir issue, to general outrage.

Well what Kasuri did was stupid. If people didn't think Pakistan had a hand in this, they will now. From what I read he was just expressing his opinion, but you have to be careful what you say when you're in that position. As for the notion of Pakistani government being behind the attacks, I seriously doubt that we have a good enough reason left to risk stalling the peace talks with India. Quite frankly, we can't afford to, it'd be a huge loss, financial and diplomatic.

Musharraf's military ways have raised my eye brows quite a few times, but to be brutally honest, his ways are much less dictatorial than our "democratic" governments of the recent past. Until he has done what he has set out to do with the domestic structure, I'd have him over anybody else.

I unfortunately have to rely on either Pakistani or Indian sources for my news about AJK, both of which are extremely biased, so I really have no comment on what goes on in either side of the LoC.

As for the 5%, I raised a question because I read different from a neutral source, and believe me when I tell you I have been trying like hell to find it.
nightprowler10 said:
As for the notion of Pakistani government being behind the attacks, I seriously doubt that we have a good enough reason left to risk stalling the peace talks with India. Quite frankly, we can't afford to, it'd be a huge loss, financial and diplomatic.

It is obviously in Pakistan's interest to have peace with India , but you must also know that in Pakistan the military and the military-intellegence groupings are very powerful (they've ruled the country for more than half of its entire existence!) - and they derive a very vast chunk of their political, military and idelogical power from fomenting hatred against India. In both countries, there are groups who have a vested interest in not allowing peace to develop, in spite of overwhelming desire for peace amongst the common populace on both sides of the border. Only difference is that in India these groups largely occupy the political fringes, while their counterparts in Pakistan are calling the shots.

nightprowler10 said:
Musharraf's military ways have raised my eye brows quite a few times, but to be brutally honest, his ways are much less dictatorial than our "democratic" governments of the recent past. Until he has done what he has set out to do with the domestic structure, I'd have him over anybody else.


nightprowler10 said:
As for the 5%, I raised a question because I read different from a neutral source, and believe me when I tell you I have been trying like hell to find it.

It is difficult to find a neutral source, since the elections were conducted by the military and I don't think international observers were allowed even though it is a disputed territory. However, the lack of women candidates and those who support autonomy should give you a fairly good idea of the nature of the polls.
isnt this thread provoking terrorism?

well anyways, it doesnt matter, you know the diwali blasts in new delhi were sick. I was in the sarojni nagar market when the blast happened . I even fell down due to a stampede. But i thanks god that i was safe.

Now these sick bombay blasts. My sister travels daily from the same train at the same time, fortunately she came earlier that day.

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