!!! A Must Download For Everybody !!!

Jarryd said:
I installed it, and it seems the ball is flying toward the boundary much faster. Might just be that on that computer I haven't installed an AI patch yet. But still, it seems to run away much quicker.

I did a wierd thing for my friend. He has an in built ATi Radeon card on his laptop. He updated the DirectX that Tutsi has given and the outfields in England appear in light and dark green!

Will ask him to post screenshots.
well, like a few other people have said here, maybe its all in the mind, but i dont think it improved mine at all. which i was surprised at because i have a low end graphics card (geforce 4 mx 440) but hey its nice to be running the latest direct x ;)
I don't own Cricket 2005. But I think tutsi is probably correct in the way he says that it makes the game play differently. This is due to poor programming.

I remember in Cricket 2004, changing the detail in game would change how the game played. Basically, upping the frame rate meant by decreasing the detail would mean that the 'keepers would let less byes through for me.

Also, I never suffered the run-out bug which other people have. I believe that this is simply due to poor programming by HB, and that some of the physics and other game calculations work by counting the number of frames passed or something.
I downloaded and installed it and I must say I got a few more edges.
see, i told u guys.

this for something real,maybe not worked for all but i suppose it surely worked for many like myself..........like i said....we can take it as an un-official ea patch..;)
Jarryd said:
I installed it, and it seems the ball is flying toward the boundary much faster. Might just be that on that computer I haven't installed an AI patch yet. But still, it seems to run away much quicker.

same here

i have thespins realistic gameplay patch v1 installed

anyone else know why this is?
It should affect BLIC slightly on the graphical terms however i think it runs on a different system where the PC specs don't affect the actual gameplay. As for Cricket 2005 misfields, run outs, field speed and edges can all be affected by the accuracy and channels available int the graphics card.
I come back to planetcricket.org after a few months and bam ! what do i see ?
Another brilliant useful post by tutsipoppy.
I'll download it tonight and try it and see if it helps. here's my config -

Win XP SP2. DirectX 9c - earlier edition
AMD64 3700+, ATI All-in-wonder Radeon 8500 128MB, SATA 300GB Maxtor HDD, 1024 MB memory.

Lets see if it helps. Fraps tells me my current fps is 59-60 which is great. Don't have that many edges, lets see if this improves.

Wonder if it has do something with the DirectX API's being changed that're affecting the game.... meaning its really causing unwanted effect in cricket 2005, like a bug of some sort.... however, we're seeing it as edges, more swing,seam etc. ? which is great for us.
Obviously cricket 2005 was released way before this DirectX version, so its probably nothing with Cricket 2005 code in this case, dunno. I think the DirectX API's have some big changes in it. Perhaps they'll affect other games too.
Or maybe its just provides a boost for older cards by providing more optimization or activating features that weren't fully active when cricket 2005 was written.
I'm not a programmer so I cannot say but these are my speculations
From looking at other games (FIFA, NFS:MW, WSC) i can see no difference so i think it might be a purposeful thing EA put into the game. They probally tested the game on identical computers so they couldn't see much difference. It was probally on of the only ways they could get edges etc. One thing i have noticed in the past... just as a shot is about to be caught if i went to the pause screen when i returned to the game immediatly the catch was dropped. This didn't happen every time however it was a bit too much of a coincidence. This might have of been because of a delay in frames.

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