Afl 2009

Good onya faggots. Pay out a team because they lost in the GF. There so ████. I can't believe they only got as far as the Grand Final!

We`re ████ when we made the Grand Final? Wtf? What happened when Geelong lost last year after having a stellar season? I dont see anyone calling them bloody chokers. Jesus Christ.
Exactly, we, as Saints supporters are proud of our team`s effort, though it`d be nice if we actually got some credit for our hard work, and not bad attempts at a joke by people like blake.
LOL next year Troy, you can bag the ████ out of us when you guys win it next year.
We are Geelong, the greatest team of all
We are Geelong; we’re always on the ball
We play the game as it should be played
At home or far away
Our banners fly high, from dawn to dark
Down at Kardinia Park
Crack-up! God, thats so funny i nearly forgot that Melbourne are proud owners of the wooden spoon.
Haha all cock heads. The lot of ya.

Saints were so unlucky. Wanted them to win so bad. Had their hand on the cup but it was snatched away from them in the last 4 minutes.

Amazing crowd. 99,000 at the game on a day where the wind chill was -2, with rain and hail.
That would be funny Covvy if he was actually running away, even I would laugh. However, everybody already knows that he's just leading away from the ball into space - you can see him and Lade both looking backwards whilst they run, checking for the ball - Morton is just having a run.

I'm happy to cop sledging. I take it with a smile. It's just kinda funny how some people get all hysterical and start raging when you give them one thing.
You gotta cop it when it comes your way. I've heard so many Ben cousins jokes it's not funny:p

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